Giant Monster in Marvel

Chapter 187

Director Pierce\'s appearance was beyond everyone\'s expectation. No one thought he would appear at this meeting.

There are many reasons, mainly in two aspects:

One reason is that this matter has nothing to do with the Divine Shield Bureau. Another reason is that the identity of the director of the Divine Shield bureau is not enough for this level of dialogue.

S.h.i.e.l.d. is very powerful, but can it be more powerful than a country?

Hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands of agents, even if they are the elites of hundred battles, any big man present can crush the Divine Shield bureau every minute if he is willing.

In general, before the age of superheroes, the five big men in front of Nagini were rule makers.

The world\'s first-class organization is the United Nations, and the weak half are the European Union, Asian economies and economies of all continents. They are also state based organizations, covering the huge economies of several or more countries.

For a simple example, their economies are measured in trillions of dollars.

Country and country?

The level is too low. The big guys at this level play race (yellow, white and black), as well as continents and continents.

The second rate in the world is the level of single country. However, due to different national strength, some countries are really awesome. A province or even a city is equivalent to a country.

Therefore, some countries are not included in this list. Because the personnel of some organizations are extremely large, different rights and intertwined rear relations, this level is very chaotic.

The World Security Council, which monitors the s.h.i.e.l.l.d., and the s.h.l.d., both belong to this level, but belong to the weakest level in this echelon.

It is stronger than a small country and much weaker than a large country, but its position covers a wide range.

It is reasonable to say that the position and rights of director pierce of the Divine Shield bureau can only be reflected at the highest level of the United Nations, and the current meeting?

The corrupt gentleman frowned and a touch of disgust flashed in his eyes: "who is he?"

The eagle sauce next to him thought for a while and said uncertainly, "I don\'t know. It\'s estimated that it\'s from the Divine Shield Bureau."

The fierce man of the Bear Kingdom looked at the eagle sauce and said sarcastically, "hum! I don\'t understand any rules."

I don\'t know if I\'m talking about pierce or Eagle sauce.

On the contrary, the director of the Divine Shield bureau is really cruel!

Although he didn\'t wear glasses, the words of all the big men in the room passed through without missing a word, but he just put another pair of spare glasses on his thick face belt:

"Leaders, I\'m Pierce, director of s.h.i.e.l.d."

There was a flash of anger in Eagle sauce\'s eyes. It\'s hard to say what happened to Nagini. After all, they made a mistake first, and his problem really needs everyone to discuss

But this one from s.h.i.e.l.d?

Seriously, the level is not enough. It\'s a big taboo to insist on participating!

Eagle sauce feels shameless. After all, in a sense, the s.h.i.e.l.d. is also half of their dog (the backbone of the s.h.l.d. is American).

The dog is disobedient. It is not the dog that makes a fool of himself, but his half master.

So his face was a little more ugly:

"Who let you in? You didn\'t know there was a meeting here?"

Pierce knew the boss was angry, but it was really important.

Secretly glanced at Nagini, his mind spun rapidly, and finally gritted his teeth. Director Pierce\'s eyes flashed seriously: "leaders, I have something important."


Eagle sauce slapped the table hard, and the big man\'s eyes glittered with warm anger:

"I\'m saying again, there\'s a meeting here! If your s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. has something to do, go directly to the World Security Council. They can\'t handle it, and then they will report it to the United Nations. If the United Nations can\'t handle it?"

"That means you have a problem! Do you know that skipping reporting violates the regulations, and do you know that you are now suspected of stealing important information!"

Eagle sauce was very angry. He felt his face was going to be clean today.

In particular, director Pierce is so stupid that I don\'t know how to make him director of the Divine Shield bureau at the beginning?

Is it because he\'s so stupid?

Not to mention, it\'s really possible!

However, the eagle sauce never thought that his words were for this purpose. The other party did not understand his meaning and showed no sign of leaving. Instead, he became more and more stupid and said:

"Leaders, of course I know, but this matter is too important and involves Nagini."

Pierce now looks like I won\'t go if you don\'t let me report.

After all, it\'s just a holographic projection. Even if the five big men in front of them want him to roll, there\'s no way.

This is the s.h.i.e.l.d., not the office of these five bosses!

Eagle sauce was helpless, his face was gloomy and ugly, and the corrupt gentleman on one side sighed.

Although Eagle sauce was treacherous in the past, he still needs the help of Eagle sauce at this stage, so he shook his head and gave the other party a step:

"Forget it, don\'t tell him the truth. Let him talk."

The eagle sauce snorted coldly and heavily put the pen in his hand on the table: "say!"

Pierce glanced gratefully at the corrupt gentleman, but the other party ignored him.

He didn\'t care, but cleared his throat. He looked at Nagini maliciously, and then his eyes flashed a serious: "just five minutes ago, MIB agents and our colleagues found the light of SATA!"

With a frown, President Clinton suddenly changed his face: "what are you talking about?"

At the same time, the faces of the four big men around changed a little more.

The reason why Nagini is difficult to deal with is not only because of the mobile phone, but also because of the light of SATA in each other\'s hands.

According to the plan of Eagle sauce, Nagini can be exempted from death and can\'t escape from life.

In any case, Nagini must know that there are still rules in the world. Even if he has the ability to die with everyone, he can\'t go too far.

Didn\'t take Ginny\'s cell phone? It\'s unlikely. The other party is not so stupid.

However, monitoring and cooperating with experiments may not be impossible.

Without the light of SATA, Nagini should enjoy the treatment similar to eagle eye, find you a quiet place, and then send troops around. Nominally, it is recuperation, but in fact, it is to find a larger cage to lock you up.

No way, Nagini\'s destructive power and his own influence are too bad for social stability.

But because of the light of SATA, some things that were ignored by everyone (killing salina and saving the earth) had to be mentioned.

Although Nagini said so much before, all the leaders were very moved, but at their level?

It\'s hard to say. Each one is extremely cold. Anything involving the country will not be mixed with any personal feelings.

Before, President Clinton was ready to agree, but now?

SATA\'s light was gone, and his face changed a little more.

And feel the change of the atmosphere?

Director Pierce was excited. Then he struck while the iron was hot and said, "the light of SATA has been found."

One side of the eagle sauce eyebrows wrinkled slightly. He looked at Nagini and pierce. His eyes flashed a little complex: "are you sure?"

Pierce said seriously:

"Yes, I\'m sure. MIB Agent J and agent K did it themselves, and the light of SATA is not a weapon, but a person, or a creature similar to human beings."

Then pierce turned and looked at Nagini, who was sitting in a chair with an expressionless face.

He sneered, slapped the table heavily, and scolded with an expression: "Nagini, your plan has failed, and the light of SATA is not threatened. Now you are suspected of cheating in addition to the original charges, and it is very bad. What else do you want to say?"

Nagini touched his chin. He looked very calm and could not see sadness and joy.

Until one moment, he looked up at President Clinton:

"I don\'t know. I want to hear what the leaders think?"

President Clinton frowned and his eyes twinkled with thought.

Finally, he shook his head and sighed with determination in his eyes:

"Deal with it according to law!"

Aside, the big man of the rabbit country frowned slightly. He exchanged eyes with the strong man of the bear country. The rabbit hesitated for a moment: "isn\'t that good? Didn\'t you just?"

But President Clinton shook his head. He looked serious, like an upright pioneer of the law:

"What happened to me? What did I say? No one is above the law, Nagini, what else do you have to say?"

With President Clinton\'s words, the faces of the four present changed.

They look a little complicated, with regret and emotion. How to say?

Time is also life, this may be life!

Of course, there is another sight with Schadenfreude, that is director Pierce.

He was not among the four, but it didn\'t hinder his happiness now, because he knew that Nagini was over. He played off and played with five big men this time?

I don\'t know what he thinks.

However, the next second, no one thought, Nagini shook his head. He looked a little complicated and sighed. Finally, he sighed, as if he had unloaded the heavy burden and murmured in a low voice:

"Sure enough, I knew it would be like this."

Then Nagini looked up at the eagle sauce opposite. His eyes were complicated, but he didn\'t hate it. Some were just indifferent:

"Thank you, President Clinton. If it weren\'t for you, I might not be able to make this decision all my life. After all, it\'s too difficult for me."

As the commander-in-chief of a country, President Clinton\'s ability is by no means poor.

As soon as Nagini\'s voice fell, he suddenly had a bad idea in his heart.

If he remembers correctly, in Nagini\'s data files, there are labels such as high IQ, high EQ, excellent overall situation analysis and so on.

Later, some people finally realized that nargini was a natural strategist through the restoration of the world in 1999. If he was born in troubled times, he must be a hero and a genius comparable to Napoleon and Caesar.

So, is it really that simple?

Inexplicably, President Clinton had a bad idea in his mind:

"What do you mean?"

Then, Nagini\'s reaction also demonstrated his idea.

He shook his head, glanced around, and finally fell on director Pierce,

With disdain and contempt:

"The light of SATA has indeed been found, but who told you that if you find the light of SATA, the earth will not be destroyed?"

Pierce was stunned. Although his reaction speed was not as fast as the five opposite Nagini, he was by no means a fool.

So now his face became a little ugly:

"Wait, what do you want to say?"

Shaking his head with a look of pity, Nagini looked at each other like this:

"Director Pierce, let me ask you a question. Did the person you found named Laura SATA light miss anything?"

Pierce was stunned. He seemed to think of something, and his face suddenly became very ugly:
