Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 641

Unlike most gods, Dionysus, the God of wine, rarely stays in his palace. Some say he wanders around the mountains of Olympia all day, while others say he can reach the world with the help of the dreams of drunken people.

Wherever Dionysus goes, there is only one purpose, that is, carnival, drinking, singing and dancing. This is the correct way to communicate with Dionysus. However, if you want to say a serious thing to Dionysus, you must have enough patience and tenacious will. He may turn a deaf ear to every word you say. Even if he hears your words, he will probably make a different understanding.

This once bothered other gods, but today\'s Dionysus stands with Hermes without any sense of conflict.

"Brother, guess what I brought you?" Dionysus walked into the temple excitedly.

"Is it wine?" Hermes welcomed out excitedly.

"It\'s the best wine!"

"Are there any girls?"

"The best girl!"

"Is there the best young man?"

"I\'m the best boy!"

"Do you have evil goats?"

"You already have the most evil goat, so I didn\'t prepare other goats!"

"You\'re right!" Hermes laughed. "Let\'s raise our glasses and have a good drink before we go out."

"Where are we going?" Dionysus suddenly became serious.

Hermes pointed to the door and said, "first the lofty mountains, then the boundless sea, as well as the vast sky and the sun, moon and stars in the sky!"

"When shall we start, brother?"

"When we finish drinking this cup of sweet wine! When we sing this war song! When we finish this victory dance, and then kill the evil goat that prevented me from leaving the temple, we can go to war!"

The two gods raised their glasses and laughed. After a drink, Dionysus suggested, "why don\'t we kill the evil goat first?"

"That\'s right!" Hermes looked around and found that the gate of the temple had been closed, but pan didn\'t know where he had gone.

"What about the evil goat?" Hermes looked puzzled. "Is he afraid, is he afraid?"

Dionysus suddenly asked, "brother, are you really going to fight?"

Hermes said seriously, "do you think I look like joking?"

"You should know where we are going, and you should know that Athena has got Cronus\'s sickle."

Hermes asked seriously, "can that sickle cut the most delicious grapes and make the most delicious wine?"

Dionysus replied seriously, "are you crazy, brother? Why do you use a sickle to pick grapes? Just use your hand!"

"What you say is always so reasonable!"

After drinking a few more cups, Dionysus suddenly asked, "but you know, that sickle can cut open the barrier of Olympia. Outside the barrier is the sky, the sky belonging to the God of heaven."

"Shall we conquer the sky first?" Hermes looked out of the window and smiled. "Can\'t we wait to dance in the sky?"

Dionysus smiled, "brother, don\'t you want to drink in the sky?"

"Of course I do!" Hermes laughed. "I can\'t wait to see the bright red wine flying in the sky."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let\'s continue the carnival!" Dionysus raised his glass, and the bright red wine rained in the temple of Hermes.

Surrounded by Ningfu, Hermes took the most gorgeous dance steps in the bright red wine bath.


Seeing that Hermes and Dionysus got along so well, pan felt that he should not disturb the interests of the two gods, so he took a step first and returned to his palace.

He first called to Manda and saw the Oracle ring lit up. Manda quickly arranged the altar.

After pan appeared, Manda first reported his achievements in Bayer. He occupied ice rock city and captured Bayer King alive. The next step is to occupy the whole Bayer and make harumas a new belief in Bayer

While saying these words, Manda has been observing pan Shen\'s reaction. Pan Shen seems to have something else on his mind, which is obviously absent-minded.

But this is not the point. Manda said that the main purpose of these is to see if pan Shen is aware of his different breath. After all, he has just received two drops of divine blood.

Obviously pan didn\'t notice that the God of celestial bodies removed the breath very thoroughly. Manda put her heart down and it\'s time to talk about business.

"I have received some news that both bucken and sheltai are arresting Athena\'s believers. In view of the current situation of the goddess of wisdom, I would like to help him."

Pan\'s attention immediately focused. He didn\'t expect that Manda would help Athena. He frowned and said, "how do you want to help him?"

"I want to kill Odysseus," replied Manda.

Pan Shen thought for a long time and said, "killing Odysseus... Is to help Athena?"

"I helped the goddess of wisdom get rid of the troubles in the world. I can\'t bear to worry about the trivial things in the world."

Pan Shen smiled: "bastard, don\'t tell me such jokes. I know you have some grudges with Odysseus, but now is not the time for revenge. Be patient. I will tell you when the time comes."

"I think now is the best time," Manda whispered. "Don\'t you think it\'s strange that Cronus and the Lord of punishment want to deal with Athena? Don\'t you think it\'s more strange that Typhon wants to help Athena?"

Pan Shen was stunned: "you didn\'t talk about tifeng just now."

"I stayed until now to say that I just want to attract your attention. The relationship between Athena and Typhon is extraordinary. We must intervene. Naturally, I can\'t help the war of the gods. I can only do something in the world. I want to investigate the trend of Odysseus and find a chance to kill him if necessary, which will never happen again!"

"Well," Pan Shen smiled helplessly. He didn\'t expect that Manda hated Odysseus so deeply, "Listen to me, it\'s so complicated that I can\'t explain it to you. What you have to do now is don\'t wade in the muddy water and mind your own business. You just conquered a city in Bayer. Don\'t you have a lot of important things to do? Conquering a country is a complex and long process. How can you have the energy to pay attention to these irrelevant things."

"How can this be irrelevant? Odysseus is Athena\'s important in the world..."

"Enough!" Pan Shen lost his temper. "Did you understand me?"

Manda lowered her head and said, "I understand."


"Don\'t wade in the muddy water and mind your own business."

The old goat smiled, "this is a good boy."

He put a God\'s blood stone into Manda\'s hand: "you should also be more vigilant. If it is not necessary, do not directly participate in any struggle, stay away from Cronus, Athena, the Lord of God\'s punishment, of course, including their believers."

With that, pan Shen took away the clouds and interrupted his contact with the world.

I don\'t know if Manda will obey his orders. Manda is too close to the edge of the world. Pan can\'t keep watching him.

Even if this place is not so special, pan has no energy to keep an eye on Manda. He has to continue to monitor Athena\'s movements.

As soon as Hera left, Apollo came again. It seems that the palace of the goddess of wisdom will be lively for a while.


Manda was very disappointed with Pan Shen\'s response. Why did she miss such a good opportunity?

Conquering Bayer really requires some energy, but the current situation is not so urgent. After Leo\'s intervention, things have made obvious progress, and King Bayer began to eat.

Three days later, he told Leo a lot of truth. He was a believer of iapertos, one of the twelve Titans. Iapertos was the father of Prometheus, also known as the ancestor of mankind.

It is said that he and Prometheus created mankind together. Some say that he created mankind. Prometheus only transformed mankind. Some say that Gaia created mankind. Both iapertos and Prometheus are reformers... There are too many related legends, but one thing is certain that iapertos is inextricably linked with the origin of mankind, and as his Sixth order believers, King Bayer\'s fifth order skill is to become a person after acquiring a part of his body.

It\'s not easy to look, but completely become that person in appearance.

He got one of Manda\'s hair, so he became Manda\'s appearance. In the battle, he found the blood stains of chuyt and longson, so he could become their appearance. As for Eudora, she discarded some special cloth strips in a special period and let King Bayer get her blood stains, so she was not spared.

"But what\'s the matter with the others, people dressed as chuyt and longson? Are they all followers of iapertos? Do they have five orders?"

"They are just blind ducks. They have no skills. This is shakika\'s sixth level skill. She can change others."

"Er... I have a question," Manda said with a blush. "Is there a real person in shakika, or is it fabricated by King Bayer?"

"Don\'t make up this word," Leo looked very serious. "She is shakika. The real fabricated identity is king Bayer."

Leo was changing his concept again. Manda shook her head and said, "King Bayer and his queen had five children, three sons and two daughters. You can\'t ignore the reality all the time. He is a real man!"

"Born a man, it\'s not her choice," Leo said, pointing to his chest. "Her heart is shakika."

"Whatever," sighed Manda, "how\'s everything else going?"

Leo said, "she promised not to let the troops outside the city attack Bingyan City, and also promised to let Bingyan city accept the dispatching scholars. As for other things, it will take time."

"The important thing is that I need to form an army in Bayer to attack bucken and sheltai, which is closely related to your interests," Manda said

"I know that I have never forgotten my mission, but it does take time. Bayer is the kingdom of shakika. If you want her to make such a significant change, you must have enough time. In addition, please give her enough respect. At least she can\'t continue to live in prison. She even needs my help to get rid of her. We must at least leave her a minimum dignity."

"I can let her go back to the cathedral, but don\'t forget that he is a sixth order believer. Can you control him?"

"I can!" Leo nodded. "No more than a month, I can get an answer that satisfies you."