Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 725

A bell means a church.

Martha shows up in the church every time. If his singing skills are mixed with bells, it proves that he is still in the church and people can lock his position.

This is the terrible thing about Odysseus. He can always use the shortest time to find the most critical clue.

Manda listened carefully for a little while. The slightly inaudible singing skill was like a sharp knife, cutting gently in his internal organs.

This kind of cutting is not easy to detect, even without any discomfort, but when you detect that the situation is wrong, I\'m afraid you\'ve died like a coachman.

Manda tried to use the original force to offset the damage of singing skills, but found that it could only offset part of it.

Is there the original power in each other\'s singing skills?

While thinking, Manda heard the bell and recalled the layout around Wang Du: "the nearest church is in the south, about three miles away. You plug your ears and I\'ll let the horse run as fast as possible."

While talking, Manda jumped into the coachman\'s position, picked up the whip and drove the carriage south. Odysseus was very surprised: "do you want to take the initiative to find him? We should leave here as soon as possible and try to avoid his singing skills. Now is not the time to fight with him."

Medusa sneered: "no wonder you have been laughed at countless times in your life. Your cowardice is really chilling."

"We are being hurt by Martha\'s skills. Now retreat is not cowardice, but the wisest choice!"

Manda drank, "stop it, it hasn\'t changed!"

Odysseus said angrily, "what hasn\'t changed?"

"The voice hasn\'t changed!" cried Manda. "We\'re going south and approaching the church. The singing should be louder, but now the voice hasn\'t changed!"

Manda stopped the carriage and looked back at the crowd.

Beads of sweat appeared on Medusa\'s forehead. She seemed to feel the pain brought by singing: "otherwise we... Go north!"

Odysseus said, "don\'t say such stupid words. We are in the enemy\'s voice communication. No matter where we go, our ears will echo and sing!"

Manda murmured, "why did we get into teleportation?"

Odysseus shook his head and said, "I said, Martha is a God. He has countless ways to deal with us. Now we must find a way to get rid of voice communication as soon as possible, or we will be maimed to death by singing skills!"

Sphinx said, "it doesn\'t make sense. Even if the God wants to use voice communication, at least there must be a mark. Generally speaking, it should be a spell, otherwise he can\'t track our position."

Odysseus said, "madam, I don\'t know your identity yet, but I hope you can recognize the facts. We can\'t speculate about the power of the gods. We know too little about the gods, or even know nothing about them!"

Sphinx took a deep breath and tried not to speak. Medusa couldn\'t help laughing: "you hear me? He said you didn\'t know anything."

"This is not the time to laugh!" Odysseus was very anxious. "Lord Claude, please call pan as soon as possible and let him help us remove the voice transmission."

Manda shook her head and said, "she\'s right. There must be at least one sign. Have we taken anything from others along the way?"

Odysseus said, "even if there must be a mark, it may not be on the road. Maybe we were cursed when we were in the king\'s capital."

"If that were true, Martha would have done it long ago, and we would have died long ago. The mark should be made soon. Think about what we met along the way?"

Medusa said, "we didn\'t even meet people all the way. How could we be cursed?"

Odysseus said, "we have met a group of beggars. Did they tamper?"

Sphinx said, "it\'s just a group of starving children. What can they do?"

Odysseus said, "madam, I saw you give them money."

Sphinx said, "it\'s just two silver coins. I\'m sure they are ordinary people, not even believers."

"You gave them two silver coins?" Medusa looked at Sphinx in surprise. "Why did you do that?"

Sphinx calmly replied, "charity is a virtue."

"What virtue do you know!" cried Medusa. "What virtue do you dare to say, you roadblock?"

Sphinx gritted his teeth and said, "when did I rob?"

"You stop and kill pedestrians on the road, which is even more vicious than robbery!"

"That was... Many years ago!"

Odysseus didn\'t understand what both sides meant, but Manda knew it very well.

Before becoming a God, Sphinx, like Medusa, was in an embarrassing situation above mortals and below gods.

In those years, he did some creepy things. He stopped pedestrians on the road and gave all kinds of riddles. If he answered wrong, he would eat the pedestrian. If he answered right, he would commit suicide.

But in fact, no one can answer his question correctly, because only he knows the answer to the question, and he can change the answer at any time.

Until he met Oedipus, the hero at the same time as Hercules, Sphinx finally admitted that the other party had answered his question correctly. He chose to jump off a cliff and commit suicide, but he did not die, but became the true God.

No one knows why he did this. It may have something to do with a contract. Sphinx once committed such a cruel act. Why did he show kindness to several beggars? It seems that Manda doesn\'t know him well enough.

He stared at Sphinx\'s right hand for a moment: "did you hand over the silver coin to the beggar?"

"I wanted to throw the money out, but a boy took the silver coin from my hand."

Manda asked Sphinx to spread out his palm, with some stains on it.

"It may be oil or something. I rubbed it for a long time and didn\'t rub it down."

Manda shook her head and said, "it\'s not oil, it\'s powder."

Odysseus exclaimed, "did Martha track our position with these powders?"

Medusa looked at the Sphinx, and the snake\'s eyes showed a cold light: "how can you not tell the powder from the oil? You\'re obviously lying!"

Sphinx said angrily, "do you think I betrayed Manda? Even if I don\'t cherish my own life, I have to cherish my father\'s life. Smell it yourself. There\'s no smell of powder!"

Manda believed that sphinx didn\'t lie. He knew witchcraft, but he couldn\'t tell what powder it was. He just saw the value of the stain.

Sphinx touched the stain on his hand: "if this is really done by madesa, I can track madesa\'s position in turn."

He was about to exert his divine power, but Manda stopped him.

Sphinx can only use his power once a month. Now he does. Don\'t expect him to fight next.

The faint singing still lingered in her ears. Manda took out a messenger spell, put it in the palm of Sphinx, put her ear on the silver coin, and searched for the connection between the powder and madesa.

Looking at the Sphinx\'s palm holding Manda\'s face, Medusa looked angry. Not long after, Manda looked up and said, "in the north of the city! In the church in the north of the city!"

Sphinx said, "let\'s go to the north of the city immediately. In order to prove my innocence, when the war starts, I will rush in front!"

Medusa frowned and said, "what about this stain? Do we listen and sing all the way to the north of the city?"

Sphinx said, "you can\'t trust me. You can cut off my hand!"

"What\'s the use of chopping? You can grow after chopping!" Medusa showed her snake teeth. "I\'ll waste your hand with snake venom!"

"Don\'t be so impulsive!" Manda took out an iron box from the Styx Island, took out some grease, put it on the palm of Sphinx, and waited for a moment. The stain dissolved in the grease and was stripped off by Manda.

Then Manda smeared grease on the carriage.

Medusa was surprised: "what are you doing? Why don\'t you destroy the powder?"

Manda said, "if I destroy the powder, Martha will find out."

Medusa said, "you mean you don\'t want the carriage? It\'s not too close to the north of the city. Even if you go to the underworld, you have to waste a lot of time."

"Don\'t worry," Manda took out the fake double snake stick Hermes gave him. "We flew over on this."

Odysseus smiled and said, "I have successfully left Wangdu. I won\'t participate in the next things, Lord Claude. I will tell you the whereabouts of the artifact. In the years to come, we will meet again."

Manda nodded and said, "take care all the way. No matter whether we can beat madesa this time, don\'t worry. I will betray you."

"You... What\'s the need? According to our agreement, as long as I leave the capital, the transaction will be completed. Why fight with madesa?"

Manda said, "if you don\'t fight now, you may meet Martha within ten miles. Who else can help you then?"

Odysseus looked helpless and followed the people on the scepter.

Manda was at the front, then Medusa, then Sphinx, and finally Odysseus.

As soon as the scepter took off, Odysseus shouted in pain, "slow down, it hurts!"

Medusa frowned and said, "what\'s your name? How painful can it be?"

"How painful can it be?" Odysseus smiled bitterly. "You\'ll never know anyway."