Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 876

Hermes and Rhea walked into the Seven Star Mountain, and a similar feeling appeared on the Olympia mountain.

The sense of stagnation in the vacuum zone is nothing in the personality of Hermes and Rhea, but Hermes is curious about the source of this feeling. He doesn\'t know much about cleus, the God of celestial bodies.

But Rhea knew his brother very well.

"He\'s still alive, really alive!" Rhea, who had been out of battle for a long time, suddenly became alert.

It seems that among the early Titans, cleus has great strength, which at least makes Rhea very afraid, but why did he disappear later?

Zeus\' revision of history was so serious that Hermes knew little about the real history, but he knew that the seven star mountain was no longer on the ground. If this was not done by cleus, was it done by Manda?

Does Manda know the skills of the celestial God?

Does Manda have this power?

If cleus did it, the pattern of the gods would change again, and cleus might become another force that can not be underestimated.

They walked through the fog for a long time, and the smell of Cronus was getting closer and closer. Rhea wanted to rush to Cronus immediately, but was stopped by Hermes several times.

"Don\'t be rash. Cronus is suppressing his breath. He seems to be avoiding strong enemies."

"My father is here?"

Hermes shook his head and said, "I don\'t feel the breath of the Lord of punishment."

"That\'s cleus!" Rhea looked around and said, "pay attention to your feet. If you feel abnormal, leave your place immediately, or you will be dominated by him!"

Hermes stepped on his flying boots and left the ground: "is this leaving the place?"

Rhea shook her head and said, "you are still under the control of the celestial body. If you want to escape from the control of the celestial body, you can either destroy cleus\'s mark or hide as far as possible."

"What does cleus look like?"

"It used to look strange, but now it\'s hard to say. I haven\'t seen him for a long time. He may have changed a lot."

"Some things should not change. Should he be a male god?"

"It used to be, but now it\'s hard to say..."

Follow the breath of Cronus to the foot of chest star mountain, and they see Cronus.

Cronus was kneeling in front of a girl at the moment.

Although I was very excited to see Cronus, this picture hit Rhea a a little.

Why did Cronus kneel down to a woman? Rhea couldn\'t figure out why.

He wanted to rush into Cronus\' arms, but Cronus shouted, "don\'t come!"

Rhea looked at Cronus with tears in her eyes.

Cronus shouted, "listen, step back, don\'t ask for a fight!"

Hermes admired that this was a real couple. After ten thousand years, Cronus sounded like they had never been separated.

The balance girl stood in front of Cronus, gnashing her teeth and said, "I should kill you. Although this body can\'t defeat you, I can still kill you."

"Of course you can kill me, but it doesn\'t change anything."

"Is this your last word?"

"I was helpless at that time, and now I\'m trying my best to make compensation."

"How do you want to compensate?"

"The new God King is right behind you. He is the master of Olympia. You can find him to compensate!"

The balance girl looked back at Hermes: "is it you?"

Hermes stepped back and said, "look what you\'re going to ask."

Is this the powerful figure hidden in the seven star mountain? Why can\'t you feel her breath at all?

"Come here!"

"I\'m not going!" Hermes looked at Cronus. Cronus still knelt on the ground and said nothing.

"Who are you?" the balance girl looked at Rhea.

Rhea pointed to Cronus and said, "I am his woman!"

"Good! You will be punished, too!"

Cronus quickly shouted, "it has nothing to do with her. Grievances have a head and debts have a owner. Just look for the owner of Olympia!"

The balance girl shouted, "you go together, I\'m not afraid!"

It\'s really arrogant. Even the Lord of divine punishment has no assurance of facing Cronus and Hermes at the same time, let alone a Rhea.

"The girl is very cheerful, I appreciate it," said Hermes. "Since the girls say so, we don\'t have to be polite."

Hermes and Rhea planned to fight, but Cronus didn\'t move. He seemed to have something to hide.

The balance girl suddenly disappeared. When she appeared again, she had come behind Hermes.

So fast! Hermes was surprised that someone in the world was faster than him.

The attack of Tianping girl was still simple. She kicked behind Hermes. Hermes dodged and waved a double snake staff to fight back.

Their speed was so fast that even Rhea couldn\'t see their bodies clearly. She couldn\'t help but exclaim: "Hermes has surpassed the eighth order."

"OK!" Cronus exclaimed. "Let\'s go."

"Go!" RIA was stunned. "Go now?"

"When else?"

Rhea promised Hermes to make an alliance with Cronus, and now he will run away as soon as the war begins?

Rhea is Gaia\'s daughter and the second generation queen. He can\'t leave without saying a word!

"Wait until I tell him!"

As soon as Rhea came forward, the balance girl suddenly appeared behind Rhea. Cronus couldn\'t go now.

He rushed to the balance girl, bumped Rhea aside, stepped back and took out a huge sickle.

Rhea was shocked and Hermes was stunned. Cronus fought with the Lord of divine punishment for many times, but he never easily took out the sickle. Unexpectedly, in the first war today, Cronus directly offered his killer mace.

Balance girl looked Numb: "it\'s this thing again."

Has she seen Cronus\'s sickle?

Cronus held up his sickle and said, "I don\'t want to do this. I really don\'t want to. Today\'s battle is over."

"I\'m not afraid, you do it!" the balance girl didn\'t use the skill of instant disappearance. She went straight to Cronus and seemed to lose her desire to win and survive.

But Cronus seemed unable to bear to do it. He kept retreating.

"If you don\'t do it, I\'m not polite!" the balance was about to rush to Cronus, when a blue smoke shrouded around.

Hermes danced a pair of snake sticks and summoned hundreds of bodies, each with lightning lingering in his hand.

With a roar, Rhea rolled up a piece of soil and gravel around and turned into a dozen huge soil soldiers.

Cronus quickly put away his sickle.

Rhea whispered, "what are you doing with the sickle now?"

"Calm down, you must calm down. If he takes the sickle, it will be over."

In the blue smoke, the Lord of divine punishment appeared behind the balance girl.

Just as Tianping was about to turn back, she was hugged by the Lord of punishment.

I don\'t know what skills he used. The balance girl lost all her strength in a moment, hung her head and let God punish her.

The Lord of divine punishment looked at the crowd, and his sharp voice burst his eardrum.

Hermes and Cronus did not take the initiative to attack. The Lord of divine punishment laughed wildly for a moment and disappeared with the balance girl.

He\'s gone?

Where have you been?

Rhea felt the changes on the ground and said to Cronus, "he soared. It\'s cleus\'s flying skill. He can\'t be wrong."

Cronus shook his head: "impossible. How could he learn the skills of cleus?"

Hermes said, "it seems that cleus is really reborn. He has taken refuge in the Lord of divine punishment, and not only him, but also the woman. She is so powerful that she should easily kill nearly twenty angels. Now she also falls into the hand of the Lord of divine punishment."

Rhea said to Cronus, "I know I missed a lot of things. I dare not give you any advice, but I believe you will make the right choice."

Cronus turned to Hermes and said, "you believe in fair trade. You should understand that I can\'t have absolute trust in you."

"Absolute trust is too extravagant," Hermes shook his head. "I never expected it."

"You brought my woman. First tell me what you want from me?"

"I want to know who the woman was just now. You know her. She has mastered your fatal weakness."

"A reasonable request," Cronus said slowly, "he is CAOS, to be exact, a part of CAOS."

"CAOS?" Hermes was surprised. "Didn\'t CAOS split into gods at the beginning of the creation?"

"What separates the gods is his body. What you just saw is part of his soul."