Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 371

Manda had a bad guess that the monster was probably Tihon.

Typhon did have the power to frighten the gods. According to the book of the temple, he forced Zeus to a desperate situation.

Can the monster trapped in this cave be Tihon?

From the other party\'s voice and reaction, it should be very possible, but there are two things that cannot be explained.

First, the deeds of Typhon were inconsistent with these murals. Typhon did hit mount Olympia, but pan did not fall in that war, and made great achievements. He and Hermes helped Zeus steal the lightning Scepter robbed by Typhon.

Zeus finally defeated Typhon, and the fall of Pan was hundreds of years later. If the monster that killed pan really was tifeng, it would prove that tifeng hit mount Olympia again. There is no similar record in all ancient books read by Manda.

Another thing, according to the oracle of Prometheus, the monsters hiding in this cave have only a little soul, and their combat effectiveness is less than 10% of that in the past.

But last month, Manda also received a letter from leond. He developed a group of demon believers. On the day of sacrifice, tifeng appeared above the temple on a dragon. According to leond\'s description, his majesty and momentum are no less than the Lord of the gods.

Leonard\'s description must be exaggerated, but it proves at least one thing that Typhon is healthy, which is very different from Prometheus\'s description.

So the monster doesn\'t look like Tihon, but why does he know his name? Where does the so-called deception and betrayal come from?

These thoughts just flashed by. Now is not the time to think about these things. Hundreds of simultaneous laughter still echoed in the cave. At the same time, a large number of worms jumped at Manda from the rock wall.

The number of worms is much more than that on the picture scroll, and their speed is much faster than Manda imagined. Manda can barely escape the worms at her speed, but chuyt doesn\'t have the ability. He is entangled by the worms and flies into the air under the drag of the worms.

It turned out that Ogg wasn\'t blown up by the wind just now. He was also dragged into the air by these worms. It seems that the monster didn\'t want to kill Ogg, but knocked him unconscious, but chuyt didn\'t have such good luck. The worms kept rolling and tearing, seemingly trying to tear chuyt to pieces.

Chuyt screamed in pain. Kesto jumped on chuyt with his light skill and cut at the worm with a dagger.

But it didn\'t help. The worm\'s body was very strong and covered with greasy mucus. When it was cut with a sharp dagger, it didn\'t even leave a mark.

After several efforts, Manda finally jumped to chuyt. Taking advantage of this moment, she rose and fell, cutting off a large area of worms.

Chuyt and Cousteau\'s bodies fell down. Manda cut the worms on them as fast as possible with both hands.

After getting rid of the worm, chuyt and kersto held Ogg and ran towards the hole with Manda, but just close to the hole, another large worm rushed towards him.

The crowd retreated again and again. Some worms chased close to their faces, and some worms dragged back the big rock at the hole.

The hole was blocked. Manda looked back from time to time on the way back. He was worried that he was too close to the rock wall and was pinched back and forth by worms.

But it was too dark in the cave. Manda couldn\'t see the rock wall behind him. Needless to say, chuyt understood Manda\'s intention. He drank a mouthful of oil again, picked up a torch and sprayed the oil out.

The huge fireball lit up the whole cave. Manda found that the rock wall behind him had been restored to its original state. There were no faces or worms, which was almost no different from ordinary rocks.

Turning to look at her, the surging worms gradually receded. With the last ember of the fireball, Manda saw the worms falling to the ground.

These worms cut off by golden fingers are still crawling on the ground. These worms have the thickness of arms. The body of a worm turns over. Manda finds that it has a row of suction cups with several layers of sharp teeth. These teeth contract and rotate in the suction cups.

It\'s not a worm. It\'s like an octopus\'s tentacle.

Yes, this is the tentacle. It\'s the tentacle of the monster.

Does Tiffany have tentacles? Manda hasn\'t read the relevant records.

Unlike worms, tentacles cannot leave the body too far. Cutting off tentacles will also cause damage to monsters, which gives Manda a glimmer of hope.

With the strength of this monster, he can easily kill them. The reason why he waited until now is not his kindness to them. According to Manda\'s speculation, he should not leave the cave.

The only way to escape from his clutches is to push away the rock and rush out of the cave.

It\'s simple to say, but the probability of rushing out is not high. The charge just ended in failure. If you are careless, you may die.

Kesto\'s dagger was made by guatel. If even this super first-class weapon can\'t hurt the monster\'s tentacles, it basically proves that all mortal weapons can\'t hurt the monster.

If you rush hard, you must have a stable attack output. According to the current situation, the only effective attack means is golden finger.

Manda is responsible for the output, chuyt and kesto are responsible for pushing the rock, but what about Ogg? He\'s still in a coma.

The most reasonable way is to leave him here, but Manda doesn\'t want to. While thinking, the voice of the monster was recalled again in the cave:

"Believer of Prometheus, I promised my mother not to hurt the believers of Titan. I can spare your life."

Manda\'s guess is right. The monster really doesn\'t want to kill Ogg.

Who is his mother? Probably Gaia, Prometheus\'s parents are Gaia\'s children.

"Believer of the ghost God Keris, your God is the daughter of the night goddess nexus. I can also give you a way to live."

"A believer of the deceptive God apat, your God is also the daughter of nexus. I should have forgiven you, but I hate liars. I will make your death less painful."

"As for you, believer of Hermes, thank your God. I will give you all the torture I can think of. You will beg me to end your life as soon as possible!"

The voice fell to the ground, and a large number of tentacles rushed from the right.

With the help of Jorden\'s second-order skills (Jorden is the Lord of Wisteria county and a believer of bisexual God, which was done by mandama), Manda accurately predicted the coming of the tentacle and avoided the attack of the tentacle.

Chuyt tried to use deception to distract the monster\'s attention, but his skills were too slow to be used, and soon he was entangled by his tentacles.

Carsto tried his best to help chuyt get away. He was accidentally entangled by a tentacle and fell to the ground. The voice of the monster came from his ear again: "I intend to forgive you, but why do you want to die so much?"

Manda rushed to chuyt, cut off his tentacles, turned back and shouted to kersto, "you and chuyt push the rock away and rush up, come on!"