Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 651

Silva followed a group of servants and looked up at the sky, looking at the wonders they could not imagine in their life.

The sky was burning, and the raging flames rolled over the clouds.

"What happened?" Silva covered her chest and felt a faint pain. Suddenly Helena came over with scorched smoke on her face.

"What\'s the matter with you?" Silva looked at his sister in surprise.

Helena cried, "I\'ll go to the kitchen and see if the cooks are working hard. Who knows that the fire under the stove suddenly came out."

The giant clock on the chest star mountain was sounded. Ogg was crazy on the road and shouted, "hurry, hide, hide back to the house, don\'t come out!"

Stanley sent letters one after another in the stronghold. He still remembered Manda\'s instructions to let everyone in the southwest take refuge according to Ogg\'s instructions if anything strange happened.

Longesen also received the news. He took the army and sent the news to Roma who was in the mission.

Looking at the flames in the sky, Roma drove the tribe\'s factionalists into the hut. The hunters outside had to listen to their fate.

Where\'s Manda?

Longson looked up at the sky, there seemed to be a little blood in the fire, and the fear he had just got rid of seemed to come back.


Hestia fell into Athena\'s arms. He took back all the stove, but he was also sieved by pieces of seeds.

"Apollo, come and help her! I\'m talking to you. Do you hear me?"

Apollo heard it, but he didn\'t dare to come. He blocked his body with two shields and didn\'t dare to move a step.

Demeter rushed over. He called the seed back. Looking at the dense wounds on Hestia, he couldn\'t cry and said, "it will be all right. Hold me tight and everything will be fine."

Not only Hestia but also Pluto fell. Fortunately, Pluto transferred part of his body to the underworld in advance, so he was not fatally injured.

But the more deadly attack is still behind, and Ares\'s chariot. How cool it was before, how cruel it is now. It is double and more than double.

Ares sent 400 chariots around, and the Lord of divine punishment returned 400 to him. The chariot instantly dispersed the formation of the gods, and countless gods were crushed under the wheels. Some gods chose to escape, but as long as their bodies were exposed outside the shield, they would be immediately beaten into meat sauce.

Athena shouted, "Ares, get your chariot back!"

Ares lay in the body. He wanted to pretend to be dead, but his body couldn\'t help shaking.

"Enio, where are you?" Athena called the goddess of war and destruction. His power may help the gods find their fighting spirit.

Enio was beside Hera, still singing sad songs; "Blood, blood, blood, flesh and blood are flying, I suck blood, blood, air..." she couldn\'t sing any more. She curled her body into a ball, tightly curled behind Hera, holding her blood red hair with both hands and shouting.

The carriage ran over a patch of Ningfu, and the gushing plasma splashed Dionysus\'s face.

In order to avoid the chariot, hundreds of gods flew into the air and were beaten into a mass of flesh and blood by arrows and seeds.

The blood flowers were flying all over the sky, blooming one after another. Dionysus seemed to have an illusion. He remembered what Hermes said to him: "I can\'t wait to see the bright red wine flying in the sky!"

"The bright red wine is flying! Brother! Do you see?" Dionysus laughed. He didn\'t know whether he was drunk or crazy. After laughing, Dionysus cried, "why, why didn\'t I understand you, why didn\'t I understand..."

"He hasn\'t done it yet, he hasn\'t done it yet..." Hercules kept his reason, at least he had the courage to watch the Lord of God\'s punishment.

The Lord of God\'s punishment did not take action. He kept carrying his hands and walked slowly to the gods.

"It\'s time to fight," Hercules held up his shield and helped Athena up. "Remember the glory of God, whether life or death. I\'ll fight him. You\'re behind me and give him a fatal blow!"

With that, Hercules turned his figure into that of the Lord of divine punishment, raised his spear and stabbed him in the throat.

The Lord of divine punishment did not dodge. He directly caught the spear with his neck. The sharp spear head butted against the throat of the Lord of divine punishment. Heracles exhausted his strength, but could not leave any scars on the neck of the Lord of divine punishment.

The Lord of divine punishment lowered his head and stared at the spear for a moment. A holy light appeared and directly melted the spear into molten iron.

Fearless Hercules also began to tremble. He pulled out his long sword and roared, "as long as I am here, I will never let you move forward!"

The voice fell to the ground, and the God punished the Lord kicked Hercules away. Under the heavy blow, Hercules lost consciousness, suspended in the sky and fainted.

"Now he is not here." the Lord of punishment smiled and walked to Athena.

Athena raised the sickle, and the Lord of God\'s punishment still carried his back: "cut it off, cut it off against my head."

We can\'t do it easily. We must find the best time. If the sickle is robbed by the Lord of divine punishment, the last hope will be dashed..

Apollo did not know when he ran behind the Lord of God\'s punishment and opened his long bow to the back of his head.

As long as this arrow is shot, as long as God punishes the Lord to turn back, as long as there is a moment of opportunity, Athena can cut off his head.

Unfortunately, the arrow didn\'t come out, and the Lord of punishment didn\'t bother to look back. He stretched his foot behind him and kicked Apollo in the chest.

The strength of this foot was very good. Apollo was unconscious. He flew to the right height and suspended in the air side by side with Hercules.

"Who else wants to share the pain, do you?" the Lord of divine punishment saw Artemis sneaking, and the hunting goddess looked up and said, "I just want to escape..."

With another kick, the three gods formed a neat line in the air.

"Who else?" the Lord of punishment smiled at the gods. "Who else wants to share the pain!"

A piece of holy light came and passed, and a God turned into flesh and blood. Athena took out the wisdom scepter and blocked the holy light hard. The Lord of divine punishment was stunned: "why don\'t you use a sickle to resist? Can\'t you use it? It doesn\'t matter. Just cut it on my head."

The Lord of divine punishment moved forward slowly, Athena retreated step by step, and the God of wine shouted, "watch your back!"

Athena turned her body and avoided a hand extending from behind. At this time, she found Typhon standing behind him.

"What a pity." Typhon almost got the sickle.

The Lord of divine punishment looked at tifeng and said with a smile, "are you here too? Dressed like this, I almost didn\'t recognize you."

"I\'m afraid I scared them. They were scared by me once."

"Come on, we\'ll have a war sooner or later."

"Maybe this is not the best time."

The Lord of God\'s punishment smiled and said, "come, but what time are you waiting for?"

Tifeng nodded: "it makes sense."

Senhan\'s murderous spirit spread in the air. Few gods survived, but many gods suddenly forgot their fear. They were excited to look at tifeng and the Lord of divine punishment. Two muses even sang war songs.

These gods went crazy, experienced the devastation of fear, and were oppressed by a powerful aura, and their spirit completely collapsed.

The rest of the higher gods were ready to escape, but he had just taken a step and a tentacle appeared in front of him.

"If you want to go," said Typhon, "leave the sickle."

The Lord of punishment nodded, "we have reached an agreement on this." then a holy light surrounded Athena.

Athena dared not move, and the whole sky returned to silence.

After a short confrontation, tifeng suddenly punched the Lord of divine punishment in the face.

God punished the Lord for a stumble and nearly fell. He found a balance. He stood up straight.

Typhon returned with another punch, and the huge impact reminded people of Zeus\'s thunder.

But the Lord of God\'s punishment still didn\'t fall.

Tifeng returned his fist, and the Lord of divine punishment held tifeng\'s fist.

He finally reached out, and his hands behind him finally stretched out.

Tifeng laughed and punched again with the other arm. The Lord of divine punishment parried again.

But the Lord of divine punishment had only two hands. Tifeng had 100 arms and 100 fists coming from all directions. The Lord of divine punishment couldn\'t resist and retreated for several steps. Tifeng combined the 50 arms on the left into one, just like the giant arm of Dashan office, and hit the Lord of divine punishment.

The Lord of God\'s punishment still didn\'t dodge. He hit his face heavily. His steps were a little staggered, but he still didn\'t fall.

Tifeng was stunned. This punch didn\'t defeat the Lord of divine punishment. It was really a little unexpected.

Suddenly, the fist of the Lord of God\'s punishment flew to the face door, so fast that tifeng had no time to dodge. This fist directly broke his iron helmet and mask, and blood flowed down tifeng\'s ferocious face.

Waving a hundred fists, Typhon rushed to the Lord of divine punishment again. At the beginning, he defeated Zeus. No matter Zeus dodged or defended, he would always get a punch. As long as he hit one punch, Typhon could take the advantage.

But the Lord of divine punishment did not dodge or defend. He only fought with his fist and tifeng. The speed of both sides was amazing, but Pluto could barely see that the Lord of divine punishment received more than a dozen punches in succession and was about to fall, but he found a chance to hit two punches, one on the cheek, tifeng knelt on one knee, one on the chin, tifeng overturned on his back and flew out directly.

There is a gap, although tifeng is very strong.

The Lord of God\'s punishment is fighting him in the way that Typhon is best at, but Typhon is still at a disadvantage.

Pluto knew the situation very well. He quietly opened the entrance to the underworld.

"Stand up, son of taltaltalos!" the Lord of punishment was very excited. "Do you dare to come to me with such skills?"

Typhon turned over and stood up. One head was divided into a hundred and burst into flames towards the Lord of divine punishment.

This is one of the most deadly weapons of Typhon. Without the shield of aegis, even Zeus could not resist it.

But the Lord of divine punishment blocked it. Although his face was scorched and he could clearly see bones and teeth, his wound healed very quickly, and the wound disappeared in an instant.

Typhon also had a deadly weapon. He summoned a hill from the earth and smashed it at the Lord of punishment.

If the God punishes the Lord, Typhon is absolutely sure to hit him hard. There is the power of the mountain god Uriah in this hill. The only disadvantage is that the attack speed is too slow. In those years, this move always failed to hit Zeus.

Unfortunately, the Lord of God\'s punishment did not carry it hard this time. He roared at the flying hills and shook them to pieces with singing skills.

A piece of smoke and dust was splashed between the falling rocks. Taking advantage of this smoke and dust, Hades took his men into the underworld and jumped into the sea.

The gods of Olympia also wanted to escape. The Lord of divine punishment sent out a holy light, which scared the gods from moving.

Under the shadow of the holy light, the Lord of God\'s punishment rushed up, and Typhon turned into a black storm and wrestled with him.

The whole sky trembled. The low-level gods were either swallowed by the storm or dismembered by the holy light. The high-level gods could only do their best to protect themselves, not even the ability to watch the war.

After a long battle, tifeng tried his best to push away the Lord of divine punishment. He stood up hard. He broke more than 20 arms, lost more than a dozen heads, and lost more than half of his eyes.

The Lord of God\'s punishment was also hurt. He shed blood, but the blood on his face seemed to make him stronger.

Blood erosion! The Lord of divine punishment launched the blood erosion technique!

Typhon\'s bruised body was shaking. He didn\'t know how long he could last.

One of his eyes flew to Athena and whispered, "give me the sickle."

Athena clung to the sickle and refused to give up.

Typhon said, "give it to me quickly, or we will all die here."