Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 748

In the palace of the beauty God, pan took a water jar and served the beauty God to bathe.

When the beauty God dried his body and put on his coat, pan God dared to say business.

In front of Aphrodite, no one dared to mention ares easily. The God of beauty is striving for the throne of Queen of heaven. Now it is typical to mention the romantic debt of that year.

Fortunately, Aphrodite liked pan very much and listened to him carefully.

Caves in barren mountains... Aphrodite reviewed his memories of Ares. It seems that none of them has anything to do with barren mountains.

However, he had some thoughts about ares\'s Rebirth: "when Ares and I were caught in the golden net, when things were over, Ares became angry and ran to the earth to massacre craftsmen, which was regarded as revenge for Hephaestus."

Pan Shen nodded and said, "I also know this. Finally, Zeus persuaded Ares."

"You are wrong. Zeus did not persuade Ares. He persuaded Hephaestus."

Pan Shen was stunned: "can you say that ares..."

"Yes, in his anger, Hephaestus also went to the mortal world, fought with Ares, and Ares lost again," Aphrodite blinked her beautiful eyes and recalled the rumors of that time, "I haven\'t seen that battle. Except Zeus and Hera, the gods on the mountain have never seen it. Only Apollo knows something. He has healed both sides. Hephaestus has only suffered a little skin trauma, and Ares\'s soul is incomplete."

"The soul is incomplete?" Pan Shen\'s ears trembled. "Is this some kind of metaphor?"

"It\'s not a metaphor, it\'s really incomplete. Under the heavy blow of hehuaistos, one quarter of Ares\'s soul has been left in the world. It\'s precisely because of this quarter of his soul that he has so many believers in the world. Can you say..."

Pan Shen sorted out his thoughts: "does it mean that the quarter soul of Ares was sent to Olympia and sealed in the deep mountains?"

Aphrodite clenched his chin and frowned: "although Zeus hated ares on the surface, it was his legitimate son after all. It was likely that Zeus took away the residual soul of Ares, but why sealed it in the deep mountains... Did the residual soul become stronger? So powerful that Zeus was afraid of it?"

Pan\'s hair stood up: "I must stop Hera at once!"

"Wait, you can\'t go."

"Why not?"

"Hera did nothing wrong. You can\'t provoke him without reason!"

"Ares betrayed the order controller, who executed him, but Hera tried to revive Ares. Isn\'t it wrong?"

"Did you see Ares?"

"Isn\'t that obvious enough!" Pan Shen was a little excited. "Can\'t it be considered as conclusive evidence until ares overturned Olympia?"

"Do you think it\'s obvious? I\'ll tell you what\'s obvious now. Hera is mining. In the past, she was a noble Queen and a coolie. He obviously deserves sympathy. Now she stopped him and humiliated him. She won\'t even let him do the mining business. This is an obvious bullying!"

"You worry too much," Pan Shen shook his head. "There are always people who want to solve the problem. As long as they can stop ares from coming back, I am willing to bear the curse."

Aphrodite suddenly got up, and the majesty of the LORD God filled the whole temple: "pan, you have been on earth for too long. You are used to solving problems in your way. Maybe you have forgotten the rules of Olympia."

"I always remember the rules on the mountain, so I don\'t even have the courage to revive. It is because of these stupid rules that we fall into today\'s situation!"

Pan turned and left. Aphrodite wiped his sweat and sighed, "the child is a little stubborn, or Manda is obedient. Pan, tell you what to do first?"

Pan Shen said, "seal the whole mountain with the strongest border. No one can get close to it until his father comes back."

This is tantamount to depriving Hera of the right to mine, which is tantamount to depriving Hera of the right to make a living, which is tantamount to bullying a poor widow. In the future, there will be a story of bullying the queen of the second generation on Olympia, which will not only make pan notorious, but also shake Hermes\'s rule.

But it\'s no use using these words to dissuade pan. Pan just wants to solve the problem.

Moreover, he is right to do so. The problem must be solved as soon as possible. If the residual soul really scares Zeus, coupled with ares\'s cruel temperament, it is really possible to turn over Olympia!

"I\'ll go with you," Aphrodite changed into a military uniform. "We have to make sure if ares is in the mine. If she has brought ares back to the temple, we\'ll seal the barren mountain in vain?"

Pan twisted his beard and said, "I ignored this..."

Aphrodite stood in front of pan and said solemnly, "do you really think of me as a queen in your heart?"

Pan Shen nodded and said, "you fought side by side with your father. No one is more qualified to be a queen than you."

"Good!" Aphrodite touched Pan\'s head. "Call me mother."

"You... Why?"

"Just whisper once!"

"I," Pan Shen said, gnashing his teeth, "I agree in my heart, but I really can\'t speak."

"If you were Manda, it would be very simple. Forget it, you would like to recognize it in your heart!" Aphrodite\'s eyes showed cold light, his murderous face was cold and handsome, and he was moved by pan.

Aphrodite said, "remember, your mother fought side by side with you. You should obey your mother\'s orders and never go your own way."

Pan Shen promised to come down and they went to the mine.

Pan made all the preparations, but there was no rust smell in the mine cave described by Callisto.

"You\'re right," Pan shook his head. "Hera has taken Ares. We have to hurry to Hera\'s temple or ares\'s temple."

"Don\'t worry," Aphrodite wiped the sweat on his face. "Do you think it\'s hot here?"

"Hot? It\'s not so hot. Here, the ventilation is very good..."

Pan was stuttering because Aphrodite was taking off his robe.

"My man, strong man, great man, why do we come to this place? When can you sit on the throne of the Lord of the gods, so that we don\'t have to escape the eyes of others."

The war robes faded one by one, and there was nothing left on Aphrodite.

"Female, goddess, you may have misunderstood something. As you said, my respect for you is like treating my mother."

Aphrodite did not consider Pan\'s feelings at all, and still kept posing provocatively: "look at me and forget your arrogant father."

Pan Shen shook his head and said, "I dare not forget."

"Forget the evil eyes of the gods."

"I dare not forget."

"Forget my ugly, stupid husband."

"You, your husband?" pan YILENG, it seems that Aphrodite is not talking to him.

"My man, look at me, you know how much I miss, you know how much I want."

The smell of rust floated into his nostrils, and Aphrodite made a gesture to pan God to lift their power restrictions.

Pan Shen was looking for a regular gap. A powerful voice came from the depths of the mine: "your husband humiliated me."

Aphrodite perspired more and more: "he humiliated me too, but it doesn\'t matter. No one can tear us apart!"

"I\'ll kill him first and then find you!" the voice grew louder and louder.

"Why bother him? Am I not as important as him?" Aphrodite looked at Pan anxiously. Pan staggered his hands and finally untied the restrictions of the rules.

Aphrodite summoned a huge pearl and threw it deep into the cave.

Not long after, a loud noise came, and the white pearl powder flew out with rust.

"You do it to me?" with a huge roar, a rusty carriage sped from the depths of the mine and directly knocked over pan. Aphrodite blocked the carriage with both hands and shouted, "that pearl is my gift to you!"

He looked at pan and asked him to find a way out of the cave.

Pan came to the cave, but found himself unable to go out.

A barrier was triggered. The color of the barrier became darker and darker, blocking the light outside the mine and the retreat of pan and Aphrodite.

Rihra, who was lying in the temple of heaven, had a palpitation in her heart and succeeded in his trap.

"Hermes, you play with my son."