Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 121

When Niujiao town was empty, Stanley and more than a dozen subordinates withstood the attack of the divine Punisher. Manda finally understood that it was not luck.

Stanley saw through LAN Pigou\'s plot, found the spy around him, and used the spy to calculate LAN in turn.

It is difficult to get Rahn hooked by the general method. Therefore, Stanley transformed the living body to make it similar to himself. At the same time, he summoned the fire of the underworld with the unique sacrifice ceremony of the fourth-order believers, and printed the terrible flame wind in the living body.

At the same time, he also created his own magic and gave part of his breath and skills to the living corpse. Under a series of careful plans, LAN was deceived.

The dark green fire of the underworld rolled in the cave and disappeared for a moment. After a long time, the blackened LANN climbed out of the cave, and all the God punishment warriors who followed him were burned to ashes.

At the critical moment of life and death, Rahn used the secret skill of God punishing the warrior, created a barrier with half of his blood, reluctantly blocked the fire in the underworld and picked up a life.

When he climbed back to the camp, almost no one could recognize him. He soon fell into a coma, and now Stanley ordered to blow the horn of attack.

Dillon did not resist tenaciously. He left more than a dozen soldiers to block. He took others with him to return to the castle and prepare for the last fight.

Unfortunately, few people are willing to go to the castle with him to die. The divine punishment warriors have long lost their fighting spirit. They fled Lanpu town directly with LAN en.

The remaining soldiers also gave up the hopeless war. Most of them chose to surrender. Only a dozen guards followed Dillon back to the castle.

After entering the castle, Dillon let the guards guard, and he stole away through the back door.

He knew that the castle could not be guarded. He just wanted to create an illusion, delay a little time and give himself a chance to escape.

But like Stanley\'s curse, he was found by several civilians on his way to escape.

"Look who this is? This is our Viscount!"

The harsh Lord did not get the sympathy of the civilians. The civilians stopped the viscount and asked someone to send a letter to Stanley.

Knowing the whereabouts of Dillon, the young sergeants thought that the opportunity to make meritorious service had come. They were excited to discuss whether to capture the Viscount alive or cut off the Viscount\'s head directly.

The older sergeants looked dignified. They had fallen and climbed on the battlefield for a long time. They knew that some people could not be touched.

A sergeant in his fifties whispered, "that\'s the Viscount, a man as big as our viscount."

The old Sergeant didn\'t know how to express it, but Stanley understood what he meant. So far, all conflicts and battles have pointed to the punisher. Viscount gassac has never declared war on other nobles.

It is obviously unwise to leave a nobleman to accuse gaisack of his crimes with his own experience.

But it is also unwise to kill an aristocrat, which will become the evidence of the divine Punisher\'s crusade against gaisack. Gaisack always needs a scapegoat to bear the blame for him. Stanley is the most likely scapegoat.

Neither stay nor kill, so why don\'t you just chase him and let him escape?

Knowing the whereabouts of the enemy, he still wants to let him escape. If gaisack suspects that Stanley and Dillon are in collusion, Stanley will be hard to argue.

There is such an unsolvable problem in the world. Looking at the young NCOs eager to try, the old NCOs took the initiative to step back and generously gave the opportunity to carry the pot to the young people.

When he was in trouble, Stanley looked at Manda and winked at him.

Manda nodded, and it was time to part.

He took the initiative to undertake this unsolvable task and took Pluto to to pursue Viscount Dillon.

The rumors Stanley received were true. Nearly 70 year old Dillon was not good at fighting, but he killed four civilians with his long sword.

There is only one reason. He has the tusks of three dogs, and civilian weapons can\'t hurt him.

The civilians with heavy casualties are still fighting with Dillon. They are very afraid, but they dare not let Dillon go, otherwise they will die even worse in the future.

Seeing Pluto and Manda in military uniforms, the civilians quickly retreated to one side, and Dillon took the opportunity to step on the war horse and escape.

Manda and Pluto rode in a carriage and chased slowly behind them until Dillon ran to a place where no one was. Pluto suddenly jumped in the air, flew behind Dillon and kicked him off his horse.

Dillon got up, wiped the blood on his face, waved his long sword and said, "come on, you bastards, wait for the punishment of the Lord!"

He slashed at Pluto with his sword. Pluto dodged and talked to Manda.

"Do you want to leave him a whole body or a head?"

Manda shook her head and said, "just leave that artifact. Don\'t leave anything else."

Pluto smiled and let the Dragon breathe.

He thought that Dillon would turn into ashes on the spot, but he didn\'t expect that Dillon had no change in his breath and was still frantically chopping at Pluto.

Manda was surprised. Unexpectedly, the tusks of three dogs could stop Pluto\'s first-order skills.

Pluto wasn\'t too surprised. It seemed that he expected it. Even if he whispered with the dragon, Dillon\'s joints began to stagnate and his action became more and more slow. He felt his heart beating more and more slowly and his breathing became more and more difficult.

Soon, he lost his sword and knelt on the ground. Manda went forward and asked Pluto to to take back his skills. Then he smiled and said, "Viscount, it\'s over. Give me that artifact and I can let you live."

"Young man, do you think I\'m so stupid? Come and get it if you want!" before saying anything, Dion took out his dagger and stabbed Manda.

Manda dodged, easily subdued Lao Tze, and found the tusks of three dogs from him.

It was a silver sharp tooth, about the length of the index finger. At the end of the fangs was a gold chain, which Dion carried around his neck.

After pulling off the gold chain, Manda pressed Dillon to the ground.

"Any last words?"

Dillon gave up the resistance, Manda loosened her hand, and the Lord of Lanpu town put his hands on his chest and prayed silently to the Lord of punishment.

After a short wait, Dion looked up at the sky, nodded four times on his chest and closed his eyes.

"Finished praying?" asked Manda.

Dion nodded.

Manda winked at Pluto. Pluto breathed, and Dion instantly turned to ashes.

A gust of wind scattered the ashes on the ground, and the Lord of Lanpu town completely disappeared from the world.

Manda put her tusks in her arms, and Pluto sighed with a little jealousy: "I really envy leond."

Manda said with a smile, "don\'t envy me. I promise you I\'ll find a golden apple for you."

Pluto shook his head and said, "don\'t do that. Don\'t do that. I\'m afraid I can\'t resist the temptation. There is a Book hidden in the Viscount\'s room. The book has a way to get rid of the fog of tartartaros. As long as I get rid of the fog, I will get rid of Typhon, and I will no longer be a believer of radon."

Manda frowned and said, "but in that case, you will lose the power of God and become an ordinary man."

Pluto whispered, "that\'s what I want. I\'m going to find my God."

Manda looked at Pluto inexplicably: "you are only one step away from immortality."

Pluto sighed, "I want freedom more than immortality."

"Well," Manda jumped into the carriage, "we should go back and die."