Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 433

Although Shuanghua city is on the border, the northern territory is small in depth and the road is relatively flat. It is only five days away from the battlefield.

After longerson received the news, he led the cavalry to gallop day and night, and arrived in the battlefield in a little more than three days.

De Enke personally went to meet longson and prepared bread and salt as if he were a guest.

"General, I didn\'t expect your leading troops to come so soon." when de Enke saw that longersen had only a thousand cavalry, he thought it was not the main force.

Longerson shook his head and said, "Sir, all the troops I brought are here."

Deenko was a little embarrassed, and the faces of other lords were also a little ugly.

Is it a bit of a joke to bring a thousand people to support tens of thousands of coalition forces?

Longesen wanted to explain that the frost flower city was on the border, and he had to leave enough soldiers to resist the foreign enemy, but de enko didn\'t continue to ask. He prepared a banquet and asked longesen to sit in the camp.

Before long Gesen arrived, the enemy\'s attack never stopped. From the more than 8000 people killed in the first battle to the 15000 people lost in the first war with bucken, to the more than 2000 people lost during this period, the coalition\'s war damage has been nearly half.

De Enke was very depressed: "up to now, the shameless enemy has been sneaking into me in a dirty way. Up to now, the shameless enemy has not the courage to fight me openly!"

De Enke became more and more excited. He broke two wine cans back and forth. The Lords sighed and comforted, but longersen didn\'t say a word from beginning to end.

De Enke had fought a war and should know the rules of the battlefield. He shouldn\'t have said such childish words.

Sneak attack is the most common tactic on the battlefield. It\'s not the so-called dirty at all.

As for the so-called aboveboard battle, that is, the two sides set up a good formation in the afternoon, charged at the same time, and fought hard steel on the battlefield.

Such wars do exist, but not all wars must abide by the same rules.

The enemy doesn\'t want to fight with you. There are no judges on the battlefield. They can\'t accuse the enemy according to their own rules.

De Enke drank too much and his mood was out of control. He first scolded the enemy as cowards, and then scolded all the Lords as soft eggs. Finally, even long Gesen didn\'t let go.

"You are no longer the general of the king\'s capital. You are a wanted fugitive! Who took the risk to take you in? Who returned the fief to you? I am so sincere to you. When I asked you for help, you brought a thousand people. Are you humiliating me? Take a thousand of your people and get out! Don\'t let me see you again!"

Drunken de Enke was sent back to the camp. Karian hurried to comfort longson: "we have suffered too many defeats. The Archduke is a little upset. We can\'t take our drunk words seriously."

Longerson sighed and smiled, "what else do you tell me? We haven\'t wasted enough time. Hurry to do something serious!"

Carrian took longersen to the camp that was attacked last night. There were only 400 people in the camp. The whole army was destroyed last night, and even their lords were not spared.

As like as two peas before, the only corpses of the coalition are the dead bodies, and the footprints are everywhere, and the enemy is not known.

Longson examined the wounds on the body. Many of them were sword wounds, which proved that most people died in close combat.

Longersen looked at the number of footprints on the ground. He could infer that the number of enemy troops was more than 2000. He counted the bodies on the ground. There were more than 400 bodies.

The enemy used five times its strength to sneak into a camp. They came and went without a trace. They wiped out more than 400 soldiers in close combat, but no one was killed. This is the mystery that has plagued the coalition since the start of the war.

The rotten smell of the corpse was very strong. Careen didn\'t want to stay here much, but longersen was very patient. He carefully examined the corpses in key positions, near the Chinese army, under the sentry tower, near the camp gate... Finally, he found a special corpse under the bow building.

The corpse had no arms and one leg. His body was full of feather arrows. Judging from his movements, he had been crawling towards the bow tower when he was dying.

Longesen felt that the body was abnormal. He called the general in charge of on-site inspection. The general\'s name was xiakisuo. He was very good at investigation and was deeply appreciated by de enko.

Xia Jisuo looked at the bodies on the ground and made the following inference: "the soldier was shot many arrows by the enemy and had a fierce fight with the enemy. He was seriously injured and his hands and feet were broken. He wanted to climb under the bow tower to seek cover, but he couldn\'t support it and died halfway."

This inference is very consistent with the actual situation on the battlefield. Wounded soldiers often seek cover under the bow.

But long Gesen raised a serious doubt. There are many feather arrows around the body. From the direction, these feather arrows seem to have been shot from the bow tower.

In the face of this doubt, Xia kisuo gave a new inference: "at that time, the bow tower had been taken away by the enemy. The soldier wanted to take back the bow tower, but there were many enemy troops around. The soldier was seriously injured under the siege and died on the way of the charge."

This inference has some elements of artistic sublimation. A soldier, facing the siege of the enemy, has to try his best to recapture the bow tower when he is seriously injured and his hands and feet are broken. A brave and loyal soldier like this can be written into the ode and become a hero in the classical era.

Such a big hero, so happened to meet? Longson didn\'t feel so lucky.

He took out his dagger and cut open the body. The blood had completely solidified and the skin and meat had been highly rotten, but there was no maggot on the body.

Longson looked up at shakishore and asked, "how many days do you think this man died?"

Xia Jisuo looked for a moment and said, "the body didn\'t have maggots. Naturally, it died last night."

"Are you sure he\'s from this camp?"

"His uniform has the sign of the coalition army. You may not be familiar with the sign of the coalition army," chakisuo pointed to the left shoulder of the body. "It\'s here, just like our flag."

Longson said, "I know he\'s from the coalition, but are you sure he\'s from this camp?"

Xia Jisuo frowned and said, "this is a brave soldier. He still wants to recapture the bow tower when he dies. Do you doubt that he is a fine work or a defector?"

Longson nodded and said no more.

This general chakisuo has a very pleasing character. He knows certain common sense, has strong reasoning ability, has rich imagination, and is very good at expression.

More importantly, he knows how to guess the Duke\'s mind.

De Enke didn\'t like long Gesen, which was noticed by him, so he talked to long Gesen with some sarcasm from time to time.

The soldiers had dug a pit and were ready to bury the body. Longson ordered the soldiers not to bury the body for the time being.

"Count the number of bodies and check them one by one according to the roster!"

Xia Jisuo frowned and said, "Sir, I don\'t understand what you mean by doing this?"

"I want to see if the number of casualties and the number of bodies are the same," longson said

When Xia Jisuo heard the speech, he showed a slightly contemptuous smile: "General, you may not know our enemies. They are demon believers. They have many incredible skills. Some can use fire, some can use acid pulp, and some can even use lava. You haven\'t seen their master general. He can use the abyss. Our soldiers can be burned to ashes, melted into water, or eaten by them It\'s normal to go into the abyss without some bodies. "

"What if there were more bodies?" longerson smiled.

"How is this possible?" shakhiso thought the question was too stupid.

Longersen stood up and repeated the order: "please check the bodies one by one against the list, focusing on the one downstairs. If you don\'t want to do it, I will ask Archduke to change someone to help me."

Longersen seemed very interested in the body downstairs. Carrian pulled him aside and said, "stop worrying about these bodies. What we need to find out most is how the enemy came here and left."

Longerson lowered his voice: "it\'s impossible to find out. There may be only two enemies. They have mixed into the team of tens of thousands of people. How do you want to find out?"

"Are you crazy? How can there be only two people?"

Longersen straightened his face and said, "because the Lord of the enemy is Breton, I know this man very well."