Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 472

Longson raised his lance and rushed out. Everyone thought he was annoyed by the other party.

In fact, long Gesen is very sober. Blasphemous words make him hate this bald man, but he will never lose his mind.

He fought with God punishers all his life. Don\'t say a few blasphemous words, that is, he didn\'t know how many times he had seen such things as demolishing temples and destroying gods.

He promised to win the solo duel because he had the confidence to win and had no better choice.

As a fifth order believer of Hercules, he knows that there are more powerful people in the world, but there are few believers above the fifth order in the world and they are not so easy to meet.

Even if you meet a sixth order believer, you may not be good at fighting. Even if you are good at fighting, you can\'t have his rich combat experience.

Longerson also worried that this would be the other party\'s trap, but if he wanted to lead the remaining 40 cavalry out of the forest, he had to take risks.

Longson\'s plan is to capture his opponent alive as quickly as possible and not give him a chance to attack himself.

Among his skills, the most powerful is the third-order skill, the arm of Antaeus.

This is a skill created by Hercules when he killed the giant aetios. This skill can give longesen the power to strangle the giant. He can break the lance and hammer with his bare hands with a third-order skill, and can easily screw off a strong man\'s head.

But this is obviously a slow force, not an explosive impact. It is more suitable for foot combat and hand to hand combat, not horse combat.

The fist of nimia, a second-order skill, is a better choice. Heracles created this skill and killed the giant lion of nimia with one punch. Longson also demonstrated this skill and broke a huge tree with one punch.

This skill is most suitable for horse war. Long Gesen is ready to use second-order skills to directly overturn his opponent, and then use third-order skills to capture his opponent alive.

Seeing long Gesen rushing up, Gatan judged his skills. He flattened his axe and stabbed out with one hand.

This is not the correct posture to use the Tomahawk. Although the front end of the Tomahawk also has a spear point, it is auxiliary. The structure of the Tomahawk is not suitable for stabbing. Chopping is the correct attack method.

But when the lance collided with the Tomahawk, longson felt that he had hit the carriage, his arms were sore, his body shook, and his whole body suffered a serious impact.

Is this... A four horse chariot?

Long Gesen has seen this skill, which is ares\'s sixth level skill.

There was a sixth order believer on the other side, and he made a serious mistake in his judgment of breath.

Longersen was a little flustered. Although he resisted this, the power of the four horse chariot was more than that. The huge impact was the first damage of the skill, and the second damage was not on longersen, but behind longersen.

But at the moment, he can\'t turn back. In the face of such a powerful opponent, a little distraction may kill him.

Nemea\'s fist made his opponent suffer. Gatan\'s body shook and almost fell off his horse\'s back. Long Gesen raised his lance and launched the second-order skill again. Gatan fought hard across the Tomahawk. During the fierce battle, long Gesen heard the scream behind him.

The second damage of the four horse chariot summons the power of Ares\'s four horses to kill the enemy.

These four war horses are the sons of Ares. Their names are burning, fire, riot and terror. Believers of level 5 and below can\'t see the war horses, but the damage is real. They run rampant in the military array and crush the soldiers\' flesh and blood wantonly.

The two fifth order believers zuglen and Tinian were able to escape the impact of the war horse, and the third-order believer karian was able to barely dodge. All the first-order and second-order believers in the army were injured, and all the soldiers who were not advanced were killed under the iron hoof.

More than half of the 40 cavalry soldiers died in battle. They followed long Gesen from Yinsong city to Shuanghua City, all the way from the dead to now. Hearing their tragic voice, long Gesen\'s heart was dripping blood. He wanted to kill Gatan immediately.

But Gaetan is very patient. The Ares believers of the same class are not as powerful as the believers of Hercules, but he is one level higher than longson, easily makes up for the gap in strength, and takes a lot of advantage in skills.

During the fight, he launched the sixth level technique again. While feeling the violent impact, longson also felt despair.

After this round of impact, his soldiers are likely to be wiped out. The angry longersen ignored all tactics and took out all skills and Gatan desperately.

This is the most unwise choice. The believers of Ares are best at mindless fighting.

Gatan jumped off his horse and launched the third-order skill, shadowless blade.

Jumping off a war horse is a typical act of death in the process of horse war, but the believers of Ares have the capital to die.

Shadowless blade can improve speed. The Archduke\'s wife once used this move in front of his son. Her speed is fast enough to make ordinary people invisible.

It was because of his extremely fast speed that Gatan had the courage to jump off his horse. He frantically attacked longersen\'s horse\'s hoof with his Tomahawk on the ground. Longersen\'s horse was very strong and his riding skills were very exquisite, but he could not avoid such a fast attack, and it was difficult to launch a counterattack against Gatan who could hardly see his figure immediately.

The correct response is to immediately jump off the war horse and fight with Gatan, but when longson thinks of this, it\'s too late.

Gatan\'s axe cut off longersen\'s hoof, and longersen fell down.

When he tried to get up, Gatan hit him on the head with a battle axe, and longson fell into a coma.

He showed mercy. He could have killed longersen, but he wanted longersen to live a little longer. This is ares\'s order. For the gods who support Hermes, their believers should be humiliated.

"You have all heard his oath, the oath he made to Hercules. He was defeated, he will never live, and you will die obediently. Do you stretch your neck, or do I send you on the road?"

Zugran and Tinian looked at careen. Careen looked blankly.

As a third-order believer of Apollo, kareon had no capital to fight Gatan.

Dinian, a believer of the kitchen god, is not good at fighting. She didn\'t even have a chance to fight in front of the sixth order believers of Ares. The battle with the Archduke\'s wife is a good example.

The believers of the goddess of hunting still have the power to fight in the forest, but zugran\'s shoulder blade is broken and one hand can\'t move. In this case, the chance of winning in a healthy situation is very small. In this case, fighting Gatan is tantamount to death.

What\'s more, there are ambushes behind Gatan.

Everything has lost suspense, and all the people who survive seem to have to wait for death.

As Gatan approached, Tinian suddenly took something out of her arms.

"Believer of Ares, do you want it?"

In the dark night, Gatan could see the tempting light.

Tinian is holding a divine blood stone, the divine blood stone of Ares, a high-ranking divine blood stone.

This is the God blood stone of the Archduke\'s wife. Tinian dug it out of the soil. She knew that such a precious thing would be useful in the future. Unexpectedly, it became a life-saving straw at this time.

Gatan could not resist the temptation. With this divine blood stone, he could take a big step towards the seventh step.

"I really want it. Will you give it to me?"

Tinian said, "let us live and I\'ll give it to you."

Gatan smiled and said, "aren\'t you afraid of me? Can you stop me?"

"I can\'t stop you, but I can destroy it," a flame came out of Tinian\'s hand. "The flame of the kitchen fire goddess can destroy the God blood stone. If you don\'t believe it, you can have a try."

Gatan quickly pressed down his palm and motioned Tinian not to be impulsive: "I\'ll let you go as long as you give me the God blood stone. I swear in the name of Ares."