Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 739

Holding a torch, HEMA took Hermes and pan to a corner deep in the cliff, which was empty and covered with moss and vines.

Hermes looked at it from all angles, shook his head and said, "I don\'t think there\'s anything special here."

HEMA peeled off a small piece of moss and revealed the mottled rough stone surface: "do you feel special now?"

Hermes observed half a ring and shook his head.

HEMA scraped off all the moss, and Hermes seemed to see something: "do you say here..."

"This is the clay from Hephaestus." HEMA took out a pottery pot and wiped the reconciled clay on the stone surface.

After the clay dried, pan Shen also found the problem. He touched the clay and the surrounding stone surface. The touch was very flat, but there was no surprise.

Hermes felt between the stone and clay again and again, muttering, "someone pulled a stone from the cliff."

"There\'s more than one, father," HEMA said. "I\'ve found three depressions, all like here. It\'s very inconspicuous. I haven\'t searched all the rock walls, and there may be missing places."


Manda peeled an apple and put it in kissin\'s mouth. Kissin wolfed it down. In the past few days, he hasn\'t eaten or drunk water, but he has shed a lot of blood.

"I\'m hungry," Manda cut another piece. "Why do you hurt yourself so much? I\'ve prepared wine and roast chicken for you. As long as you answer me one question, one question. What\'s the name of your leader?"

Kissin licked the residual juice on his lips and said with a firm face: "I have said countless times that members of the hermit society have no right to inquire into the leader\'s secrets and know everything about the president."

"Just a little information, a little information is enough. Even if it\'s a pseudonym, you must have a way to call him."

"We always call him the leader."

Manda put the peeled apple into her mouth: "it seems that we are at an impasse again. I can only let my family treat you well."

Manda left. Worm stood in front of kissin. Worm silk was spitting out of his teeth. There were bursts of wails in the cell.


Don\'t let war, don\'t let murder, Manda can only stay in Wangdu honestly.

Wang Du\'s life is not so boring. The government minister has a lot to do.

Manda has always been lazy to deal with government affairs. He always believes that as long as the rules are formulated, the country will operate in the way he wants.

This is true in the Taiping years, but now the days are not so peaceful, and the food shortage has not been completely solved. The food of the qingus people is constantly sent to the port. The food before the new year is available. Kejero also promised to send the food from the new year to next autumn, but the price will double.

"Food is getting less and more precious. It\'s not easy to collect the farmers\' grain. I have to pay a higher price."

Manda agreed with kejero, but it was difficult to accept the double price: "you know, I\'m a little short of money. In addition to food, I still have a lot of money to spend."

Kejero frowned and said, "but it\'s really hard to buy food after the new year."

"I understand that I will not let you suffer too much. By this time next year, I will completely overcome the difficulties. I will encourage the nobles to buy more silk and only your silk, because from today on, only you can sell silk in the ROM road country."

Kejero was very satisfied with the exclusive trade: "with your sincerity, I can earn less, run more times, and add 40% more than the original price. I should also be able to buy enough food."

More than double becomes more than 40%. Manda is very satisfied. He poured kejero a glass of wine and the two sides made a deal.

Kejero drank it up and not only sighed: "I want to say a vulgar metaphor. I hope you don\'t mind. When you meet someone who agrees, you can pee in a wine pot."

Pee in a pot. What a kind saying. Manda pretended to be surprised and asked, "why pee in a wine pot?"

Kejero shrugged and said, "my father always likes to say this sentence, and I don\'t know what it means. Maybe it\'s because the wine pot is too small. It\'s not easy for one person to pee, and it\'s even harder for two people to pee together, which testifies to our strong friendship."

Manda picked up the jar again and said, "have another drink for our friendship."


After sending kejero away, the ministers came again. They came to share Manda\'s worries.

They know that the kingdom is short of money. The difficult situation makes them sleep and eat hard and can\'t sleep at night, because they know where Manda gets money.

In order to help the kingdom out of trouble, they recommended a talent for Manda.

The foreign minister recommended: "this is Viscount Bert\'s second son, AIX. He has traveled all over the world and accumulated good knowledge. He hopes to have an opportunity to work for you one day."

"Misnomer," Manda corrected the foreign minister, "not for me, but for the kingdom!"

Akers walked calmly to Manda and saluted calmly. The man was in his thirties. He was smart in appearance and full of city government in temperament. It can be seen that he did have some insight.

After taking his seat, Akers took the lead in asking, "Sir, what problems do you think the Kingdom needs to solve?"

Good aura. It sounds as if he can solve all problems.

"The Kingdom needs to solve many problems. It may take several days and nights to count."

"You are serious. In fact, there is only one problem to be solved, wealth."

Manda looked at the car beside her, Erdan.

Che Erdan raised his eyebrows. He didn\'t like the man\'s attitude very much.

Talented people may be a little arrogant. Manda doesn\'t mind very much. He smiled and said, "go on."

Akers seems to be a man who knows a lot of words. Manda asked him to go on. He didn\'t say it directly, but wanted to sell it: "Sir, I\'d like to take the liberty to ask you, where do you think the wealth of the Kingdom comes from?"

This rhetorical question made cheerdan more dissatisfied, but I didn\'t expect Manda to really answer: "farmers, craftsmen, businessmen and wealth come from them."

"You\'re not accurate," said axe, tipping his glass on the table, "There are only two sources of wealth, one from outside the Kingdom and the other from within the kingdom. You are a peace loving person. If the land under the cup is the land of the Kingdom, since you don\'t like war, we can\'t dig out the wealth outside. We can only dig deeper under the cup."

Manda frowned, "you let me squeeze civilians?"

"Don\'t use the word squeeze. The wealth of civilians belongs to the kingdom. You just take it back temporarily."

"You should know how many penniless refugees there are in the Kingdom now."

"Don\'t underestimate the power of the refugees. They seem to have nothing, but they still have flesh and blood. Let\'s put them aside first. In addition to the refugees, there are a large number of civilians living in the due south and southwest. They haven\'t left their hometown. In addition to the food for subsistence, they also have surplus wealth. These wealth is our main goal. Of course, you don\'t have to do this Do it yourself, it will damage your reputation. Just leave these things to the nobles. "

Manda wondered, "will the nobles do this for me?"

"My Lord, does the land of the Kingdom belong to the king or the nobility?" Akers asked again.

Roma road country is a enfeoffment kingdom. The land belongs to the king in name, but actually belongs to local lords. This question is really hard to answer.

Extemanda replied: "The land of the Kingdom only belongs to the king. Only when the nobles get the reward from the king can they be qualified to use the land. You can take back part of the land of the nobles and let the nobles pay for it. The nobles will not create wealth out of thin air. They will follow this practice, take away the land of the civilians and let them pay for it. In this way, you will obtain wealth for the Kingdom, Ping The grievances of the people are borne by the nobles. "

Che Erdan was stunned. The arrogant man did have some truth.

Manda nodded and said, "why didn\'t I think of such a good method? Should I take back all the land of the nobles?"

Ex shook his head and said: "Don\'t be too hasty, or it will provoke a rebellion. Start with some nobles in the South and only collect 30% of their land. If they dare to resist, they should be severely punished and set an example. After success, they can continue to recover the land of nobles in other areas. The land of noble families in the royal capital can be exempted from recovery. The stability of the royal capital is more important than anything."

Hearing this, the foreign minister nodded with satisfaction.

Manda nodded and said, "what price should I use to let the nobles redeem the land? It\'s too high. I\'m afraid it\'s not appropriate."

"My Lord, you may not have been to Bayer. You don\'t know what the price of land there is. In Silver Bear City, the value of a small courtyard is comparable to that of our manor. Even if you charge ten times the current price, it\'s not much. Every inch of land in the Kingdom is gold. You should sell it at the price of gold, otherwise it doesn\'t deserve the status of our kingdom!

When you have enough wealth, gather the refugees and let them sell themselves into slaves. Just give them food to survive, you can continue to create wealth for you, and our kingdom will achieve unprecedented prosperity. "

Manda exclaimed, "well said!"

Akers gave a deep salute: "you flatter me, sir. This is only the first step I planned for you. The land of the kingdom is very deep, and there are a lot of wealth waiting for us to dig. The people of the kingdom are very hard-working, and they can contribute more."

Manda nodded, "you\'re lucky."

"To follow you, I believe that excellent talents will eventually be useful," Akers said with a smile

"That\'s not what I\'m talking about," Manda smiled. "You\'re lucky to show up when I don\'t want to kill."