Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 457

In previous lives, there was a song called sister Lin falling from the sky.

There\'s a situation right now. It\'s called Medusa.

Manda quickly looked away from her eyes. He wanted to scream and was blocked by Medusa. Medusa finally let go of her hand before Manda was suffocated.

Manda also calmed down. In the current situation, others can\'t help.

"When did you enter my body?"

Medusa pouted and said, "I\'ve never left you."

"That is, after I left the underworld?"

"Before you leave the underworld, I can\'t go through those rock walls, otherwise I would have left the underworld."

Manda recalled the scene at that time. He didn\'t dare to look back for fear of seeing Medusa\'s eyes. He always thought Medusa was behind him and ran very fast, but in fact, since he left Medusa\'s nest, Medusa had got into his body.

"What do you want to do when you enter my body? Just want to leave the underworld? You have succeeded. Now you go."

"Amorous man," said Medusa coyly, "we\'ve been together for so many days, do you just drive me away?"

"Don\'t be so disgusting, as if I had handed myself over!" Manda said angrily. "What do you still want to do in me now?"

"When you keep your promise!"

"Are you in such a hurry? I said it won\'t happen overnight."

Medusa looked wronged and said, "but since you came to the world, you have never found a head for me. I am a little desperate."

"Don\'t despair!" Manda restrained her voice. "Don\'t despair so easily. I\'ve been trying, but I haven\'t shown it. I\'ve never forgotten my oath. As a man, that\'s my most solemn promise to you!"

His amber language was not so fluent. It was not easy to say this, but he knew the consequences of making Medusa despair. He would be thrown into the Styx River and become part of the mud at the bottom of the river.

Medusa sneered and said, "I\'ll give you two days. If you don\'t take action, we\'ll meet somewhere else."

Manda said, "can you give me a few more days? Now I\'m in trouble."

"What misfortune?"

"You\'ve been in my body. Can\'t you hear it?"

"I can hear you, but I can\'t understand you. Your language is so strange."

Medusa still couldn\'t understand the common language. Manda spoke and wrote and told the story again.

After listening to the story, Medusa nodded and said, "it\'s almost said and looked. Will you give me a dress first?"

Manda quickly put a dress on Medusa.

"I don\'t understand what you\'re talking about. I don\'t remember that you mortals have such an official position."

Manda said, "the times have changed and changed a lot. I will teach you slowly in the future. Now is not the time to discuss these."

Medusa then said, "but I am very familiar with Cronus. He has been in the abyss of Tartarus. Several times he tried to escape. Once he almost overturned Hades\'s palace. I joined hands with him once, but I failed. Through that cooperation, I understood every skill of him."

"Are you talking about the skills of the true God? We are not dealing with the true God, but his believers."

"The true God gives some of his skills to believers, which is the source of believers\' skills, and rule domination is part of Cronus\' skills."

Manda said: "I don\'t have much time. I know his skills very well, that is, there is a rule at each level."

"Superficial, too superficial," Medusa shook her head. "To defeat him, you must know him well, especially when he is well prepared,

If he has been promoted to level 6, it proves that he has mastered six rules. These six rules are in order. Do you know which is the most powerful rule? "

Manda said: "it should be his sixth rule, which can make unfair rules against the enemy."

"You\'re wrong. That\'s the weakest rule. Cronus\'s strongest rule is the first-order rule, which is called axiom, that is, a rule based on common sense and common recognition. Once such a rule is formulated, everyone must abide by it within his skill range."

Manda couldn\'t understand: "what do you mean by axiom?"

Medusa said: "for example, on the battlefield, the believers of Cronus announced that the dead soldiers can no longer stand up. This is the axiom. It is in line with the common sense of most people. Within the scope of skills, everyone must abide by it. Even if the level is higher, it is very difficult to break this rule."

Manda frowned, "what good can such a rule do?"

Medusa smiled and said, "you seem to have believers of Pluto around you. This rule is fatal to him. He will not be able to manipulate the corpse to fight."

Manda was lost in thought. Medusa then said, "his second-order skill is called righteousness. It is a rule generally recognized morally, such as not allowing to kill women and children. The second-order rule has very strong control,

The third-order skill is called fairness. The rules generated on the basis of fair fighting, such as the prohibition of the use of weapons and skills by both sides, have a certain bias. If a giant fights with a child, it is difficult for the child to have the hope of winning without the use of weapons and skills. This is an unfair rule. High-order believers can break away from the rules, but You need to be at least level 7 or above to have this ability.

The fourth level technique is called will. It uses seemingly fair rules to realize its own wishes. For example, it is not allowed to leave the battlefield, chase the fleeing enemy, and no one is allowed to support the battle. These rules seem fair and are actually in favor of the rule makers. The control power of such rules is lower, and there is a chance to break through at level 6 and above.

His fifth level skills are called fusion. Before he is promoted to fifth level, he has to change his skills every time he superimposes rules. If he superimposes four rules, he has to use first, second, third and fourth level skills to formulate rules respectively. After fifth level, he doesn\'t need to. He can superimpose five third level rules. As long as he doesn\'t exceed the total number, he can superimpose them at will. "

Manda nodded and said, "what about the sixth order?"

Medusa Road: "The sixth level technique is called likes and dislikes. It makes rules according to his likes and dislikes. This is a targeted rule, but it can\'t be too biased. He can\'t say that I can use divine power, but you can\'t, but he can say that Hermes believers can\'t use divine power. Because this rule is targeted, it\'s easiest to break away. Believers of the fifth level and above have the opportunity, as long as you have more With some strength, it\'s not too difficult to break away from the sixth order rule. "

Manda nodded, "that is to say, I should first judge his rule class, and then choose the fourth or sixth order rules to break through."

Medusa smiled: "this is the key to tactics."

After thinking for a long time, Manda got up and said, "thanks to your reminder, I finally found the best tactic."

"I knew you were smart enough," Medusa said in her ear as she climbed over Manda. "Tell me, what\'s the tactic?"

Manda said, "don\'t you have any rules when you rush up and turn him into stone?"

"..." Medusa pursed her lips for a long time and said in a coquettish voice, "you are so rude."

"I\'m really rough sometimes. It\'s not early. Let\'s start at once."

"But I can\'t," Medusa pursed again.

Manda frowned and said, "you don\'t want to help me?"

"Why don\'t I want to help you?" Medusa said wrongfully. "Look at my eyes."

Manda sneered, "do you think I\'m crazy?"

"Just look!" Medusa twisted her body into an incredible angle, wrapped her body on Manda\'s back, but her face stretched out in front of Manda. "Look, can I turn you into stone?"

Manda tried to avoid Medusa\'s eyes: "what the hell do you mean?"

"In fact, you\'ve seen my eyes, my face, from head to foot. You just looked very carefully, but you haven\'t turned into a stone. I lost my body and strength. If you want me to help you, you must find a part of my body, even a small part."