Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 611

Chuyt also bought a house outside the city. Manda took the people to the house from the underworld and asked Medusa to take care of the sleeping people. He returned to the house in the city again.

It was almost dawn. Ashuraf squatted next to the earthen pot and was eating the mutton left yesterday. Manda came forward and added some water to the earthen pot and lit the firewood under the pot. In the churning bubbles, the smell of mutton and seasoning floated into his nostrils.

Ashuraf lost a sheep bone and said impatiently, "I can eat raw. I don\'t have to be so troublesome!"

Manda smiled, "I prefer raw food to you, but eating should be so troublesome."

"I\'ve eaten a whole cow, calf, raw!"

"What I\'ve eaten is much more terrible than cattle, and there\'s nothing to show off." Manda filled a bowl of soup for ashuraf. Ashuraf drank too quickly, burned his mouth, and hawed and complained for a long time.

Manda took out the wine, and they poured a glass respectively, eating, drinking and chatting:

"How long did it take you to get to level five?"

Ashuraf said proudly, "five years."

One order a year? Manda was also a little surprised. The speed was no worse than him.

"How many years have you been at level five?"

Ashuraf said with dissatisfaction: "can\'t we continue to talk about a question? Why don\'t you ask me why I was promoted so fast?"

Manda shook her head and said, "those questions make you proud? But I\'m not going to make you proud. You can\'t answer if you\'re unhappy."

Ashuraf bowed his head and said, "I\'ve been at the fifth level for 33 years." he really didn\'t want to mention it, but he needed someone to talk to him.

"Thirty three years? You were abandoned by the gods?"

"Have you always been so ugly?" ashuraf said angrily. "There are some things I can\'t tell you!"

"Believers of primitive God need special conditions to be promoted after the fifth level, right?"

Ashuraf nodded and said, "order is needed."

"What kind of order?"

"If only I understood."

"What\'s your first-order skill?" after knowing each other for so long, Manda didn\'t know about ashuraf.


"What about second-order technology?"

"It\'s still fog."

Manda was stunned, and a little pride appeared on ashuraf\'s face: "unexpectedly, I\'m different from you. From the first-order skill to the fifth-order skill is called fog. Haven\'t you seen it?"

Manda looked stunned and said, "so you are the same as sheltai!"

"I, he, you..." ashuraf\'s face turned red. He hated Manda and sheltai. "I, I\'m different from him. My skills have changed."

Sheltai\'s skills have also changed, but Manda doesn\'t want to mention sheltai. He wants to know more about ashuraf.

"After I entered the rank, my body can turn into black fog and move in the form of fog, but I can only maintain 30 breaths, and I can\'t cross any barriers. My body is still heavy. Falling from a height will also break my leg. I tried... I was very depressed at that time. My skills were useless. I can only do short-term cover during night attack."

"After promotion to the second level?"

"My body became lighter. I became a flying fog. I could maintain a hundred breaths. Falling from a height would not break my legs, but I might hit the wall and break my ribs in a strong wind. I tried... I was very excited at that time. Among the second-class believers, I was the strongest."

"What about the third order?"

"No change," ashuraf shook his head, "The third order is very disappointing. I\'m still just the fog that can fly. I fly faster, higher and last longer. It seems that I\'m no longer controlled by time at that time, but I still can\'t pass through any obstacles. If I\'m accidentally hung on a tree, I may not be found for days and nights. Even if I\'m found, no one may be willing to save me."

Manda said, "have you tried?"

Ashuraf didn\'t answer: "at that time, I was depressed again. In the third level, I was weak, but when I reached the fourth level, everything changed. I could let the black fog penetrate into the interior of affairs. That was a part of me, just like when I planted a spell for you, a part of my body entered your body at that time!"

Manda glared and said, "do you want to fight? Don\'t make it so disgusting!"

Ashuraf said proudly: "Since I reached the fourth level, my identity has completely changed. I can pass through walls, trees and roofs. I can wear everything except the earth and mountains. I don\'t have to worry about falling to death or even the other party\'s weapons. Except that... That, what, I\'m not afraid of anything!"

Speaking of his weakness, asuraf wanted to avoid tactics. Manda smiled and said, "you\'re afraid of light, aren\'t you?"

"I\'m not afraid of any light."

"You are afraid of the holy light of God\'s punishment. What else?"

"No, there\'s nothing else..."

"Really?" Manda smiled. "I have an Apollo arrow here..."

"I am afraid of the light of Apollo, the light of Hyperion, the light of Helios, the fire of Prometheus, and a little afraid of the fire of Hephaestus."

"What else?"

"No more!"

Manda moved her finger. "You are so dishonest."

Ashuraf walked two steps away from Manda: "I\'m afraid of your fingers. Many people are afraid of your fingers!"

"Anything else?"

"And... That\'s what happens after level 5. After I\'m promoted to level 5, I can not only invade, but also dissolve. As you\'ve seen, I can dissolve people in the black fog. Since then, I\'ve become the strongest assassin in the Canglang country and my biggest weakness."

Manda recalled ashuraf\'s shooting process: "when you dissolve the enemy with black fog, your body will be attacked?"

"Yes, it\'s a serious attack. In the first five breaths, the last five breaths and the whole process of dissolving others\' bodies, it\'s easy to be seriously damaged. In that case, as long as I hurt the black fog, it\'s no different from hurting my heart."

"Those people you swallowed were eaten by you like food?"

Ashuraf shook his head and said, "I killed more than 70 people a day at most. Do you think I can eat so much? Those people just passed through my body and entered another world and were sacrificed to the God of darkness."

God of darkness... His believers are like a moving altar. He has tied his own interests to believers in such a direct way.

It was very cold, the soup was very hot, the meat was very fragrant, and the wine was very sweet. The two people ate and drank all morning. Manda found that ashuraf was not as rough as he described. When he ate meat, he would carefully pick bones, and the amount of wine was not very good, but every time he drank a cup, he had to pat the cup on the table with great momentum.

"Manda Claude Sai, I like you!" ashuraf wiped the corners of his mouth. "You may not know how famous I am in the wolf country. I am an assassin, but I am not the kind of assassin who can be hired with money. When I am in a bad mood, even if the king came to the door himself, I don\'t bother to look at him. At the beginning, a wolf king came to me (the princes of the gray Wolf Kingdom are similar to the archduke or marquis). As soon as I entered the door, I took a thousand gold coins and asked someone to bring them. I was not short of money. I ignored him at all and didn\'t even stand up from my chair,

He sent me two more girls who looked good, but they were vulgar when opening their mouth. I felt sick when I saw such vulgar powder!

He also asked me to be a wolf toothed head. You may not know what a wolf toothed head is, that is, the Viscount of the wolf man. What kind of person am I? I\'m a fifth order believer and I\'m fearless! I care about that noble identity? "

Manda handed ashuraf a leg of lamb: "eat some meat, don\'t just drink."

"No, no," ashuraf burped, suppressing the urge to vomit. He looked at the sky and murmured, "these guys are too slow."

He knew he had drunk too much, but he didn\'t lose his mind.

He is not completely bragging. He is a super first-class assassin. He knows what the subsequent reaction of assassinating a big man is.

"We are foreigners. No matter how many relationships the liar (chuyt) dredged, they will be the first to doubt us. According to past experience, they should have come to the door long ago, unless..."

"Unless they don\'t want to talk about it," Manda is no stranger to the situation. "There are ambushes around. They think we can\'t escape. They should wait until night."

"What do you want to do now?"

"Sleep!" Manda yawned. "Why don\'t you sleep when you\'re full?"

Ashuraf stretched his waist and said, "it\'s reasonable. I like people like you!"

They really slept until midnight.

Outside the wall came the sound of hearing the cable. Manda didn\'t bother to pay attention. Ashuraf was diligent. He walked several times along the root of the wall, collected dozens of heads and said to Manda, "it seems that they look down on us."

Manda said solemnly, "I can\'t bear it. I have to give a gift to the God of darkness."

With that, Manda came to the roof, looked at the soldiers trying to sneak around and launched tifeng\'s storm technique. Under the strong wind, hundreds of Bayer soldiers flew into the air.

Ashuraf turned into black fog and flew up and down in the strong wind.

Not long after, more than 100 soldiers cleaned up. Ashuraf said to Manda, "this person dares to come to the door. It\'s a shame to the Holy One."

Manda was stunned: "do you know I am a saint?"

"I didn\'t know before, but I knew as soon as I came to this ghost place. Maybe it\'s because the God of darkness likes cold. I\'ve improved a lot here."

The God of darkness likes cold. Does the vengeance like it?

Do primitive gods like cold? Does Gaia like it?

Ziegler has been in a coma for more than half a year. Maybe he can be saved when he comes here.


Late at night, ashuraf, wandering outside, returned to Manda: "they brought more than 2000 people. It seems that the Great Duke has also come. Do we still want to fight?"

"Are you afraid?"

"What am I afraid of?" ashuraf moved his shoulder. "It\'s my honor to fight side by side with the Holy One!"

He is arrogant, conceited, a little talkative, and always likes to show off.

But give him a chance to speak. Listen to him quietly for a while. He will trust you and appreciate you, because he feels your respect for him, and he will also give it back to you.

Two thousand enemy troops had come to the door, and the sound of knocking at the door had sounded. Asuraf moved his shoulder and said, "I\'m waiting for your order to attack."

"Control your soul and fall into a deep sleep immediately. You told me you could do it."

"Sleep? Go to the underworld?" ashuraf pointed to the outside and said, "don\'t fight?"

"The enemies are all out. What else are they fighting?" Manda opened the entrance to the underworld. "He comes to our house. We go to their house and take good things when we see them!"