Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 697

"It doesn\'t make sense. Those Bayer people in the North don\'t listen to my orders at all. It\'s considered taking over the power of a state?"

Pan Shen stroked his beard and said: "Do you want to wait until everyone in Romulus obeys your orders? I\'m afraid you have to wait until the end of time. Every king wants all his subjects to be unconditionally loyal and obedient, but it\'s just a dream. Changing a person\'s mind is more difficult than changing a person\'s appearance. Most kings don\'t understand the truth until they die, but you must recognize the reality 。”

Manda can recognize the reality, but how to solve the current problem?

The nature of the Bayer people is no different from that of robbers. If they are left in the Roma country, they will start a war sooner or later.

"If I can\'t solve the problem with war, there will be a bigger war waiting for me. This is a dead end that can\'t be resolved! I can\'t find a way out!"

"Do you think it\'s a dilemma?" Pan Shen smiled. "If you want to be a king and a God, this is the dilemma you have to face. Of course, war has the most basic boundary. Killing one person is certainly not war, and killing 100 people may not be war. There are always other ways to solve the problem."

Pan Shen left, and Manda sat in a daze in the secret room.

Other ways to solve the problem... What else can we do to the Bayer people?

But when you think about it, it\'s a little strange. It sounds a little unkind to let the Bayer people come to war and drive them away after the war.

But Manda gave money, and every soldier gave rich rewards. In essence, these Bayers are no different from mercenaries.

Since they are mercenaries, they should go home and buy a house and land to find a girl after winning the war and taking money. What good is it for them to stay here?

Roma is now in frost flower city. She is trying her best to summon the Bayers to leave Roma road country, but there are few responders.

Manda was worried that Roma would be in danger. He asked Roma to return to the king\'s capital immediately.

But Roma refused to come back. Shuanghua city is close to the border between the two countries. Roma is worried that once she leaves, Shuanghua city is likely to fall, and the Bayers will take the opportunity to invade Roma road country on a large scale.

Manda cannot persuade Roma, and Roma\'s worry is the key of Manda. If the Bayers invade on a large scale, Roma will fall into the quagmire of war again.

Roma can only investigate the reason why the Bayer people are staying. Roma wrote back to Manda the next day. The Bayer people said that this is the land they conquered, and these lands should belong to the Bayer king.

Do the Bayers have such a strong sense of national responsibility?

If that were the case, they would never join the ranks of mercenaries.

Looting! Their purpose in Roma must be looting!

In this era, the income of mercenaries consists of two parts, one is the remuneration given by the employer, and the other is the plunder after the war.

The Bayer people have an unimaginable enthusiasm for looting. They certainly don\'t want to miss such a good opportunity.

Roma ruled the army strictly and did not allow the Bair people to loot. It is speculated that in order to vent their dissatisfaction, the Bair people refused to obey Roma\'s orders.

Manda asked Roma to relax her control over the Bayer people. When the Bayer people started looting, she killed several leaders. After a shock, it should be able to let the Bayer people settle down.

But Roma said in her reply that the Bayer people have long ignored her control, but they have done nothing against the local civilians. Every day they only do a few fixed things, such as eating, sleeping, patrolling and guarding. Even their military food is bought from the farmers with their own money.

Bayer people who don\'t rob? Bayer people who pay for military food? There\'s no more absurd joke in the whole origino continent.

At the end of the letter, Roma even praised the Bayer people as the best soldiers she had ever seen.

Roma\'s reaction was very strange, which was in great contrast to her previous attitude towards the Bayer people.

As a general, her soldiers were out of control. As a woman of Manda, her man\'s land was occupied by others. In her position, she had no reason to praise the Bayers.

Manda\'s heart hung. He sent several letters to Roma one after another, but Roma only replied to one. She hoped Manda would carefully consider the current situation and cede the four cities in the north to the Bayers.

Roma has been kidnapped! She would never say such a thing. Manda must go to frost flower city.

He opened the entrance to the underworld. Just before he started, he closed the entrance again.

Not afraid of three dogs, but Manda felt something strange.

Roma is a fourth-order believer of Optimus and has high military literacy. There are many veterans from the Seven Star City around her. Even if the Bayer mutiny, she can\'t easily capture her alive. At least she can send back a distress letter, even if it\'s just a parchment with some blood on it. Manda can know that she has suffered an accident.

Why not even a letter?

Does Roma betray herself? The woman who once slept by her pillow betrayed herself?

Manda took out a spell with Roma\'s blood on it. He held the spell tightly and didn\'t convey his heart to Roma. He just wanted to monitor Roma\'s movements.

But he didn\'t hear any sound, and the spell was blocked.

This is not what Roma did. Even if Roma really betrayed herself, she has no ability to shield the spell.

Is the letter false?

Manda picked up Roma\'s letter again and sent it to chuyt through Styx island. No matter how exquisite forgery is, it is impossible to deceive chuyt\'s eyes.

Chuyt soon sent a reply. He didn\'t believe that Roma would think so, but this is Roma\'s handwriting. There is absolutely no possibility of forgery.

Manda grabbed her hair and fell into painful meditation. Fortunately, he thought of another person.

Yodora, as Roma\'s sign language interpreter, has always been with Roma.

Manda took out her spell, and like Roma, the spell was blocked.

Both Eudora and Roma have no ability to shield spells. It is reasonable to infer that there is only one. There is a strong man beside them, shielding their spells and controlling Roma, not her body, but her mind.

Who can control Roma\'s mind? Manda was the first to think of Odysseus.

He took out another spell, which he and lesio made together, and could monitor Odysseus\'s movements in five breaths.

The time of these five breaths made Manda determine the situation of Odysseus. He heard two words:

"Eurydius, he\'s here!"

"I saw him, kill him!"

These two words are wolf language. Odysseus is being chased and killed by wolf people for unknown reasons.

Odysseus is still in the wolf country and is too busy for himself. Obviously, he is not the one who controls Roma.

Who could it be?

Manda thought of another man, King Bayer.

When we first met him, Manda remembered that he had a special skill that could make people around him take the initiative to fight for him.

If it were him, everything would explain.

He controlled the Bayer soldiers and let them stay in the Roma road country to open up territory for King Bayer.

He is a fifth order believer, higher than Roma, and Roma is also controlled.

But king Bayer has been under Leo\'s surveillance. When did he go to frost flower city?

Was Leo under his control?

According to longersen\'s speculation, Leo\'s strength is at least level 5, and may even be promoted to level 6. King Bayer has little chance to control him unless he is dazzled by love.

His relationship with King Bayer is extraordinary, but can this love make him regardless of right and wrong?

Manda took out the spell with Leo\'s blood and turned on the monitoring mode.

The spell was not shielded, and Manda successfully perceived Leo\'s position. He was in Silver Bear City, the king capital of Bayer.

He heard the bell and the prayer of the punisher. Now he is organizing believers to pray in the church.

Manda didn\'t disturb Leo. He sent a letter to chuyt, who was also in Silver Bear City.

He soon received chuyt\'s reply, which wrote: Leo was indeed in Silver Bear City, without any abnormal behavior. King Bayer rarely appeared, but chuyt saw him appear in the palace two days ago.

Isn\'t it King Bayer?

Who else could it be?

Is chuyt still normal? Should I go to Silver Bear City in person?

Manda was still hesitating, suddenly her heart throbbed, and chuyt sent another letter.

"Master, don\'t act rashly. I\'ll talk to the holy Archbishop first."