Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 141

The fourth sentence answers the question in the third sentence. The power of the gods comes from believers, which means that the more believers, the greater the power of the gods.

What kind of merit can be rewarded by the gods? For God, the most important merit is to win more believers for him.

But here appeared a contradictory figure - the count of the haze valley.

The count won so many believers for Typhon, and he was still a member of Typhon\'s God, but why did he stay in the third rank? Just because of poor talent?

After thinking for a moment, Manda finally found the answer. All the questions came from the count\'s misplaced belief.

The God he believed in was Argos, who looked like a monster, but he had nothing to do with Typhon.

The count is also the divine dependant of tifeng. He has been expanding believers for tifeng, but he has not made any merit for Argos. It is obvious that he can not obtain the gift of the gods, nor can he overcome the bottleneck of the third order.

He may know the danger of swallowing God\'s blood stone, so he dare not try rashly, so that he only stays at the third level until he dies. This is the tragedy of his fate.

Argos should be the count\'s God, but since he has become the God of Typhon, why not give up his God and completely become a believer of Typhon with the help of the fog of Tartarus?

It seems that only the count knows the reason, and maybe the lioness knows some.

Thinking along this clue, Manda found that there was a huge secret behind the count, which was even related to the decline and revival of the gods.

First think about why the gods wither? The answer is also in the fourth sentence. The power of God comes from believers.

In the glorious classical era, almost everyone believed in the ancient gods, and the number of believers of the gods was very large.

However, different people believe in different gods. According to the records of the divine spectrum, the number of ancient gods exceeds 200. There are more ancient gods recorded in the book of the temple, and there are more than 1000 influential ancient gods. Under such a huge denominator, I\'m afraid the number of believers of each ancient god is not so considerable.

This is probably the reason for the decline of the ancient god era. After the rise of the God punishment church, all believers believe in the same God punishment Lord, and their cohesion is unmatched by the ancient god believers. There are complex contradictions between ancient gods. It is not easy for both gods and believers to unite.

Although there is no relevant historical data, Manda can imagine that in the era when the Lord of punishment competed with the ancient god for power, the internal struggle of the ancient god has not subsided. In the future, Manda may also face such a situation. He formed an army of ancient god believers, but the internal struggle continues because of different beliefs.

Such things have appeared around us. The relationship between "poet" and guatel is very close, while the relationship between Ogg and "poet" is relatively cold, which can be attributed to the contradiction between Prometheus and Hephaestus.

This should also be the reason for the uniqueness of belief. According to the recognized rules of ancient god believers, each believer can only believe in his own destiny God. If he believes in the wrong God or believes in multiple gods, he will get lost. The reason is obvious. The number of believers determines the power of the gods. Believing in other gods means betraying the God, and "losing" is the punishment of the God for the Betrayer.

However, the count is an exception. His original God is Argos. At the same time, he is also a dependant of Typhon. The uniqueness of belief does not apply to him.

Think of other people in the valley. Influenced by the breath of taltaltalos, they gave up their own God, but even so, their faith is still not the only one.

Take the lion girl as an example. She believes in the Sphinx and is the demigod and earthly messenger designated by the Sphinx. However, she has always claimed that she is a believer of Typhon, as is the case with other believers in the valley.

It can also be understood that the Sphinx is the daughter of Typhon, and father and daughter can tolerate each other.

But there is no such close relationship between Argos and Typhon. Why can the count escape the uniqueness of faith?

This proves that there is a certain tolerance between gods, but this tolerance has a bottom line.

At present, among the believers known by Manda, no believer can cross faith and learn the skills of different gods, which means that one of the bottom lines is promotion and promotion. A believer can only obtain the power of one God, which is inviolable.

What about the other bottom line? It may also involve contradictions between gods.

Fortunately, Hermes is very popular. Whether gods or mortal heroes, Hermes basically has no enemies and is almost everyone\'s friend.

Based on this, Manda imitated the count and formulated a plan to seek common ground while reserving differences. This plan is related to Manda\'s future and the revival of the era of the gods.

He allowed his subordinates to believe in their own God, but they must also believe in Hermes. While striving for believers for their gods, he also established a common belief for his team.

This belief is only spiritual and does not involve the sacrifice of entering and upgrading. Manda wants to resolve the contradictions between his subordinates through this method, but even so, this matter can not be done too quickly. The things involving belief are very complex, and a little carelessness may lead to disastrous consequences.

He gave the plan to Toka. The seven year old boy didn\'t disappoint him. In only five days, he developed the first batch of reliable teenagers. Although there were only three people, they would become a model for others to follow. Manda would give them better treatment and more training, and give them opportunities to enter the ranks.

While Toka carried out the plan, Kunta also made great progress. Through the study of the book of the priests, he determined the life God of Toka and three other teenagers.

"The original God of Toka is Apollo, the original God of encia is Pallas, the original God of Tira is Poseidon, and the original God of Manu is Uriah."

Manda smiled: "there is precious blood of Titan."

Pallas is the God of Titan. Manda doesn\'t need special care. This child can get the Enlightenment of the God of his life at a certain age. As long as his talent is not too bad, he should be able to successfully complete the promotion under the guidance of Ogg.

The mountain god Uriah is the son of the Earth Mother Gaia and one of the primitive gods, which is a little troublesome. There are few records about the primitive gods. Maybe ziegsai can give some hints.

Apollo and Poseidon are the main gods. Manda found the statues of the twelve main gods from the count\'s treasure chest. Kunta also has the promotion method of the main god believers. The promotion of Toka and Tilla should be very smooth. Manda is ready to sacrifice them next month.

But Kunta hesitated: "do you really want them to enter the rank? They recite the name of Hermes every day, which is tantamount to violating the uniqueness of faith. Once they participate in the sacrifice, they will attract the attention of the God, and they may get lost."

Manda said with a smile, "their belief in Hermes is only spiritual. It should not have such serious consequences. Even if it really causes loss, there are remedies in the book of the priests."

Kunta shook his head and said, "to tell you the truth, I don\'t quite understand the methods in the book of priests, and the book also said that not every remedy can succeed. It depends on whether the gods are willing to forgive."

Manda thought for a moment, "even if the remedy fails, we can send them to the valley and make them believers of tephon."

"Let them become monsters like me?" Kunta shook his head desperately. "Others are even, and Toka is also among them. Do you really have the heart?"

Manda said patiently, "Toka is just reciting the name of Hermes. I reminded him not to believe in Hermes from the bottom of his heart."

"That\'s hard. The prayer you wrote can touch people\'s hearts. Toka has to repeat it four times a day. I\'m afraid he has believed in Hermes from the bottom of his heart. It\'s too risky!"

Manda was silent for a long time and calmly said to Kunta: "each of us is taking risks. If we don\'t want to take a little risk, we can achieve something. If there is such a method, please tell me, I\'m tired of dancing on the blade."