Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 744

There are some things that you can\'t understand no matter how you think.

For example, the matter at hand.

The leader of the holy hermit is Hermes.

Manda stepped back a few steps and nearly stepped on guatel\'s trap.

"Surprise? Do you feel very surprised?" the son of heaven looked at Manda with his head tilted and suddenly laughed, "my child, I didn\'t expect it to be me, ha ha ha!"

"I didn\'t expect, I didn\'t expect, ha ha ha!" seeing Hermes\'s smile, Manda couldn\'t help laughing, and her nose burst out with tears.

Now is not the time to laugh. First, we have to find out the current situation. What is Hermes\'s purpose? Will he suddenly kill himself?

Manda\'s worry is not unreasonable. The son of heaven suddenly rushed to Manda. Manda ran away, but the speed of the son of heaven is higher than him.

To make matters worse, Manda kept laughing and couldn\'t stop, which seriously affected his speed.

The son of heaven quickly caught up, pulled out his knife and cut behind him.

Manda suffered pain, but this was only a skin injury. He should have continued to run away, but he suddenly turned around and cut Hermes\'s face with his golden finger.

This is entirely from the Jurassic instinct. If you blindly escape when being chased by small and medium-sized carnivorous dinosaurs, you have to wait to be bitten to death by the other party. However, a fierce counterattack is enough to scare the other party.

This move is effective for dinosaurs and Hermes. Manda\'s golden finger left a wound on Hermes\'s face. Hermes stopped, touched his cheek and said, "good boy, how dare you hurt me?"

Manda gasped for a long time and said, "I didn\'t mean it."

"Really not intentional?"

"I swear I didn\'t mean it!"

"Well, I forgive you! Hahaha!" the son of heaven flew all the way. Manda didn\'t dare to catch up. He lay on the ground and rolled with a smile.

Hermes\'s escape was so funny. It was so funny. Why is it so funny? You said, what\'s funny about it?

Manda woke up and he stopped laughing.

He realized the madness of the scene just now, which made him unable to completely reproduce the previous scene in his mind.

He has to find a reasonable explanation for what just happened. Even if it is not reasonable, at least he must be able to deceive himself!

Why did Hermes become the leader of the holy hermit?

It may not be so unreasonable to have a good stroke.

Hermes, one of the Twelve Gods on Mount Olympia, came to the earth and organized a group of seventh order believers to do things at the risk of being punished by Zeus, chased by the Lord of God and punished by Gaia.

Is that reasonable? This is obviously unreasonable! As Hermes, you shouldn\'t do things so low.

If we say that Hermes had such a low taste.

He led a group of seventh order believers to do a lot of things. Recently, he asked his subordinates to cooperate with Athena and get Manda.

Is that reasonable? This is obviously unreasonable!

He has countless ways to get rid of Manda without so many twists and turns.

Moreover, what did he do to me? What good is it for him?

Maybe he really has this bad taste, maybe he thinks it\'s a kind of exercise for Manda.

But how do you explain what happened just now? He came to the dungeon and saved kissin himself. What\'s this for?

If he wants to save kissin, a command is enough. Manda doesn\'t dare not let anyone go.

so what? Then what happened is still unclear.

Save kissin. He\'s still in the dungeon, pretending to be kissin, just to scare me?

This is not a shock. It\'s clearly driving me crazy!

Is that reasonable? Manda doesn\'t think this explanation can deceive herself.

Only one explanation is reasonable.

When he was on Mount Olympia, pan once told Manda that Hermes was not normal and that he would go crazy from time to time.

Maybe he got sick again, maybe he got sick a long time ago, maybe the congregation of the saints was just a product of his illness.

Manda walked all the way back to the mansion without taking a car or riding a horse.

Every two steps, he would unconsciously twitch once.

What\'s the matter with the world? What kind of creature is a God? What\'s the meaning of what I\'ve done over the years? Just playing games with a bunch of crazy people?

After returning to the mansion, before she completely collapsed, Manda set up the altar and prayed to pan.

The Oracle ring lit up, and Manda was afraid. He was afraid that it was the crazy Hermes who appeared on the altar.

After the smoke, the God pan appeared.

Manda wept with joy, lying under the altar, hugged Pan\'s thigh and cried loudly: "I finally saw you, thanks to you! I\'m scared to death..."

Pan Shen looked at Manda in surprise: "if you have something to say slowly, you can hold my leg, but don\'t wipe your nose on me!"

"I told you, I, I still won\'t tell you, I told you you won\'t believe..."

"Don\'t cry yet," Pan Shen wiped the snot on his robe. "Speak slowly, calm down, tell me, tell me."

Manda told the story again. Pan sat on the altar and couldn\'t help twitching.

"Normally, this should not happen. My father is still good most of the time, and I still know most of the things he has done," Pan Shen stroked his beard and looked more and more heavy. "But I\'ve been in the world for a long time, can I miss some things... My father\'s behavior is really hard to understand sometimes."

He touched Manda\'s head and calmed Manda with divine power: "I have never heard of the organization of the holy hermit, and I don\'t know whether it has anything to do with my father. Don\'t mention it to anyone, and don\'t walk around recently. Try not to leave my sight."

He took out a stone and gave it to Manda: "my temple has been repaired. If anything happens, hide immediately. My father likes to joke. Believe me, he will never really hurt you."

After soothing Manda, pan went to Hermes\' palace. Hermes was sitting in the hall with a sad face.

Pan Shen came forward to salute and asked carefully, "father, have you been to earth recently?"

"On earth?" said Hermes with a frown. "What are you going to do on earth? Isn\'t it enough for me to worry about things on the mountain?"

"I just... Ask."

"Is Manda in trouble again?"

"That\'s not true. He was frightened."

"Scared by who?"

"How can I say that?" Pan Shen had been brewing for a long time and described Manda\'s experience again.

Hermes was surprised, rubbed his forehead and said, "I did this? Why should I do this?"

Perspiration appeared on Pan\'s face. Judging from Hermes\'s reaction, he didn\'t seem to have much faith in himself.

Thinking for a long time, Hermes shook his head and said, "it can\'t be me, but it can be one of them."

One of them? Who are they? What does that mean?

Pan Shen looked at his father nervously, but saw Hermes stepping down from the throne, standing in the center of the hall and shouting, "come out!"

The heavy roar shook the temple, and the power of God stirred whirlwinds in the temple.

When the pressure dissipated, tens of thousands of Hermes appeared inside and outside the temple. He called out all his parts and filled the fields outside the temple.

"Any of you have done something behind my back!" shouted Hermes. "It\'s still time to admit it!"

Pan Shen squatted outside the temple and watched Hermes interrogate his parts one by one.

He covered his head and couldn\'t see whether Hermes was really awake now.

After an afternoon\'s trial, Hermes acquitted all separations.

"They didn\'t do it. Who else can there be?" Hermes lit the Oracle ring, opened the channel to the mortal world, looked at the trembling Manda, gently stroked his hair and said, "don\'t be afraid, tell me what happened and don\'t leave any details."

Manda told the story again. Hermes frowned and said, "have you been laughing during the fight with him?"

Manda nodded, "yes."

"Is it funny?"

"It\'s not very funny, but I just can\'t help it!"

"Evil play, how can this be possible?" Hermes looked dignified. "I\'m just a believer like you. Why would anyone use my eighth level skills?"