Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 430

Under the throne, Manda took an oath to the gods and the king, and was officially canonized as Marquis Claude under the joint witness of the king of the South (bessalu) and the government minister.

He designed his own family emblem. The main pattern of the family emblem is seven stars, which represent the totem of Hermes double snake staff and seven star mountain.

The background of the clan emblem is a balance, symbolizing the principle of fair trade.

After the canonization ceremony, Manda held a three-day celebration. At this point, he finally became one of the top nobles.

But during the celebration, he received a bad news. The angry Archduke de enko killed Baron Claude\'s family and hung his head on the gate of Juman city (the largest city in the north, the main territory of Archduke de enko).

Under the guidance of chuyt, Manda cried very sad. He ran to the king and cried, then to Archduke bessalu and then to the Minister of state.

After three tears and three comforts, it\'s time to solve practical problems.

The claudesai family has become a prestigious family in romroad, but Manda is the only one left in this family.

What\'s a man\'s name? This is disgraceful!

If Manda has elmen\'s ambition, she should hold the lion girl and Roma down and get down to business.

But Manda didn\'t want to wait and couldn\'t wait. He thought of the special management mode of the ancient East.

"Send a letter to Stanley and ask him if he would like to be a member of my family. If he does, write back to me immediately and he will become a collateral of the claudesey family."

Hearing this, chuyt was stunned. He didn\'t expect Stanley to get such treatment.

Everyone was stunned. Their eyes were full of envy and jealousy, but no one dared to speak.

Finally, the lion girl took the lead in saying, "Stanley has made a lot of contributions to you, but we have also shed blood for you. Don\'t we even have a chance?"

"Yes, you don\'t have a chance." Manda shook her head.

The lion trembled with femininity and heard Manda say, "you are my woman. From today on, your name is holna Claude Sai. You are a member of the Claude Sai family. You have no choice whether you like it or not."

The lioness took a breath, her face turned from red to white, and she couldn\'t speak for a long time.

Thanks to the completion of the promotion half a month ago, with the physique of the first-class believers, she has survived until now, otherwise she would have fainted due to surprise.

"It\'s not just you, Quinta, worm, Toka, Ogg, Pluto, yodora, the poet, guatel and Silva (the grand housekeeper). These people have no choice. You are destined to share weal and woe with me. You must give up your original surname and become the main member of the claudesey family."

Pluto was a little excited. He shed tears.

But he was also a little flustered and whispered, "I originally had a surname. Does it need some ceremony to change my surname?"

With tears in her eyes, yodora said, "what are you afraid of? I also have a surname. If I change it, I\'ll change it."

Pluto said, "you married him. It\'s right to change his surname. What should I do?"

Manda read out again. According to Manda\'s instructions, he made three more, one for Roma, one for Jenkins and the other for an old friend.

He put a main badge on his body and sounded the huge war drum of Touxing mountain.

Guatel made an iron helmet with a family emblem for each family member, but Kunta refused to wear it.

"You made it all to one size?" Kunta asked.

Guatel put on his helmet and said, "yes, it suits me!"

Kunta took the helmet and said, "it\'s enough for me to sit in a chair."

Guatel wiped his nose and said seriously, "it\'s OK for you to sleep in it!"

Worm asked the poet to build a sign with a family emblem and put up a notice that the tavern was free for three days.

Silva wore a badge and carefully inspected every corner of the mountain. Out of curiosity, Helena touched the badge and was beaten by Silva.

Her brother\'s badge was not allowed to be touched. She could go back and touch her husband. Helena came home and saw that Ogg was praying to the great prophet and asking the prophet to bless the Claudius family.

In the deep mountains, Jenkins knelt in front of the statue of the Lord of punishment and prayed all day. Amado asked him who he was praying for. Jenkins said proudly, "for my family!"

Toka engraved the family emblem on the long bow, encia embroidered the family emblem on the military flag, Tilla painted the family emblem on the sail, and the claudesai family rose slowly in the romroad kingdom.