Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 863

Madessa and bucken had refused to fight with Bai Zhao, but this was the first time they encountered red anger.

Red fury is good at using fire. Fire is good for Martha.

Madessa is going to kill Chi rongnu first, and then join hands with bucken to deal with Bai zhaorefused.

But he was wrong.

First of all, Chi Chi\'s anger has the same strength as Bai Zhao\'s refusal, and it\'s not so easy to deal with.

Moreover, Chiyu Nu didn\'t intend to separate from Baizhao to resist the enemy. They didn\'t intend to leave any hope for the angels from the beginning.

Bai Zhao refused to shout: "the sage said that if three people walk, there must be my teacher. I am more modest than the sage. If two people walk, there will be my teacher. Choose the good and follow it, and change the bad. Which of you is bad? I will change it!"

Both madesar and bucken couldn\'t understand Bai Zhaoshi\'s words, but Chi rongnu understood them very well.

The six flames first circled bucken twice and then around madesa twice. Suddenly, the dialogue refused to drink: "he\'s not good!"

Bai Zhao refused to drink: "change!"

With a roar, Martha dazzled and tinnitus, but bucken didn\'t respond.

Bai Zhao refused to grasp madessa\'s hair from behind and shouted, "the sage says that knowing mistakes can change, and it\'s great to be good!"

Madessa wanted to break away from Bai zhaorefu\'s arm, but found that Bai zhaorefu\'s arm was like sticking to his back. He couldn\'t shake it off.

Bai Zhao refused and said, "the sage said that it is wrong to pass without changing!"

Madessa wanted to incarnate into the flame and get rid of the control of Bai Zhaojun, but he found that he could not use skills, even if he burned himself with Liuyan.

At the moment, six flames had rushed up and shuttled repeatedly in Martha\'s body. Martha\'s mouth smoked and his internal organs were roasted.

Although Martha is a God and will not die, it takes time to recover. He lies on the ground and won\'t move.

Bai Zhao refused to sneer and said, "it\'s useless. The sage\'s words and gentlemen don\'t have weapons. Gentlemen won\'t value people like you!" (the sage doesn\'t mean that)

During this period, bucken always wanted to help, but he was restrained by white recruit rejection, and he couldn\'t find a chance to do it.

Now he had a chance. He shot twice and was refused by Bai Zhao. Bai Zhao refused to ask, "is this man good?"

Chi Chi Nu replied, "it\'s not very good!"

"Change it together!"

Bai Zhao refused to hold back bucken: "you certainly don\'t understand the meaning of the sage\'s saying that a gentleman is considerate but not considerate, and a villain is considerate but not considerate. I\'ll teach you that a gentleman does things well, so don\'t compare them. It\'s villains who like to compare, and villains don\'t do things well!" (the sage really doesn\'t mean that)

Under the control of Bai zhaorefu, bucken was burned with red anger. He was about to give up his body, but he saw Bai zhaorefu suddenly release a piece of lightning, which destroyed one of bucken\'s eyes hidden nearby.

"As I said before, you are a villain. Do you think your plan is very comprehensive? In fact, there are many mistakes."

Bucken wanted to change another body. As soon as his soul came out of the body, he was rejected by Bai Zhao, and another eye was burned in the weeds.

Red anger is not only destroying bucken\'s body, but also burning his soul. Dozens of eyes around him have been burned one after another. Bucken can\'t find the eyes to escape.

If he is roasted like this, bucken will fall into a deep sleep and even suffer fatal damage to his soul. However, Chi Chi\'s anger is not slow and keeps adjusting the fire. It seems that he doesn\'t want to kill bucken directly.

He seems to be doing some kind of test to test bucken\'s tolerance limit.

Bucken\'s soul is roastable because there are many souls wrapped in it.

But bucken couldn\'t get out of the dilemma. Layers of souls turned into smoke under the baking, and soon it was his turn.

Madesa suddenly jumped up and turned into a stream of inflammation, forcing Bai Zhao to refuse.

Bai Zhao refused to summon the strong wind and dispersed the Liuyan. Madesa was very happy. Bai Zhao refused to deal with the mistake, which obviously helped him.

He took advantage of the wind to escape with bucken\'s soul.

When he left, he heard Chiyu shout angrily, "listen, two stupid slaves, Haotian God protects the Seven Star Mountain, dare to come here again, and ask you to die without a burial place!"

Chiyu turned into a human and laughed at the onlookers: "I\'m late, but I\'ve made you suffer. We are close friends with your Lord. It\'s a trivial matter. We don\'t have to thank me. We really don\'t have to thank me!"

After laughing, he found Medusa.

Medusa just joined the war. She killed several eyes of bucken in the dark and tried to turn madesa directly into stone. Unfortunately, she couldn\'t find a chance.

Chi Chi angrily came forward and said, "little pump mother, but still be my grandmother?"

Medusa smiled, leaned over and saluted, "I offended you just now. Please forgive me for my recklessness and rudeness."

Everyone was startled, and even holna, who was seriously injured, was stunned.

Medusa offered to apologize? Such a thing can never happen in this world.

Chiyu said angrily with a smile: "we have no malice to come here. We just want to meet our old friends. Girl, please give me a way!"

Medusa struggled to understand Chi\'s anger and tried to respond with the same tone: "I know you all have good intentions, but your old friend is really not here. To tell the truth, I don\'t know where he went. It\'s not so easy to see him."

"That\'s all," Chi Chi angrily sighed, "since the master\'s house is not here, we\'ll leave now. In the future, thieves will do evil. You call Haotian God\'s name, and we\'ll come along!"

Bai Zhaojun and Chi rongnu turn around and leave. Chi rongnu asks Bai Zhaojun in qingus: "how was the war?"

Bai Zhao refused to answer, "it was a good fight, but it was worse afterwards."

"What\'s the difference?" Chi Xuan was very angry. He said everything afterwards.

"In the south of the Yangtze River, there is an excellent fragrant beaver tail brush, which is called Shenghua dream pen. Do you know it?"

Chi Chi angrily said impatiently, "what did you say just now, but what brush?"

Bai Zhao refused to mention the brush: "the process of making the brush is really not simple. We should choose a good civet tail hair as the pen head, a good phoenix eye bamboo as the pen holder, and the basin Kung Fu of a pen (the process of making the brush) , it takes less than three days, more than half a month. Every hair has to be poured with painstaking efforts. I have worked hard and made such a pen. Unfortunately, the pen will fall off as soon as I write. Why do you say? "

Chi Chi blinked angrily and said, "why?"

"Because this is not big enough!"

Chi Chi\'s anger suddenly realized, "isn\'t it big enough?"

Bai Zhao refused to shake his head and said, "not enough! It\'s far away!"


Looking at their distant backs, Medusa looked at the Sphinx.

Sphinx put away his injured wings and pulled up holna lying on the ground: "come with me and I\'ll heal you."

Pluto said, "give her to me. You\'d better not walk around. I\'ll help you deal with the wound on your wing."

"You want to use witchcraft on me?"

"You can\'t trust me. The goddess will come later."

"Kalke? What goddess is she? What\'s the difference between her and you?"

Sphinx took holna and left. Pluto could ignore Sphinx, but not holna. He was about to come forward, but Medusa grabbed his skirt: "leave her alone. She knows what to do, and she won\'t hurt holna. Why didn\'t kalke come to the war?"

Pluto quickly explained: "the goddess lives on the right-wing mountain. She came when she received the news, but the road is a little far..."

Medusa smiled: "distance is nothing to her. She just doesn\'t want to help. We\'re in big trouble this time."

Stanley covered his chest and asked hard, "how did bucken sneak in? Why did he become so strong? What are the origins of those two people?"

Medusa shook her head and said, "I can\'t tell. I\'m afraid only Manda knows. I\'m afraid these two people won\'t go far."


Manda is now in the cabin, which is more than 30000 feet high.

For a period of time, he lost consciousness. He felt that his soul had left his body. If he was not trapped in the celestial body and couldn\'t fly out, his soul might have reached the underworld.

Since the release of pan, Manda\'s fingers began to fester. As a demigod, his fatal weakness was in his little finger, just like Achilles\' heel. When the little finger was rotten enough to expose the bone, Manda also fell into a coma.

Fortunately, he chose an absolutely safe place to survive the disaster. At his weakest moment, no one can find him on the celestial body. If he really can\'t survive, it can be regarded as a good tomb.

But the celestial God didn\'t want to turn this place into a grave. He saved Manda.

Manda woke up from a coma and felt the sharp pain in her fingers relieved.

"Tell me, what happened?" asked the celestial God.

"After I became a demigod, my finger became the only weakness. Now my finger is hurt and I\'m dying," Manda answered truthfully.

"Why did you hurt your finger? As far as I know, your finger is very hard."

"That\'s the main reason. My fingers are out of my control because they don\'t belong to me."

"Who did they belong to?"

Manda looked up at the ceiling and blinked, "Watson, you found a blind spot."

"Who is Watson?"

"I can\'t tell you."

"How can I save you if I don\'t tell me anything?"

"If you don\'t save me, just watch me die."

A cold wind blew, and Manda could feel the anger of the celestial God.

"You don\'t deserve it, you don\'t deserve it, you know?" roared the God of celestial bodies. "Why should I bet all my bets on you, and why should I participate in such a crazy gamble."

Manda smiled, "that\'s because you met the best gambler. It\'s my talent to lead people into the game."

A spit spat down and washed Manda\'s body.

After the saliva, there was blood. Cleus, the God of celestial bodies, sprinkled a lot of blood on Manda.