Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 660

After rising into the air, Manda can block the sight of all gods, except for one God, who seems to be closer to himself, that is the God of the heavenly body.

It is also natural to use the skills of the God of celestial bodies to create an isolated space that cannot escape the sight of the God of celestial bodies.

But what does he mean by peeping so carefully? Why not just stare? Why not just give a hint and let Manda have an illusion that her intuition has exploded?

There is a problem. The celestial God seems to be very interested in these two people, but he doesn\'t want to show it.

Why are you interested?

It\'s not hard to think that one of these two people has the ability to crack his skills. In the end, which one, what method, Manda has to make a good test.

"I\'ve heard the name of the dog tooth Ripper you mentioned. How do you steal his power? To be honest, I don\'t know much about the concept of power."

Odysseus said, "before you promise this business, we can\'t disclose too many details."

"Well," nodded Manda, "I\'ll think it over carefully. I\'ll have at least three days."

Odysseus nodded, "reasonable request. We\'ll come back to you in three days."

Manda made a gesture to see off the guests: "two, please."

The two stayed where they were, and the scene was somewhat embarrassing.

Manda was waiting for the embarrassment. He wanted to see if the two men dared to walk out of the barrier.

"Haven\'t you two eaten?" Manda forked a piece of bacon from the table and filled it in her mouth. "It tastes good. Would you like one?"

After sitting in silence for a long time, flannes couldn\'t help it. He got up and shouted, "first remove your rigid spell."

Rigid spell?

What is he talking about? He thinks it\'s a rigid spell?

Doesn\'t he even know what skills he\'s got?

This can\'t blame him. There are no windows in the hall of the house. They can\'t see the situation outside. According to the understanding of normal people, they don\'t believe that the house can fly. After they get the skills, they don\'t dare to walk around at will. From the perspective of speculation, rigid magic seems to be the most reasonable explanation.

This also proves Manda\'s previous inference that they use a barrier, which is very similar to the barrier of Olympia. They can resist all skills. They use a barrier to resist rigid spells.

Manda stared at flanese for a moment and said, "what can you do if I don\'t lift the spell?"

Odysseus said, "as far as I know, ossification spells are very powerful. How long do you think you can last?"

"Resisting spells also consumes divine power. I don\'t know how long you can last?"

Manda leisurely picked up the wine and took a sip.

Odysseus blinked and said, "if I say we stick to it for a year, do you believe it?"

"Believe it!" Manda nodded. "I\'m not as strong as you. I can only persist for half a year, but even if I can\'t use up your divine power, I\'ll starve you to death."

"What\'s half a year?" said flannes with a smile. "I\'ve been in the temple for hundreds of years."

"That\'s because monkeys give you something to eat," Manda smiled. "I have food here. Unfortunately, I don\'t have monkeys. I have the ability to get it myself."

With that, Manda stuffed another piece of bacon into her mouth.

Flannes was furious. He took out two weapons from his backpack. They looked familiar, but they were smaller than before.

It was the shield of aegis and the scepter of thunder. Under the control of flannes, the two artifacts gradually grew larger. The scepter was the same size as a long sword, and aegis covered both of them behind.

When Manda poked a hole in aegis, the hole was still there. This is a real guy.

Manda stood up from the chair. At this time, she would die if she drank and ate meat leisurely. Except for Cronus\'s sickle, these two are the strongest artifacts known at present.

The barrier between the two sides is made by the power of mortals. It is likely to be broken down by the thunder scepter. Even if it will not be broken down, the other party may put up the barrier at any time.

If the other party\'s speed is one step faster, Manda may die under the thunder scepter. Of course, if the other party\'s speed is one step slower, they will become stone people first.

Do you want a bet?

Why not bet?

Wait, where did this idea come from? It must be the God of celestial bodies again!

What bet? If you don\'t, it\'s over.

Manda doesn\'t have to stay here at all. He can find a safer place to spend time with them.

He stepped back two steps to leave the hall, and suddenly Odysseus stood up.

Odysseus took two steps forward, and the barrier moved with him.

He made the barrier, and Manda clenched her eyes to see where this power came from.

But he could not see the direction of divine power, and his insight was blocked by a barrier.

Odysseus said solemnly, "we have come to do business. We have not killed your family or hurt you, but you have to kill us. This is not in line with the creed of fair trade."

He was trying to be reasonable, and what he said was reasonable, but Manda didn\'t feel the pressure of skills, nor lost his fighting spirit, and Odysseus\'s skills were blocked by the barrier.

It can be seen that Odysseus did not know much about the function of the barrier, and he was also testing.

Seeing that Manda still maintained a fighting posture, Odysseus knew that his skills were invalid, but what Manda didn\'t expect was that Odysseus directly showed his cards.

"I think you can see that there is a barrier between us. This is the method I use to block the rigid spell. The barrier will move with me. I will catch up with you wherever you go. When you don\'t want to go or I don\'t want to catch up, I will open the barrier and we will be controlled by your rigid spell, but you should also know how fast flanese moves. Do you really want to live for a pile Do you want to spell until the fish die and the net is broken? "

Spell it! Fight him to the end! You can\'t lose! Never let them go!

This time it wasn\'t from intuition. Manda did hear the voice of the God of celestial bodies.

He is worried. What makes him so worried.

The more anxious he was, the less impulsive Manda was. There were few ways to deal with Odysseus, but Manda couldn\'t think of any way to deal with the celestial God in the state of flying.

Think about Odysseus\' previous performance in business. Although he is cunning, he is also faithful. It may not be a particularly bad choice to let him leave.


"Don\'t forget that Medusa is still in our hands," Odysseus saw Manda\'s mind. "We never wanted to threaten you with her. We just controlled her temporarily because she was too dangerous. This is our sincerity. Please show your due sincerity."

He\'s right. Don\'t break Medusa.

Manda thought for a long time and said, "I\'ll reduce the intensity of the rigid spell first to ensure that you can move, but you can\'t move too fast. Then you remove the barrier and let my woman out, OK?"

"No!" exclaimed Odysseus. "I accept your terms, but don\'t ask me if I can. Don\'t plot against me with your skills!"

Manda smiled, nodded and said, "I suggest you sit back in your chair first."

Flannes shouted, "I will never sit down! If you dare to cheat, I\'ll kill you immediately!"

"It\'s up to you." Manda lifted the spell and the house began to fall rapidly. Odysseus felt that the soles of his feet left the ground and hurried back to his chair. Flanez insisted on standing. When Manda braked, he fell firmly.

"Well, it\'s your turn to lift the barrier."

Odysseus kept his word and lifted the barrier. Now his height is about 8000 feet. The role of skills makes flanese\'s body rust. Although he is slow, he can move at least.

Odysseus\'s condition is not very good. He is more dexterous than flannes. He looked at Manda and said, "what should we do now?"

Manda said, "I said, let my woman out."

Odysseus gave a wink. Frye pinched to death, opened his backpack and lifted Medusa out of it.

Such a small backpack can hold the artifact of Zeus and a living man. It seems that this is a rare artifact.

Medusa was chained and had an eye patch on her face. Everyone was afraid of her eyes.

Manda said, "now give her to me."

Flannes said angrily, "completely remove the spell, and we\'ll give her back to you!"

"If you don\'t want to believe me, we\'ll spend it to the end!"

Odysseus picked up Medusa and let him go to Manda. Manda cut the chain with her golden finger and took off her eye mask. It can be seen that Medusa had suffered a lot, but at the moment of freedom, she was immediately ready to fight.

Your woman has come back. What are you waiting for?

The God of celestial bodies can\'t wait, but Manda is not fooled.

"Let flannes put away the artifact!"

"Also let Princess snake hair close her eyes!"

Medusa closed her eyes, flanese put away the artifact, and Manda continued to reduce the height of the house. When the height was less than 100 feet, the God of the celestial body sighed.

His voice disappeared, and so did the prying light.

Odysseus straightened his robe, smiled at Manda and said, "Marquis Claude, we\'ll visit again in three days."

They hurried away. Medusa softened and sat on the ground.

She was hurt and Manda quickly helped her into the room.

Holna looked blank. She didn\'t know what had happened.

Moira kept crying. She realized something had happened, but she couldn\'t say it.

Manda untied Medusa\'s clothes and saw her terrible wounds. He just wanted to find the powder. Suddenly, Medusa shouted, "you know, I played with them for three days!"

Medusa speaks the common language, which proves that she is very angry. She doesn\'t even want to use amber to show her special relationship with Manda.

"An Odysseus has been difficult to deal with, and a Zeus has come!"

Manda explained, "I said he was not Zeus, but a believer of Zeus."

"He had Zeus\'s weapon! We almost died!"

Medusa\'s eyes were red. She was really angry: "where have you been? Why did you leave without saying goodbye? Why is it always like this? What do you think of us?"

Manda had no way to explain. She could only comfort the three women with good words. Manda came to the secret room and prayed to God pan.

He can\'t make a decision on such a big thing. I\'m afraid even pan Shen can\'t make a decision.

Under the smoke, pan appeared with a black face.

"Do you know I have a lot to do? Do you know you just left Olympia? Do you know I can\'t be around you all the time? What do you think of me?"

What did you do wrong? Everyone is so angry.

Manda conveyed the business to pan, and all the details about the God of celestial bodies, barriers and flying skills were ignored.

Pan twisted his beard and fell into meditation. Manda gave his opinion: "Odysseus will not go far in three days. I will let my people find him and kill him together with flannes."

"Don\'t mess around," Pan shook his head. "There\'s something strange about this. Does Athena have anything to do with the dog tooth Ripper?"

He thought of Callisto\'s experience and the great benefits behind it.

Manda shook her head and said, "I don\'t think it was Athena\'s idea at all. I even suspect that Athena has fallen."

"Not necessarily," Pan Shen shook his head. "Don\'t act without authorization. It\'s up to your father to decide."