Giant Monster in Marvel

Chapter 123

As time went by, Nagini\'s new film gradually set off a boom on the Internet.

Nagini\'s home has also soared from a peak of 500000 views in the first day to a large website with a minimum of 34 million views in the current day.

At its peak, Nagini\'s home can even reach more than 7 million views, and the total population of the United States is only more than 300 million, which means that at least one person in every 50 people has visited their own website.

Because of the soaring number of views, the Nagini house, which is just a ticket in the eyes of most people, gradually began to move towards a regular website.

There are two reasons for the explosion of websites;

One reason is the excellent quality of the website itself, and the other is that 20th century fox has set a "fire" in America!

According to the analysis of professional leaders, the total amount of reward offered by 20th century fox in major newspapers and TV advertisements during this period is US $2.3 million.

However, the advertising investment will not be less than US $3 million.

This is obviously abnormal, and it is likely to be a publicity from beginning to end.

For this statement, fox said that blood orchid and python are real, and their reward does not contain fraud.

However, when everyone was skeptical, a little-known biopharmaceutical company in New York also offered a reward.

But the difference is that they offered a reward not python, but blood orchid, and announced the origin and pictures of blood orchid.

Although the price of a blood orchid is only 20000 US dollars, which is only one fortieth of that of 20th century fox, it also proves that blood orchid and python really exist from another perspective.

Human nature is greedy. Everyone is eager to get rich overnight, not to mention that America itself is a country that dares to work hard.

During the gold rush and the western development, I don\'t know how many people died, but countless people still went one after another.

This is America, a crazy belligerent country.

Many people want to get blood orchids and Python and dream of getting rich overnight, but most people are not familiar with Borneo, and it is said that Borneo\'s rainforest is very dangerous.

At this time, under the guidance of the undercurrent, people found an incomparably complete treasure map on the Internet, and this treasure map is on the website of Nagini house!

According to incomplete statistics, during this period, the frequency of Internet cafes and buying computers increased slightly, and the air tickets from the United States to Borneo were directly sold out of stock.

However, very few people really have the ability to go to Borneo.

Especially in Nagini\'s house, after browsing some adventure clips, many people realize the cruelty of Borneo, so there are still a few people who really dare to venture and fight in Borneo.

What about those who dare not venture to Borneo?

Some will stay at the Nagini house and some will leave the Nagini house.

But anyway, at the moment when they click into the website of Nagini house, even if they still have doubts about it in their hearts, there is still a moment - these people will think from the bottom of their hearts that this is a real thing!

This is a chain reaction, because the heat of Nagini house is very high, so it has attracted a lot of attention, and because of the attention of many people, the heat of the website will be higher and higher.

It\'s like movies like [wandering ball], [Li Jing and his son].

However, the difference is that this kind of film in the form of pseudo documentary has been broadcast before it was released.

Normally, a film is divided into two parts, one is the publicity before the release, and the other is the money after the release.

But the pseudo documentary film is different. Publicity is release, and release is publicity, which makes this type of film have only two endings.

It\'s either awesome or unknown!

Los Angeles, the headquarters of 20th century fox, Edgar was admitted to the hospital on the last day of the release of the disaster of Python.

The condition is very simple. The main reason is that you get angry, your tongue is rotten, your tonsils are inflamed and swollen, and you feel pain when you wake up in the morning.

As for why you were scolded?

The reason is also very simple. The current influence of the film "the disaster of Python" is too terrible to say that it has affected the nerves of the whole United States.

Not long ago, President Clinton also said that if he was 20 years younger, he would rush into Borneo.

As an old opponent, Mr. Bush openly diss each other and says he doesn\'t need to be 20. If it weren\'t for his family, he would have the impulse to go to Borneo now.

Politicians\' words are deceiving ghosts.

Obviously, these big men will not really take risks in Borneo, but even so, it shows in a sense how much influence this matter has!

Almost overnight, Borneo, the disaster of python, Nagini and other words became the hottest speech in 99 years.

The president of 20th Century Fox even has a feeling that this film called the disaster of Python is very likely to break the Titanic that swept the world two years ago!

And is such a huge golden tree that it has opened a share of 40% of the total box office?

Seriously, after the boss, President and most shareholders of 20th century fox knew this, they were not angry with their tongue, but angry with their heart.

Who knows how much less green dollars this contract has earned?

And the most extreme thing is that the original documents of the contract are no longer in their hands, but in Nagini\'s hands, which means it\'s difficult for them to do even if they want to.

As for Nagini?

That\'s even more impossible. Now everyone knows that this film is a cash cow. Don\'t fox in the 20th century?

Yes, the other eight giants, MGM, Warner Brothers, montpella, universal, Lianmei and so on.

As long as Nagini nods, not to mention 40% of the box office revenue, even 41% and 42% are free as long as they do not harm their interests.

You know, a phenomenal film is enough to have a huge impact on film companies.

The simplest example is fox in the 20th century. Before the Titanic, fox could only be regarded as lower than the middle among the eight giants, but with the Titanic, the other party became the giant among the eight giants!

For ordinary films, the box office is very important.

But for truly top-level films, those that can cause world-class sensation, their own influence is really terrible!

Besides, the trademark at the beginning of the film Titanic, with the influence of the film itself, is worth at least 300 million. In addition, there are IP and various additional values, as well as the follow-up value of the film, which is immeasurable!

So no one will bother Nagini at this time. Moreover, fox can make a lot of money with a 40% box office ratio.

Of course, the money is fake.

The boss and shareholders of 20th Century Fox finally wanted to find a vent bucket, and then they thought of Edgar.

What can he do? He was desperate, too.

Can you say it\'s the boss\'s order?

Come on, if he really says so, will he stay in Hollywood in the future?

In short, from the past few days, what Edgar did every day was to be called to the office by a group of big guys. When the big guys scolded him comfortable, he changed to the next big guy. His life was miserable.

After so many days of scolding, Edgar, who finally couldn\'t bear it, fell ill the day before the film was released.

However, after he went to the hospital, he met many acquaintances. These people are either the leaders of the film company or the people who buy films. It seems that they are ill one by one.

The most serious is Duke, the manager of San Diego film and television. Although this guy has tonsillitis, his condition is repeated and abnormal, which makes the doctor very distressed. He doesn\'t even use antibiotics.

Looking at the miserable appearance of his peers and feeling that life was not easy, Edgar prescribed some medicine in the hospital and went back to the company to be scolded again.

At the same time, Nagini, who was lying in Sam\'s bed dressed in salted fish, unexpectedly received a phone call: "MIA? How did you think of calling me? Did you get the bag?"

At the other end of the phone, Mia\'s clear voice sounded: "yes, Nagini, did you keep your word before?"

Nagini was stunned, and his eyes flashed a touch of curiosity: "what did I say?"

"You said you would invite me to a movie."

"Can\'t you get a ticket? Is Toledo nearby?"

"No, he\'s not at home."

Mia explained flustered, but Nagini had heard Toledo\'s suddenly accelerated breathing, and there was a demonic smile on her mouth:

"Really? Let me ask you, am I handsome or Toledo handsome?"

"Are you handsome?"

"Is Toledo an impulsive bull?"

"Er... Should I?"

"Well, one last question, let Toledo apologize to me."

"Fuck off! Nagini, listen to me. Don\'t come back if you have the ability!"

"Click! Doodle... Doodle... Doodle..."

Looking at the hung up cell phone, Nagini felt much better for no reason,

Looking at Ms. Vanessa making bear biscuits in the kitchen not far away, Nagini turned over a salted fish and shouted, "aunt Vanessa, help me prepare some movie tickets."