Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 721

Kill those who should be killed and punish those who should be punished. Manda thought she could have two clean days, but there was some news from the cathedral.

Manda had an eyeliner in the cathedral, and there was no need to hide it. Leo himself knew what he was doing. He also believed that he had nothing to hide from Manda.

But something strange happened recently. After the conflict between the ministers and the church, Leo changed the daily prayer process. After praying to the Lord of punishment, he also prayed to the holy seraph.

Divine punishment is a pure monotheistic religion, so pure that only the Lord of divine punishment can be called God, and all other known and unknown creatures can only be called God created things. No other names should appear in the process of prayer.

What is the origin of this holy seraph? Is it difficult for someone to fake the name of God and take the opportunity to collect the wool of the Lord of God\'s punishment?

Manda had done the work of collecting wool, and some of the divine punishers transformed by Manda believed in Hermes at the same time.

Now Manda has the power of Roma road country, but he only implements transformation in the southwest. So far, he has not promoted Hermes\' belief to all punishers all over the country.

Extreme transformation will lead to war. Manda was cautious about it, but he didn\'t expect that someone dared to take advantage of him. What made Manda incredible was that Leo was the main messenger of the incident.

Archbishop, are you not pious?

If you brazenly do such a thing, can the Lord of God\'s punishment bear it?

Manda wanted to directly question Leo, but she thought twice and decided to find out the cause and effect of the matter before dealing with it.

Recently, Leo\'s nerves are a little sensitive. After the last conflict, he became hostile to all ministers, including Manda. He even refused some ministers\' donations to the church.

After Manda cancelled the worship of divine punishment, the divine Punisher lost his right to collect taxes, and the church lost its main source of income. Refusing to donate is like adding insult to injury. Leo\'s move fully proves his disgust with the ministers.

At this time, we can\'t provoke blindly. Manda first investigates Saraf\'s identity through his internal agent.

Unexpectedly, the insider gave a reply that day. This matter does not need him to investigate. For those who have been familiar with the Scriptures, the blazing angel salaph is equivalent to common sense.

He comes from the Lord\'s prophecy, is the first messenger, waiter, substitute and praiser of the Lord of God\'s punishment, and is the closest existence to God in the doctrine.

Now the question comes, when did the blazing angel appear? When did Leo get the news?

Two messages should be given. First, on the day of the conflict, madesa publicly appointed Leo as the Archbishop of romroad.

Second, madesa claimed his position above the Pope, and Quentin succeeded him as Pope.

Here comes madesa? When did he come? When did you leave? He has the strength to come and go freely in Wangdu?

What does it mean to be above the Pope? He defeated Quentin, continued to make Quentin Pope, and then installed himself a supreme emperor?

He should not do such meaningless things. According to the most reasonable inference, Martha is the blazing angel Saraf. His status above the Pope proves that he has become a ninth order believer, the only ninth order believer of the Lord of punishment, and the only ninth order believer among all gods.

He is called the Lord\'s substitute on earth, which proves that he has become a demigod with great probability.

But what does he mean by appearing in the prayer of the punisher? Has he been able to accept faith?

Is it true that he has become a true God?

This is a contradiction. According to the three God forming conditions known by Manda, the first is to get the land of primary order, which is a necessary condition to leave the world.

The second is that there is a temple on Mount Olympia, which is registered.

The third is to leave deeds on the cliff of Olympia, which determines the personality of a God.

The latter two conditions are obviously not available to madesa.

Maybe he has?

Maybe Hermes was negligent, maybe there were secret deeds on the cliff, just as sangira had done.

But where did the temple come from? Was there a building on the mountain that Hermes didn\'t notice?

This matter must be told to pan Shen immediately.


After hearing Manda\'s story, pan Shen, sitting on the altar, shivered.

"It\'s strange. It makes me cold. The God must pass through Olympia. If the God punishes the Lord and breaks this restriction, the end of the gods will not be far away. If you continue to inquire about madesa, I will tell my parents about it."

Manda added an eyeliner among the punishments, but ordinary punishments had no chance to reach Ma De SAR.

Moreover, when Martha came to earth in full view of the public, it proved that he didn\'t intend to hide his identity at all.

We have to find an opportunity to get some information from Leo, but before Manda finds the opportunity, there are variables in government affairs.

After fighting for so many years, the economy of Roma road country has reached the brink of collapse. The first thing to collapse is the lives of civilians. Throughout the year, they barely have enough food and clothing. Their economic foundation is already very weak. Under the devastation of war, except in the southwest and due south, other parts of the country have fallen into years of famine.

It is puzzling that in wartime, the problems caused by famine will be covered up by war, because most young men are recruited to the battlefield.

But after the war, these young men returned to their hometown. Facing the empty granary, they had to fight for a chance to live for themselves and their families.

Survival makes people take risks, especially those who have been baptized by the war. They may provoke a civil commotion at any time. In fact, in some towns, the civil commotion has begun.

Manda was caught in a dilemma. If the popular uprising continued, the romlu country would soon fall into chaos, but if troops were sent to suppress it, the romlu country would be involved in the war again.

The root of the problem comes from food. Manda issued a decree by shertai and tikas to allocate food from due south to relieve refugees everywhere. For some runaway refugees, Manda sent assassins to kill their leaders, and then slowly disintegrated their organization through the temptation of money and food.

At the beginning, this strategy was very effective. Most of the refugees were pacified, leaving only two large groups of refugees to become bandits and make a living by looting.

Manda thought he had plenty of time to deal with these bandits, but just after spring, his strategy began to fail, because there was not much food in the south.

After fighting with sheltai for many years, Manda had an illusion that due to the fertile and vast land in the south, the food in the south is inexhaustible.

But in fact, the grain storage in Zhengnan is also very limited. Sheltai has been fighting for years. Fighting needs people. Young men have become soldiers. Farming is naturally abandoned. The grain storage accumulated in previous years has consumed 70% or 80%.

Coupled with a fierce battle with madesa, most of the farmland has been destroyed. This year\'s city defense is extremely not optimistic. If the granary in Zhengnan is really emptied, it must be Zhengnan who starves after autumn, and I\'m afraid Zhengnan is also the one who has a civil uprising.

You don\'t have to dig out the granary in the south. Where does the food come from?

From southwest?

That\'s impossible.

The southwest is the root of Manda and the root of the Claudius family. Considering the worst result, even if he failed to become a God, the king didn\'t take it for granted. At least Manda found a destination for his life. Even if Romulus was subverted again, Manda could not sacrifice the interests of the Southwest.

According to Manda\'s way of thinking, there are two ways to solve the problem. One is to rob from neighboring countries, but this means waging war.

The other is to buy. However, Roma road country is the largest Kingdom on the mainland. Where can we buy enough food to alleviate the famine in most Roma road countries?

Manda stood at the gate of the palace, staring silently at the statue of Hermes.

Is a year a little too long? You won\'t allow me to start a war. At least give me a way out.

At the time of hardship, Manda received a good news. The fleet of chingus merchant kejero came to the blue bay.

Manda personally received kejero at Blue Bay. The businessman spoke frankly: "Sir, we seldom do grain business. Compared with silk and ceramics, the profit of grain is very limited. However, in the current situation, it is difficult to find a market for silk and ceramics in your country, and the life of most nobles is also very difficult, so we broke an example and brought 20 ships of grain. I know we can\'t earn much, but I\'m sure you won\'t let us know the price Too disappointed. "

Manda said happily, "the price is easy to say, but twenty ships seem to be a little less."

Kejero smiled and said, "as long as you can see your sincerity, food will be sent one after another soon. Qingus people are willing to spend this difficult time with you."

Manda got up and raised her glass and said, "the price is what you say. I want as much grain as I want!"


On the way back, the chancellor of the exchequer reminded Manda: "our Treasury is not so rich."

Manda smiled, "don\'t worry, there are plenty of gold coins, but they are not in the Treasury."