Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 467

Manda was running in the underworld, and medusa followed with Sue on her back.

She couldn\'t catch up with Manda. She shouted behind her: "come and help me stabilize his soul."

Manda said angrily, "do you still care about him? Are you not afraid of the curse of Zeus?"

"What else are you afraid of the curse of Zeus? When you summon Typhon to beat Zeus, what curse are you afraid of?"

Manda said angrily, "you mean I broke the jar?"

Medusa looked blankly: "what is a broken jar?"

Manda stopped, grabbed her hair and sat on the Bank of the river.

He didn\'t know that the black crystal could directly summon tifong, if he knew

Even if he knew, he had no choice. Under the circumstances at that time, this was the only way to get out.

Since she came to this world, Manda has always hoped to develop and grow herself in the most low-key way without anyone noticing.

But who could have thought that he would be involved in the war between the two gods. He was the two most powerful gods, one of whom was the Lord of the gods.

To be exact, he ignited the war.

What should we do in the future? If you offend Zeus, can you still get the protection of Hermes?

From the current situation, I seem to have no living space on the side of the ancient god.

It can\'t be said that tifeng is also an ancient god. Will he take refuge in tifeng as a monster in the future?

It\'s not impossible, but it depends on the result of the battle. If tifeng wins, everyone will be happy. If Zeus wins, we have to find another way.

What else can you think of? It seems that there is only one way left. Join Leo\'s camp and join the team of divine punishers.

Thinking about what he had done to the punisher before, Manda believed that the punisher would not take him in. Even if he was willing to take him in, he was looking for a chance to get rid of himself.

It\'s no use thinking about these now. You must not act rashly until you know the result of the battle. If Hermes found out those ideas just now, he was afraid that he would be severely punished in advance without taking any action.

Mandaan stabilized the soul of SUS and said to Medusa, "is there any place in the world that can escape the gaze of Zeus?"

Medusa thought for a moment and said, "yes or no, it\'s just meaningless."

"What do you say?"

"You can escape the gaze of Zeus, but you can\'t escape the gaze of all gods. Just like some isolated islands on the sea are not in Zeus\'s vision, but they are under Poseidon\'s gaze. You can offer sacrifices and let Poseidon hide for you for a while, but sooner or later, he will tell Zeus everything, because God is the master of the world and Zeus is the master of all gods , none of this can be changed. "

Manda shook her head and said, "Miss, the times have changed. The ancient god is no longer the master of the world, and Zeus is not the master of all gods. You may not have heard the name of the Lord of divine punishment?"

"What is the Lord of divine punishment?" Medusa was surprised.

"Later, I\'ll tell you slowly. We can\'t take Sue back to the southwest for the time being. I\'ll find a place to settle him until his curse disappears."

Medusa agreed with Manda\'s idea and asked tentatively: "I once heard some rumors in the underworld that a mortal released the residual soul of tifeng. After his resurrection, tifeng kept calling his believers and planned to help his father open the door of taltaltalos and release all the gods imprisoned inside... Is that you?"

Manda looked straight and said, "how could it be me!"

"Then why do you have a way to summon Typhon?"

"How do I know? It\'s just a divine thing. I bought it in the market, just like buying your skull!" Manda\'s face was not red at all.

Medusa sighed: "I thought about the oath you made. It\'s really unfair to you. You\'ve helped me find my hair and skull. That\'s enough. I can take you to the Styx River and take back the oath. When I find an eye, I\'ll have my own body. Then I won\'t haunt you again."

Manda looked at Medusa and said with a smile, "do you want to run by yourself?"

"Why," said Medusa, blushing, "I really think of you."

"Bah!" Manda spat at Medusa. "Hypocritical woman!"

Medusa wiped her face and said, "what else can you do? You have offended Zeus. This is something that Gods dare not do. Do you still have a way to live? Do you want me to wait for you to die?"

"Bah!" Manda spat at her again. "Shameless woman!"


Until dusk, zugran, a believer of the hunting goddess who had been unconscious for a whole day, woke up.

She tried to support herself up, but the broken shoulder blades hurt so much that she almost lost consciousness.

When she overcame the pain and stood up, she didn\'t know where she was.

The memory before coma was quite clear. She was interrupted by the Archduke\'s wife, and then captured alive by the guards.

Next, the Grand Duchess was defeated by the Seven Star Marquis Manda Claude, and the guards hurried away with her.

On the way to escape, zugran had severe palpitations. Under the overlap of pain and palpitations, she was unconscious.

After the coma, she should have been abandoned by the guards, but the question is, where did the guards leave her?

What is this place?

In addition to the yellow sand, there is only dust. Zugran is a werewolf. She thought she had returned to the desert in the western regions.

When she was surprised, she suddenly saw a familiar figure. The kitchen god believer Tinian was also here. She was holding her neck and trying to straighten her head.

Zugran remembered that Tinian\'s neck was broken by the Archduke\'s wife. She should be dead.

But except that the angle of her head is a little strange, she can walk and speak, which seems to be no different from when she was alive.

"The kitchen god gave me an oracle. He said I was lucky. The king of Hades didn\'t look here, and all the gods in the underworld didn\'t look here. He just stuffed my soul into my body, and I can continue to live."

Oracle? Zugran seemed to have been told by the goddess of hunting, but her memory was a little vague and she couldn\'t remember.

"Where is this?" asked zugran.

Tinian turned her head 180 degrees, looked back and forth, and said to zuglan, "this should be dielan town."

"How could this be dielan town?" zugran suspected that Tinian\'s head was broken, and it looked really broken, but zugran was stunned when Tinian pointed to the mountains in the distance.

"Those mountains, you should know. According to the distance, this is dielan town."

That\'s desleibi mountain, about 15 miles away from dielan town. Tinian is right. This is dielan Town, but dielan town has disappeared.

Houses disappeared, streets disappeared, and even mountains of dead bodies disappeared.

No one knows what happened here. They can\'t see a living person, and they don\'t know why they can live until now.

"It should be the blessing of the God of destiny. The goddess of hunting must protect me!" while muttering to herself, zugran remembered the content of the oracle. "My God asked me to go west, where I can find a way to live."

Tinian has been digging in the sand, as if there was something good buried under the sand.

As she dug, she replied, "the kitchen god gave me an oracle that let me follow you and I can live, but I don\'t know if I\'m alive... Look, I found a good thing!"

Tinian dug out a divine blood stone from the sand. This is the gift of the kitchen god believers. They can quickly find the relics of familiar people.

"I\'ve never seen such a beautiful divine blood stone," zugran exclaimed. "Look at the shape and pattern, I can see Ares in it."

Tinian smelled the God\'s blood stone and said, "this belongs to the Archduke\'s wife. I\'ve known her for so long. I always thought she was a blind duck. I didn\'t expect her class to be so high..."


Manda waited tremblingly in parrot city for three days when the Oracle ring suddenly lit up.

Pan Shen wanted to see him, and Manda\'s heart went up her throat.

Don\'t overestimate your friendship with pan, and don\'t underestimate the gods\' fear of Zeus. Even if pan suddenly cut Manda\'s head at the first meeting, it\'s reasonable.

Manda is afraid, but hiding is not the way. The gods have countless ways to find him. If pan wants to help Manda, Manda will never miss the opportunity.

He set the altar and summoned pan.

He hid Typhon\'s crystal around his waist and prepared for the worst.