Giant Monster in Marvel

Chapter 198

Nagini, a famous American director and the leader of the new generation of directors in the world, has been attacking the little golden man. It is well known in the United States and the whole world.

However, in the United States, there is also a well-known thing, that is, Nagini can\'t get the little gold man!

I don\'t know what the Oscar judges think. They nominate and run with each other every year.

Last year\'s million babies, Brokeback Mountain the year before last, no country for old people the year before last, and so on.

By the way, there is also this year\'s dream stealing space. It is estimated that I will run with you again.

Some time ago, the American melon eaters also spontaneously organized Street activities, which generally means that Oscar owes at least one little gold man to Nagini. Things are quite noisy, and even the president tweeted.

However, it doesn\'t make any difference!

Whether the small gold man can be won or not, the masses say no, and the president has not said so. Oscar has the final say.

In a word:

Oscar nomination? no problem!

Oscar? You\'re afraid you want to fart!

Fortunately, when Nagini became a director, he was just playing tickets. He didn\'t care about these things very much, otherwise he would be really angry with these blind judges.

As for Miss Betty, is the noise too loud?

Hehe, Nagini has automatically blocked this message.

A glass of milk, two packs of oatmeal, plus a spoonful of protein powder, Miss Betty, who hurriedly solved the breakfast, burped contentedly: "Nagini, I\'ve sorted out your fan letter for you. When will you come to my room to get it?"

Putting down his newspaper, Nagini pushed the Yellow spectacle frame. He thought for a moment, and his face was a little more playful and joking: "Dr. banner wrote you a love letter again?"

Old face is red, miss Betty turned a blind eye: "go away!"

Nagini smiled and shook her head without answering.

Dr. Benner has been away for eight years. During these eight years, Miss Betty has also found several boyfriends, but the relationship between the two has never been broken.

The bond that maintains the relationship between the two sides is Nagini.

Nagini\'s fans are all over the world. In addition, his home address in New York can be found online, so many fans will send letters to Nagini, including the love letter from Dr. banner to Betty\'s little sister.

General Ross is very helpless about this. He also wants to try to intercept Dr. Banner\'s letters, but the problem is that Nagini has too many fans, and after these years of fighting, Dr. banner now has good anti reconnaissance ability.

There is no need to waste so much manpower for a letter that you can\'t understand and it\'s difficult to find the sending address.

Unless they can find the communication key between Dr. banner and Betty\'s little sister, and then compare it layer by layer, they can lock Dr. Banner\'s position.

But the problem is, Miss Betty won\'t tell general Ross what the key is. Nagini may know, but he won\'t say it either.

The most extreme thing is that because of Nagini\'s suggestion, the key between Betty\'s little sister and Dr. banner is constantly changing. It may be a book, a stack of newspapers, or even the lines and scripts in Nagini\'s films.

At first, they were in trouble.

But gradually, as time went by, it became a little fun between them.

To tell you the truth, Nagini was very moved. After eight years, he will never change his mind. This love is really suitable for making a film. It is estimated that he can harvest a large number of Franklin.

At 12 p.m., Nagini, who had read fan letters for two hours, was finally interrupted by a knock on the door.

But listening to each other\'s rhythmic and vibrating knocking at the door?

Even if he didn\'t open the door, he still knew that general Ross was looking for his daughter again.

When he opened the door, sure enough, there was general Ross in military uniform outside the door, which made him shake his head helplessly.

Not counting the Wilson family, general Ross should be the one who comes most frequently. Every time Dr. banner sends a love letter, general Ross has a 70-80% probability of appearing.

Strictly speaking, the letter written by fans to Nagini will not be handed over to Nagini at the first time.

General Ross will intercept these letters and find Dr. Banner\'s letters from them, but he can\'t understand them because they are a string of numbers. Only when he knows the key to decipher the password can he understand the letters.

But even so, general Ross would copy these letters and eventually send them to Nagini\'s house.

However, before these letters reach Nagini, they will be intercepted by Miss Betty. After Betty\'s little sister reads the letters, they will reach him.

Although the letters were opened twice, because there were two layers of interception, many letters that were not conducive to family harmony and even threatened the safety of the family were eliminated one by one.

Don\'t think that no one is black, and the dark natural foundation is always dark. Some fans are black powder rather baffling.

Handsome is not my fault. Besides, I am a director and not an actor. You scold those little fresh meat!

Easy, Nagini @ Justin Bieber.

As for general Ross\'s intention, Nagini also knew that it was mainly for Dr. banner.

At first, he would use his brain to think about how to prevaricate each other.

But then Nagini gave up, because whether Miss Betty said it or not, general Ross would come. He was an old-fashioned figure with a natural stubbornness.

Maybe that\'s why Miss Betty doesn\'t like general Ross?

Half an hour later, he put down the fan letter in his hand. As the quarrel in Betty\'s little sister\'s room grew louder and louder, Nagini reluctantly took off his yellow framed glasses.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

There was a knock at the door, and the quarrel in the room stopped at this moment. Nagini pushed the door open with some helplessness on her face: "although I know you will quarrel, can you consider my feelings? Sam is still sleeping upstairs."

General Ross turned his head. The old-fashioned soldier would never lower his arrogant head. Miss Betty on the side apologized: "sorry, I\'m a little out of control."

Nagini shook his head. He thought for a moment and looked more seriously at general Ross:

"Do you want to go out and have a chat? I have a meeting in stark this afternoon about your military procurement. Do you want to go and have a look?"

General Ross opened his mouth. He seemed to want to say something, but looking at Miss Betty\'s indifferent eyes, he sighed helplessly.

Five minutes later, Nagini and general Ross in a casual suit walked into the elevator.

Taking out a cigar from his pocket, he took a hard breath and looked at Nagini with a complex look: "why do you want to help them?"

Seriously, general Ross didn\'t understand why Nagini was involved in this matter.

If it weren\'t for Nagini, they should have caught Dr. banner four years ago, not until now.

Nagini touched his chin. A flash of thought flashed through his eyes. Finally, he said uncertainly, "maybe it\'s because Betty is Sam\'s friend?"

General Ross shook his head. His voice was somewhat dissatisfied: "but I\'m Betty\'s father."

Nagini looked helpless: "but you\'re not Sam\'s friend, but then again, why are you here today? If I remember correctly, these days are not the days when Dr. banner sent love letters."


When the elevator door opened and the ashes of his cigar bounced off, general Ross looked a little more complicated:

"Yesterday, in Milwaukee on the West Bank of Lake Michigan, someone drank a bottle of fruit soda from Brazil. The effect was more violent than he thought!"

With a frown, Nagini\'s pupils contracted imperceptibly.

But a moment later, he shook his head and looked pondering: "so, what does this have to do with me? My friend in Hollywood, he has something 100 times more exciting than this, as long as he is not afraid of death."

General Ross shook his head. He glanced at Nagini with serious eyes:

"You know what I\'m talking about. Betty is my daughter. I love her more than you think!"

"I don\'t want to, but Banner\'s situation is very dangerous. If you are really good for her, don\'t stop me from catching banner. They are not suitable!"

Nagini was silent for a moment. He shook his head and patted general Ross on the shoulder. A thought-provoking arc crossed the corner of his mouth: "stop, I don\'t want to take care of your business, and I\'ve never taken care of it."

"It\'s one o\'clock in the afternoon. I still have an important shareholders\' meeting to attend at two o\'clock. However, I said something in advance. If things get big, don\'t come to me!"