Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 694

Sphinx never imagined that Manda, who had been with her for so many days, was a separate person.

When did he let go? Where is his real body hidden?

He should still be near the wooden house. He didn\'t leave his sight before going to the wooden house.

No, he didn\'t leave his sight after entering the wooden house, except for the moment when he got under the bed.

His real body is hidden under the bed?

Sphinx checked afterwards. There was nothing under the bed,

He dragged out a bear from under the bed, a bear that had eaten all its guts... His real body was hidden in that bear!

Sphinx flew back to the cabin. The bear at the door was still lying on his back. Manda\'s real body escaped from the bear!

Where did he escape? He was poisoned and injured. He should not run far.

What a fool! Poisoning and injury are his parts! This is the purpose of his use of separation, try to avoid physical injury and create opportunities for himself to escape.

It doesn\'t matter. He can\'t find the exit here. He can never leave this place. As long as he stays here, he will find him!

The bear left a row of footprints around him. Looking at the direction of the footprints, he went back to the wooden house.

What\'s he doing back in the cabin?

Sphinx kicked open the door of the wooden house, hoping for another miracle.

I didn\'t expect there was a miracle.

Four huge sacks were left in the wooden house, each full of pearls.

He got the Pearl, which proved that he opened the Styx island in the cabin.

He said he wanted to go to the exit, just to take himself away, and then let the soul quickly return to the real body, and then take back the separated body. Sphinx could not catch up with Manda\'s skills. Manda took advantage of a short time difference to take out pearls from the Styx island.

But where did he go?

Sphinx remembered one thing. The connection with the underworld is still there. Manda may have gone to the underworld.

To go to the underworld is to die. There is only one entrance and exit to the underworld, that is, the gray rock, where the three headed dog has been guarding.

Sphinx pulled out a feather from his wing. The feather burned in his palm and burst into a colorful flame to send news to the three dogs.

A tuft of three headed dog\'s fur appeared in the feather ashes. The three headed dog replied that he had been guarding the door and didn\'t see Manda.

Didn\'t go to the underworld to prove that he was still here.

You can\'t let him leave alive! You have to find him three feet into the ground.

Sphinx flew high into the sky, looking for Manda\'s figure everywhere. From the morning to the evening, he realized something.

Why must the Styx islands be used to transport pearls?

No matter gods or mortals, everyone knows a truth. The Styx island can only be used to hold things, not people, because the island cannot be opened from the island.

Did he get into the Styx island

It\'s really not suitable to install people in Styx island. Manda spent a little time in the Jurassic Dragon Island, and her blood was almost frozen.

The hardest thing to endure is not the cold, but the sound of running water in the dark.

These lost islands were washed into the unknown space by the Styx river. Manda was very strange to everything in this space, including the air here. The air sucked into his nose was cold, but it became hot in his throat. Manda was really worried that he would be poisoned by the air here.

The only thing we are familiar with is the smell of the river. Although we can\'t see the waves, Manda can smell the smell. This is the Styx river.

Listening to the sound, the current seems to be very fast. Even if there is a splash on the body, I have to stay here as river mud.

The characteristics of the Styx River are too strange. Manda is a quasi first-order God and a high-ranking mortal. But the Styx river is not very friendly to these two groups. Mortals should always stay in the underworld after touching the river. After touching the river, the gods will lose their divinity.

This river is only friendly to the demigod. The demigod will get a good body after soaking in the water, leaving only one weakness. However, most of the demigods can\'t enter the underworld at all.

Manda can go in and out of the underworld, but he is not a demigod. The quasi first-order God is not even a demigod. This situation is too embarrassing. We have to hurry up to the eighth order.

It seems useless to think about these now. I don\'t know if I can leave safely.

Manda suddenly felt cold and almost jumped up. He thought the river splashed on his hand. After carefully touching it twice, he found that it was the gold coin hidden in the Dragon Island.

As Manda\'s exclusive Island, the Jurassic Dragon Island is full of precious artifacts. These gold coins should have been dropped before.

Not only gold coins, Manda also touched a few pieces of bacon. I don\'t know what year it was in stock.

I have to find a chance to clean up. I should bring a torch when I come in next time

While thinking, a beam of light suddenly appeared in front of me, and a hand stretched out from the light.

Manda took back her idea and never came back. There\'s nothing wrong with making a mess.

He hugged the arm tightly and left the Styx island in the light.

Then he grew on Pan\'s arm like a clay sculpture.

This is mount Olympia. With Manda\'s personality, when you come to the mountain, you will naturally fall into stiffness. Fortunately, pan Shen was ready, took out the copper ring and pinched it on Manda\'s nose.

Manda, who recovered her ability to move, wept with joy. Pan worked hard many times and couldn\'t leave Manda behind.

"Your boy really dares to play charades. If your father hadn\'t guessed your idea, you might have to stay in Styx island for a lifetime."

"Where\'s father?"

"Father went where you just went."

Manda was surprised. "Does he know where that place is?"

Pan Shen shook his head: "I\'m not sure yet, but I\'ll find the answer soon. What\'s the matter with your injury? Being beaten by them?"

Manda wasn\'t hurt. It was his part that was hurt, but there were spots of red spots on him.

"Bitten by mosquitoes," Manda sighed, "I stayed in the bear\'s stomach for three days..."

Late at night, the tired Sphinx returned to the cabin.

I\'ve searched everywhere. It seems that Manda really escaped from the Styx island.

Will Hermes retaliate?

Don\'t worry too much. He can\'t come here as he wants. The barrier guarding here is not inferior to the barrier of Olympia.

Fortunately, the Pearl has arrived, and the most important goal has been achieved.

But why did Manda leave the Pearl? He has escaped. Why pay the ransom?

Maybe the divinity of fair trade forced him to do so.

Sphinx didn\'t think any more. He picked up four sacks and flew to a mountain in the distance.

Near the top of the mountain, Sphinx walked into a cave. Several pairs of eyes appeared on the mottled rocks and stared at him closely.

"Don\'t be afraid, it\'s me," Sphinx put down four sacks. "I got twenty thousand pearls."

A pair of tentacles crept to Sphinx against the rock wall and gently stroked his hair.

A low voice came from the depths of the cave; "My child, my most loyal and brave child, I will never forget this friendship."

Sphinx lowered his head and was excited by his father\'s appreciation.

"And Cerberus (three headed dog), who also did a lot of work."

"You are all good children, my best children!"

Two tentacles rolled up pearls and were about to drag them to the depths of the cave. One tentacle wanted to be burned by a sack and quickly retracted.

"What did you bring in?" a roar made Sphinx tremble. He shook his head and said, "only believe in pearls. Here are all faith pearls."

"You betrayed me!"

"I didn\'t! I swear!" Sphinx knelt on the ground. "Only faith in pearls, nothing else!"

"She didn\'t betray you, I\'ll testify for her." a pearl jumped out of the sack, rolled and turned into a human shape.

As the figure grew higher and higher, Sphinx took a few steps back and saw a handsome young shepherd.

"Hermes!" Sphinx exclaimed and punched.

Hermes kicked Sphinx in the face. Sphinx took dozens of steps and fell on his back.

"Move my son? How dare you!" Hermes flashed, came to the Sphinx and patched his foot in the face.

Sphinx\'s face was covered with blood, his hands propped on the ground and moved his body back hard.

"Hermes!" Typhon\'s voice came from the depths of the cave. "I\'m still alive. I\'m right here. Don\'t be too arrogant!"

"I wouldn\'t have bothered to run unless I knew you were alive," Hermes picked up Sphinx\'s hair. "Come out and let\'s end it."

"Let her go first. I have nothing left but a rotten life and this loyal child."

"Heartache? You\'re not soft on my children!"

"I also gave him a lot of help. He still has my skills!"

"You mean I should thank you?"

"I don\'t need your thanks, just don\'t take advantage of others."

"You mean I\'ll come back to you when you recover?"

"This is my father\'s territory. Can you walk away if he wakes up?"

Hermes looked around. There were towering mountains, green fields, lush forests, and birds and animals shuttling through the fields.

Who can imagine that this vibrant scene comes from the bottom of the world and from the depths of hell.

"With a few more temples, it\'s almost comparable to Olympia," said Hermes with a smile. "How much did Hades hide for you? If I hadn\'t seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe that the taltaltalos abyss has become what it is today."

"Hades is afraid of my father\'s power. Are you not afraid? My father is about to wake up!"

"If he can really wake up at any time according to your wish, how can you fall into this field today? Why do you want your daughter to exchange 20000 pearls by such means? Give up those childish lies, and think about how to make yourself die with dignity."

Typhon sighed, and dozens of tentacles suddenly sprang out of the cave and jumped on Hermes.

Hermes calmly stood in place. When his tentacles were close enough, dozens of figures suddenly changed, one by one. He cut off all his tentacles in different ways and kicked over the Sphinx with the intention of sneaking attack.

Some figures are separated, some are remnants brought by too fast, and even tifeng can\'t distinguish them.

There could be no suspense about the battle. Tifeng said in a trembling voice, "is there any business to talk about?"

Hermes said, "it depends on who you talk to."

"The great master of order, I will submit to you."

"Good," laughed Hermes. "Let\'s talk about business now."