Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 574

"May the goddess of wisdom bless you."

This sentence is too informative.

The old king should not be a believer in Athena, but Manda deliberately said so.

This is a false accusation. There are not only words, but also actions. He just beat the Bayer, who seems to be a very important Bayer.

Provoking disputes in the name of the goddess of wisdom is certainly not good for Odysseus.

Not good for Odysseus, not bad for Manda.

Looking at Manda\'s gone figure, the king of the Padawan almost shed tears, and a lot of difficult suspects were detained on him.

The Bayer man commanded a subordinate and said, "go and follow them."

The king quickly explained, "they are just businessmen from Roma countries, selling me some small things."

The Bayer pointed at the king with a whip: "I\'ll tell the Archduke about this. You\'d better come up with a reasonable explanation. What\'s the tax this month?"

The king quickly asked someone to bring the money bag. Four strong young men drove reindeer and sledges to the Bayer people.

There are two hundred gold coins in the purse, and there are wild boars, pheasants and other prey on the sled.

The Bayer people counted and rode away with their things.

The king called two subordinates and said, "look where those Romulus people have gone. Don\'t disturb the Bayer people. If they are still wandering nearby tonight, they must tell me before dawn."


Manda took the people trekking in the snow. Not far away, she saw a cave.

Chuyt frowned, cherdan grinned, worm tapped his fangs, and he\'s going to live in the cave again tonight.

After making a fire and eating something, Manda opened the Styx island and began to look up the letters.

Today, I received a lot of urgent mail, including those from Stanley, Manu and Denison. They all reported the same thing. Sheltai captured the king\'s capital and announced that he was king.

Different from everyone\'s reaction, Manda was not surprised by the result. After writing a reply, he said to worm, "has the paiwu scholar gone?"

"Let\'s go." worm arranged insect silk outside the cave, and every move outside was under his control.

Manda said, "take that Bayer in."

He knew that someone was following him and that the other party was a second-order believer. He also knew that behind the second-order believer was a sect official.

He could have caught the Bayer man long ago. The reason why he waited until now was to wait for the paiwu scholar to leave.

The old king is old. What Manda has to do next is likely to affect the old king\'s health.

Worm brought the Bayer in because he kept struggling, and worm broke his arm.

"Look at you!" Manda scolded worm. "Why are you always so rough and your bones are exposed. Look how painful it is. Just cut it off?"

Worm nodded, "wait a hand."

The Bayer people knelt down and cried and begged Manda to let him live. Manda replied in fluent luasai: "I can let you go, but you should listen to me and answer me a few questions first. Who are you?"

"We are envoys of grand duke bayev. We come here every month to collect taxes from old lares."

"Old lares?" Manda frowned. "Do you know he\'s the king?"

"He, sort of."

"What is it?" Manda picked up the dagger.

"He is a king, but his country is not a kingdom..."

The Bayer\'s expressive ability was so poor that he could hardly say a complete sentence between fright. It took Manda a long time to understand what he meant.

Lares loraya is indeed the king of the kingdom of paiwu, and the loraya family has indeed ruled the paiwu for thousands of years. However, due to its unique geographical location, this country is extremely backward. To be precise, they are not a country, but a collection of dozens of primitive tribes who live by hunting.

The Bayer people are also very backward, but a feudal dynasty faces a primitive tribal group, and there is an obvious generation difference between the two sides. The advantage of the Bayer people is rolling. Although the paiwu state is nominally a subsidiary state of the Bayer people, their status is not much higher than that of slaves. According to the Bayer, the paiwu is a watchdog responsible for guarding near the tundra, So that the subordinates of a Archduke dared to shout at their king.

After verifying the identity of the king, Manda asked two more questions. He thought the Bayer would not give an answer, but the result was much beyond Manda\'s expectation.

"Is lares a believer in ancient gods?"

The Bayer shook his head and said, "he is not a believer, and all the sect officials are not believers. According to the law formulated by our king, the sect officials are not allowed to believe in any God. Every year, we will send a high priest to check. If we find that there are believers of gods among them, we will execute one tenth of their men."

This is strange. Under the constraints of this high-pressure law, it is reasonable to say that the missionaries should not take risks, especially their king, but where does his divine power come from?

Manda then asked, "have you met a believer of Athena recently, whose name is Odyssey?"

The Bayer shook his head and said, "I haven\'t met anyone named Odyssey, but I heard that a man named odesov went to the tundra. He seems to be a friend of the Archduke."

"Odesov..." Manda smiled. His name was really nothing new.

"If you follow me, how can you meet your leader?"

"We have a post in the south. We usually spend the night there. Please let me go back. If I go back too late, our general will doubt it."

"Your general?" Manda thought of the fat man with the a moustache. "Is he an ancient believer?"

"He is a third-order believer of Perseus."

Perseus, the God of destruction, is also a believer in Titan.

"In addition to you and him, how many ancient god believers are there in your team?"

"There are also one second order and four first order."

"How many ancient god believers are there in that checkpoint?"

"No, no more..."

The Bayer man paused a little. Manda smiled and cut his two fingers with a dagger.

"Yes! And!" cried the Bayer. "There is a second-order and a first-order believer in the checkpoint, and ten ordinary sentinels. There is no one else!"

Manda looked up at worm, chuyt and cheerdan. "Don\'t I have to worry about it?"

Chuyt said, "we are deeply ashamed to let you bother about so many problems."

"There are a lot of people on the other side. You should be more careful."

Worm moved for a while and AoYa said, "is this humiliating me?"

"Which of you speaks luasai?"

Cheerdan said, "I can speak, but my accent is not very pure."

Chuyt said directly in luasai, "my accent is very authentic."

Worm can write or not, but he doesn\'t need to do it.

Manda ordered: "clean the post. Everyone should leave the totem of the goddess of wisdom and a living one to send a letter. Let him tell Grand Duke bayev that the soldiers in the extremely cold land are crossing the tundra. Lord odesov will fight side by side with us. If you dare to despise our king again, Lord odesov will throw King Bayer to feed the bear."

The Bayers didn\'t understand Manda, but worm, chuyt and cherdan understood it very well.

Every time he played Odysseus, Manda was led by the nose. This time Manda had to start first.

The three men took the Bayer and set off immediately. On the way, chuyt took the Bayer\'s collar and said, "did you hear your adult\'s order? Only one person can go back to deliver the letter alive. Do you want to be that person?"

"Yes, I think..." the Bayer people burst into tears.

"Just think about it. Don\'t play tricks. You\'re not the only one who wants to survive."

Worm looked at chuyt and couldn\'t help shaking his head. The man was so cruel.

Others have a chance to be the lucky one to survive, but this person has no chance. He knows too many things.


Manda stayed alone in the cave for a long time. He was preparing for his next business.

Sheltai captured the king\'s capital, and his next goal must be the southeast, which is consistent with the idea of the government minister.

Tifun certainly doesn\'t want to be attached to others, but leond certainly can\'t fight sheltai alone. The only thing he can hope for is Manda\'s containment in the West.

Manda can give a promise, but how valuable can a promise be? How many days can leond hold on?

If you can\'t give enough convincing chips, leond will fall to sheltai at any time.

What method should be used to exchange leond\'s trust?

Some footsteps came from outside the cave, and the missionaries came back.

Want to get rid of the root so soon? These people are really anxious.

Manda calmly got into the underworld. When the king of paiwu brought people in, she saw the fire and leftover food on the ground, but she didn\'t see half a figure.

They\'re gone? Where did you go?

The king saw some blood on the ground and muttered, "it seems that there has been a battle here."

A messenger soldier walked into the cave and said, "Your Majesty, there are footprints outside the cave. The footprints are in the direction of the sentry post."

"Sentry posts? They were captured by the Bayers?" the king sighed. "I hope it doesn\'t involve us."


Manda is very familiar with Longyin city. This time, she went directly into leond\'s castle.

Leond was sitting alone in the hall drinking sultry wine. He was not surprised to see Manda.

"At this time tomorrow, if I can\'t see you, I may have surrendered to sheltai."

Manda sneered, "are you so weak that you are not afraid of the sanction of the emperor?"

"The emperor will forgive me. He knows how difficult my situation is. There is no need to say anything more. Manda Claude Sai, I just want to know one thing. Will you help me?"

Manda nodded and said, "of course I\'ll help you. Our situation is no different."

"There are great differences. The southwest is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but there is no barrier in the southeast. Your soldiers and can deal with sheltai for a year or even longer, but my soldiers can\'t support it for two months. Even if you lose the war, you can escape elsewhere. There is Dier country in the South and Canglang country in the West. You are so smart that you can always find a place to settle down, but what can I do? I only want to know If I can escape to the sea, I don\'t know whether Poseidon will take me in, so Manda Claude say, tell me, how can I trust you? "

Manda shook her head and said, "I\'ve been thinking about it for a long time and haven\'t found the answer, so I don\'t think about it at all. Tell me what you want?"

"Since you are so sincere, I can say it straight. I want your family, two families."

He wanted to take hostages. In the ancient East, there was a similar tradition when the princes formed an alliance.

Manda hesitated, and leond continued: "If you want to be careful, don\'t just find some people to perfunctory me. I know the rules of your family, which are divided into direct and collateral. Although they are called family, there are differences between them. I want your direct family, and as long as I am familiar with those too smart people, I can\'t calculate. Holna, Kunta, Pluto, yodora and worm choose two."

Manda winked and whispered, "you\'re embarrassing me."

Leond shook his head and said, "I don\'t want to embarrass you. If you don\'t trust me, you can leave at any time. If you trust me, bring them in two days."

Leond got up to go. Unexpectedly, Manda stood up first.

"Why wait for those two days? I\'m disappointed for Typhon and sad for you. If you insist on surrender, please say hello to sheltai."