Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 553

The Mother God is quite afraid of the blood contract.

There is only one line on the contract, which makes kubaga, the mother bear God, return to nimfu.

The Mother God tapped her fingertips and whispered a spell:

"The chaos at the edge of the world, the distortion at the end of confusion, lend me a little strength to let me see the true face of this paper contract."

The mother bear God uses the ancient tiri language. He is calling the power of chaos on the edge of the world. If there is a code, secret language or other hidden means on this contract, it will be seen through by the mother bear God at a glance.

The Mother God used her divine power to read the contract for a long time. There was no change in the contract. Athena did not tamper with the contract, but only left this line.

This means that this contract can only bring one result, changing the mother bear God back to Ningfu.

The Mother God cut the soles of her feet with her toenails and shed a drop of blood.

It was said that it was a drop of blood. The huge blood beads dyed the whole sheep skin paper red. The contract took effect immediately, and the divine power sealed in the contract was released immediately.

The Mother God felt a sharp pain in her body. Every inch of her skin was torn, and the cracked skin was burned again and again. With a cry, her huge body fell to the ground. The bodyguard and sacrifice outside the cave rushed over together and shouted, "kubaga! What happened!"

Odysseus turned back and said, "nothing happened. Kuba is tired and needs a rest."

They were numb for a moment, turned their bodies rigidly and left the cave.

The giant bear\'s body convulsed and a slim figure came out of its navel.

Ningfu Callisto, who has been the giant Bear Mother God for more than 10000 years, has changed back to the beautiful Ningfu again tonight.

She stood before Odysseus, somewhat at a loss.

She can see her body, but she can\'t see her face.

"What am I like now?"

Odysseus first handed Callisto a himashin (Greek robe) to cover her body. Then he took out a silver coin from his arms, rubbed it in his hand and turned it into a silver mirror.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Callisto shed tears.

Clear eyes, towering bridge of nose, bright red lips

It\'s so beautiful, really beautiful, but it\'s different from yourself in the past.

Although the memory of 10000 years ago was blurred, Callisto could see that the face in the mirror did not belong to him.

Odysseus explained, "the goddess can\'t completely restore your face, at least not yet, otherwise you will be recognized by Hera immediately."

Callisto nodded. She could accept the result. Even if she could never recover her former appearance in the future, she could accept that her current appearance was no worse than that ten thousand years ago, not to mention that she was still the ugly giant bear just now.

"Beautiful fairy," Odysseus bowed, "do you agree to the second condition of the goddess?"

The second condition is to return to Olympia.

Callisto wanted to promise at once, but she hesitated.

"I can\'t leave the extremely cold place. I can\'t cross the tundra. I\'ve tried and tried countless times. I want to leave here in my dream, but I can\'t. the tundra curses me. I can\'t go out anyway."

Odysseus smiled, "don\'t worry, I have a way..."

"I know you know the way, but it\'s useless. I\'ve met foreigners who know the way before, but they can\'t take me away. They\'ll get lost in the tundra until they freeze to death."

Odysseus shook his head and said, "you don\'t need to cross the tundra. All you need is another drop of blood."

Then Odysseus took out another contract.

There is still only one line in the contract: mother bear left the extremely cold land and came to Olympia.

That\'s it? That\'s it?

Callisto couldn\'t believe it was true. She used the chaotic force on the edge of the world to test the authenticity again and found that the contract also had no hands and feet.

Callisto did not hesitate. She pierced her palm and shed a drop of blood.

The blood drops on the contract flashed a golden light, which slowly spread and wrapped Calisto\'s body.

"I\'m going back?" Calisto found his body leaving the ground.

"Yes, beautiful fairy," Odysseus saluted again, "remember the goddess\'s entrustment, don\'t expose any flaws in front of Hera, wait for the goddess\'s third contract, and wait for the time to reunite with your children!"

Callisto turned into golden light and flew into the sky. Odysseus blinked and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

A little too hard. My face seems to cramp.

Odysseus rubbed his cheek, moved his jaw back and forth, and looked at the giant bear in front of him.

The huge shell is still there, but there is no soul in it.

Odysseus looked at the sky again and murmured, "I haven\'t told you what your new name is. Forget it, you ask for your own blessing."

After that, Odysseus took a deep breath, concentrated and began to show his skills.

Seventh level skill - drive!

This skill can control the soulless body and do anything Odysseus wants to do.

Under normal circumstances, to use this skill, you must first extract part of the opponent\'s soul. Soul extraction is Odysseus\'s fifth level skill. The effect of this skill depends on the opponent\'s strength.

His five level skills are nearly 80% effective for ordinary people, less than 40% effective for advanced believers, less than 20% effective for third-level believers, and ineffective for fifth level and above believers.

Fortunately, the bear is ready-made, but controlling such a large body requires a lot of divine power, which is why Odysseus tried to avoid using skills.

After a long casting process, the giant bear\'s body stood up.

First let it move its hands and feet, then move its shoulders and neck, open its mouth, bite its teeth and move its eyes.

It\'s a little stiff, but it shouldn\'t be a problem to deceive these stupid rannuo people.

Odysseus manipulated the giant bear to the outside of the cave, roared at the priest and said in tiri, "let all believers see me at dawn!"

The voice is a little poor, not low enough. I\'ll adjust it next time.

The priest was a little surprised. The Mother God generally didn\'t speak directly. He just needed to roar three times in a row. All rannuo people must come to see him immediately.

But these were not the questions he should think about. Unless he thought his life was too long, he quickly asked the bodyguard to inform all tribes overnight that they must arrive at the palace of the Mother God before dawn.

"Kubaga! Kubaga! Kubaga!"

At dawn, the giant bear stood in the center of the cave and inspected the believers kneeling on the ground. More than 20000 rannuo people crowded the cave and knelt outside the cave.

Hiding in the depths of the cave, Odysseus smiled. The stupid Callisto didn\'t know what he had lost. The extremely cold place was too closed. Her mind still stayed in the era when the ancient gods dominated everything. She thought the power of faith of more than 20000 people was nothing.

Great goddess of wisdom, please look here. Mother bear has left this world, and there is no kubaga in this world.

You are kubaga, you are the mother bear God. The power of faith here belongs to you, the power of chaos belongs to you, and all the power of the mother bear God belongs to you.

I have completed my mission. Please give me a divine weapon!


With the golden light cruising in the sky for a long time, Callisto entered a strange world, where all things became blurred, until they were broken, turned into a bunch of halos, condensed and separated, and constantly changed in front of him.

She gradually lost the concept of time and space and fell into an endless sleep. When awakened by a burst of bird singing, Callisto opened her eyes excitedly.

Mount Olympia, blue Falcon and Robin above the sea of clouds!

I\'m back, really! After 10000 years, I finally

"Get up quickly! What are you waiting for!"

The excitement was interrupted by a woman\'s angry drink.

In the past 10000 years, no one dared to speak to her so loudly.

Who is so arrogant? Hera?

Callisto turned around and found that the other party was not Hera. She was wearing a gauze skirt. She looked beautiful and exquisite. From the perspective of dress, she should also be a Ningfu.

"Have you seen enough?" nanningfu frowned. "Let you take a nap. You\'ve slept for a long time. If Tian Tian is in a hurry, he won\'t kill you! Go!"

Callisto had an impulse to slap Ningfu to death.

But she realized that her palm was a little smaller, and she also realized her current identity.

She is no longer the mother bear God, and this is not a very cold place.

She is also a Ningfu. Here is mount Olympia where the gods live.

Don\'t be impulsive, don\'t be reckless, don\'t act arbitrarily, and don\'t forget your mission.

Close to Hera, gain trust, save his son, kill him, and live happily on Mount Olympia forever.

Step by step up the cliff along the steps paved with white clouds. The deeds of every God are recorded on the cliff.

Although he is only a Ningfu, Callisto also has his own deeds. Only when he has deeds on Mount Olympia can he be regarded as a real God.

In my memory, my deeds are engraved here. It should be, see, that\'s it

Just seeing his name, Callisto was pushed by Ningfu again.

"Let you walk faster, can\'t you hear me? It doesn\'t matter if your skin itches. Don\'t let me get whipped with you!"

Ningfu\'s temper was really bad. Fortunately, Callisto was in a good mood and didn\'t want to care about it.

It was still early. EOS, the goddess of dawn, had just opened the gate of heaven. The first ray of dawn shone on the peak and gradually saw the outline of the palace of the gods in the clouds.

Don\'t cry, don\'t cry, you just go home.

At the end of the ladder, there are 16 magnificent colonnades, of which 12 lead to the temple of the twelve main gods, three lead to the residence of other gods, and one leads to the common Temple of the gods.

Callisto glanced in the direction of the temple of Artemis, and his mind was full of thoughts.

How should we face him when we live a peaceful life in the future?

If you are destined to be Ningfu all your life, do you have to serve him?

"This way!" grumpy nimfu yelled at Callisto again. She thought Callisto was going the wrong way.

Callisto smiled helplessly and followed Ningfu onto the colonnade.

The central colonnade belongs to Zeus, and the first colonnade on the right belongs to Hera.

Don\'t look down, don\'t look up, and don\'t look on both sides. The bottomless sea of clouds, the corridor columns directly outside the sky and the scenery above the sea of clouds are dizzy. After 10000 years, Callisto really doesn\'t adapt to it.

Hera\'s Silver Palace appeared in front of us, not the most magnificent, but definitely the most gorgeous.

Hera, you can\'t think of it. I\'m back.

The world of the gods, I\'m back!