Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 626

Lesio stepped on a white horse and carefully sorted out his robes.

He whispered to Manda, "what you want is the flag, not fighting with these living dead, but those people didn\'t die in vain. They let me see the weaknesses of these living dead."

"Except for Gatan, they are all a little stupid."

"A group of soulless fools, but they don\'t know fear and pain. This is the most difficult place for them to deal with. See what I do. If I succeed in taking away the flag, you should be on guard. Sheltai may change the rules. If I fail, you should remember my lesson. You are so smart and will succeed next time."

Lesio pulled out his long sword and came to the edge of the battlefield. He shouted to sheltai, "Archduke, I\'ll buy you a drink after the battle!"

"I promised to let him go, but I didn\'t say I\'d let you go," shealtay said, pointing to Manda with his eyes down

"Don\'t be so ruthless. If your knee is swollen, I can find some herbs for you."

After joking with sheltai, lesio looked back at the end of the team.

The beggar was still there. Seeing lesio\'s eyes, he squatted on the ground with his head in his arms.

"So you\'re not despair, it\'s fear," lesio smiled. "There\'s still salvation."

He turned to look at Manda and asked, "I was the best general, you know?"

Manda nodded and said, "I guessed."

"I think I\'m still the best general."

Manda saluted deeply and said, "I take back what I said before. You\'ve always been the best."

Lesio smiled, pulled out his long sword and rushed to the battlefield with the faint sound of war drums.

His horse ran fast. When he passed the first enemy, he cut off his opponent\'s arm cleanly.

The enemy was still wielding his axe. Lesio didn\'t stop at all and rushed directly to the second enemy.

The second enemy was a little unprepared. He was stabbed in the chest by lesio and fell off his horse.

Without a pause, lesio rushed straight to the third enemy, flashed a cold light and cut his throat.

In the twinkling of an eye, lesio rushed to the tenth knight, and sheltai was a little nervous.

"This old guy... He, he\'s hard to deal with," he shouted to Gatan. "Rush up, take everyone up and stop him."

Just as Gatan was about to come forward, he heard Serta say, "stay away from him and stand in front of me!"

In this moment, lesio had rushed to the 15th knight, the enemy behind him was chasing, and the enemy in front of him had met him.

It was the encirclement tactics again. Colesio\'s horses never stopped. He opened a battle axe, cut off the head of a horse, and made a way before the encirclement circle was formed.

The profound meaning of seizing the flag is that you can never stop. Lesio approaches the flag, and the pursuing enemy makes a mess. The horses collide with each other. It seems that no one can stop lesio except Gatan, and lesio has figured out a way to deal with him.

He knew that Gatan was smart, quick eyed and skilled. At this distance, he probably would shoot an arrow, so lesio set up a shield in advance.

But Gaetan didn\'t shoot the arrow. He chose to throw the spear. The powerful and heavy spear ran through lesio\'s Wooden shield and directly pierced his forearm. Lesio gave a cry of pain and clenched the reins, but the horse still didn\'t stop.

He was about to get the flag. Manda raised her right hand and was ready to give the order of charging at any time. As long as lesio touched the flag, Manda would rush up immediately and tear sheltai to pieces.

But unexpectedly, someone stopped in front of the flag.

It\'s not Gatan, it\'s sheltai. He\'s not controlled by the rules.

Lesio\'s tactics are correct and there are few omissions from beginning to end.

But he never dreamed that sheltai would stand up and fight for his life.

His throne was bought with his life. He\'s used to gambling!

Lesio can\'t stop. Once he stops, he will be surrounded. Once he stops, all his previous efforts will be wasted.

He directly bumped sheltai with his war horse. Sheltai also has six levels of physique. It won\'t kill him now.

But lesio didn\'t expect that this time he violated the rules and hurt the other side\'s manager.

Only a short distance from the flag, the horse suddenly stopped.

The four horseshoes trembled, bent and broken until they collapsed to the ground.

Lesio fell heavily to the ground, his body firmly against the ground.

No one knows what happened, only that he was punished for breaking the rules.

Only Manda saw the whole story. At the moment when lesio hit sheltai, Manda felt the breath of God.

The origin of the rules comes from the power of Cronus. At the moment of violating the rules, the power belonging to Cronus will come to the world. This is the means of shertai to defeat the enemy.

The low-level rules are recognized by the world and can summon more power. The high-level skills have a tendency, and the summoning power is relatively limited. But now he directly summoned Cronus with a gathering order beyond the power of mortals.

The power of mortals cannot compete with Cronus, so the order of convergence cannot be broken.

But since he is here, why not directly wipe out Manda\'s army?

There is only one reason. He guards order, not sheltai.

With the original power, Manda saw through all this, but there was nothing she could do. Now there was a huge hand pressing sheltai firmly to the ground.

This is Cronus\'s arm, blood red arm, like a hill, pressing on lesio.

Lesio vomited blood foam. In this battle, he almost reached the limit of mortals. He did impeccable in both wisdom and strength.

Unfortunately, he lost to the gods.

At the moment when his life was about to disappear, he prayed silently to Tian Tian.

As a mortal, he chose the path he wanted to take.

But no matter which way he took, he never forgot his piety to the gods.

The huge palm left lesio\'s body, and lesio\'s life disappeared.

In Tian Hou palace, Hera saw a pearl pouring up from the spring of faith.

Callisto picked up the Pearl and presented it to Hera with both hands; "Days later, this is an excellent pearl."

"Take it for some food." Hera was too lazy to look more.


Sheltai stepped on lesio\'s body, looked at Manda and laughed wildly.

His mouth was stained with blood and his clothes were broken. He was badly hurt just now.

But his voice was still so loud: "who else will come? The 22nd chance was missed. You still have eight chances."

Manda took a deep breath. Lesio had demonstrated the correct method. He even demonstrated how to avoid the last trap with his life.

The horseshoe never stops. It must avoid sheltai. Manda understands.

"Now it\'s my turn." he moved his fingers and looked back at the big black horse.

If only the fifth level skills were still there, with this big black horse, at least one more chance of winning.

Ten percent victory is so precious, because we have to face the living dead, the rules that drive people crazy, and Cronus.

Manda shouted, "can my men get the body of the minister back?"

Sheltai shook his head and said, "no, I\'m in a bad mood. You\'re not allowed to collect the body this time."

"OK, you wait for me!" Manda looked back to find the big black horse, but saw the beggar standing in front of Manda.

He bowed his head and dared not look at Manda\'s face.

Manda knew he was not a beggar, he was longerson, but Manda really didn\'t want to see him, not at all.

"Can I have a weapon?" longson said.

Manda frowned and said, "what do you want weapons for?"

"I\'m afraid."

"If you\'re afraid, get away."

"They have defeated me," long Gesen pointed to sheltai and Gatan opposite. "They killed my subordinates. When fighting with Gatan, I can work hard, but when fighting with sheltai, I don\'t even have a chance to work hard."

Manda\'s eyebrows screwed up. "What are you doing talking nonsense to me?"

"I\'m scared."

"I said, get away if you\'re afraid!"

"Give me a weapon."

"What the hell do you want to do?"

"Just think I\'m a beggar."

Manda was speechless. At the critical moment of survival, he was listening to a madman.

"OK, I\'ll give you the weapon." Manda took a spear from the soldier\'s hand and gave it to longson. "Now you\'re not afraid. Can you roll?"

Long Gesen lowered his head and looked at yosuf lying on the ground.

He picked up yosuf\'s lance.

There was a veteran beside him. He picked up the veteran\'s axe and pinned it around his waist.

He picked up a short knife, a sword and a hammer

He picked up all the weapons of his old subordinates and stuffed himself like a hedgehog.

Manda couldn\'t help laughing. "Aren\'t you afraid now, general?"

"I want another horse."

Manda sighed, "didn\'t you say you\'d never fight for anyone again?"

"Why bother with a beggar? Just think I\'m a beggar."

Manda remained silent for a long time and shouted, "equip the general with horses!"

Long Gesen\'s old subordinates stood up one after another, but a general of the divine punishment army grabbed the front.

Just like when he was a commander in chief, Georgia stood respectfully in front of longson.

"General, which horse do you want?"

"Like the Minister of state, I want the fastest one."

Georgia walked carefully to the big black horse and took off the car cover with the help of two soldiers.

I thought the big black horse would go crazy, but when longson put the saddle and reins on it, the big black horse stood still.

Longson stepped on his horse and said to giorgia, "if I die and bury me next to the Minister of state, I have a lot to say to him."

Georgia said with a smile, "you\'ve been arguing with him all your life."

"Then keep arguing to the Styx."

Giorgia shook her head and said, "sorry, I won\'t bury you. I\'m a divine Punisher. There were some things on the day of birth. You can\'t blame me. At the beginning, you went to fight outside the city. I left you and ran away. That\'s what I regret most... But this time it\'s different. I\'ll accompany you. When you die, I\'ll go with you."

Longson took the reins and came to the edge of the battlefield. He looked at lesio\'s body and said to Manda, "that\'s the power of God, isn\'t it?"

Manda nodded.

Longson\'s voice was trembling and his body was trembling: "I\'m afraid..."

"I\'m afraid, too." without sarcasm and sarcasm, Manda sympathized with longson\'s fear. "Aren\'t you wearing armor?"

Manda noticed that longson was only wearing a thin rag.

"No armor, it doesn\'t matter, there\'s no time..."

Manda took off ares\'s suit and said, "at least put this on."

You can\'t use sacred objects on the battlefield. I don\'t know if this war suit is still useful.

Longerson put on his battle clothes and said to Manda, "would you like to play the drum for me?"

Manda nodded and said, "OK, general."