Ghost Scripture: Yin-yang Anecdote

Chapter 277

Daniel ignored my urgent question and suddenly asked, "what is the sixth hexagram in the book of changes?"

Although I don\'t know the art of divination, I still have all the basic knowledge of the five elements and eight trigrams. I answered almost conditionally: "the sixth trigram is dry, up and down, Tianshui litigation." then I asked, "you also know the book of changes? Don\'t you do tarot cards?"

"They have something in common." Daniel then asked some things in the book of changes, and I can see that she knows a lot. Fortunately, I remember them quite solidly and gave correct answers.

"Well, it seems that your identity is true," Daniel finally nodded.

"Well, is it your turn?" I looked at her with expectant eyes.

"In fact, I\'m just an ordinary person, but I was chased and killed by those people and the disappearances reported in the news. I think they are all related to a diary with considerable origin. Have you heard of the AMO Department of the Nazis in World War II?" she asked.

After I shook my head, she continued: "The full name of this department is the Department of astrology, psychological metaphysics and mysticism. It is a high-level organization directly in charge of Nazi leaders. It is composed of astrologers, metaphysicians and spiritualists in Dali. Its main purpose is to find the mysterious forces in the world. They also sent people to Tibet in China. I think you should have heard of this."

I nodded. I had heard what she had just said, and it was also confirmed by historians of World War II. In 1938 and 1943, with Hitler\'s approval, Himmler, the leader of the Nazi SS, personally organized two expeditions. They went deep into Tibet. It is said that their purpose is to find "the ancestors of the Germanic nation" ——The evidence of the existence of Atlantis Protoss also attempts to find a "earth axis" that can change time and create an "immortal Legion".

Later, after the Soviet army conquered Berlin, Soviet officers found a shot Tibetan Lama in the basement of the German Empire State building. All this made the Nazi secret operation in Tibet a difficult mystery in World War II and submerged in the long river of history.

"What does all this have to do with you? Don\'t tell me you are Chinese, from Tibet. Himmler left his diary at your door," I said to her.

"Don\'t worry, you\'ll know right away. This organization was very helpful to the Nazis in the early stage. Goebbels used the research results of this department to carry out a lot of publicity work, saying that Hitler was a star in the solar system, the hope of Germany was on him, etc. and another giant of the third empire, the then deputy head of state, the No. 2 Nazi figure and Hitler\'s successor -- Rudolph Hess is fully responsible for finding powerful supernatural forces. Hess secretly arrested many people, all of whom came from the descendants of a prehistoric civilization. Through the torture of these people, Hess has mastered a lot of information about a material. It is said that the energy in this material is "enough to destroy the earth."

After listening to her, I immediately thought of Ares saying that many of their ethnic groups were captured by the Nazis during World War II, which may be the same as what Daniel said in front of me. I even further thought that the German spy underground in Siberia was probably ordered to search for these intelligence. This also explains why empress Yan mixed up with the biggest situation in the former Soviet Union In the newspaper organization, she probably wants to use the power of KGB to find what she needs.

Daniel ignored my expression and continued: "But after collecting enough information, Hess was shocked to find that the original power to destroy the earth was not just a way of description, but real. According to my grandmother, Hess was a man with a serious savior plot. He realized that this power was too dangerous. If it was controlled by Germany alone, it would probably lead to the destruction of mankind. So he wrote all the investigation results into his diary, then hid them, and finally fled to Britain by plane to seek asylum.

Later events have been recorded in history. Britain put him under house arrest. The top German officials were angry at his "defection". Heinrich, the fourth director of the general security administration of Nazi Germany, organized operation Hess to find this diary recording supernatural forces. Hundreds of people were arrested and tried, most of them Astrologers. Later, Hitler released it The order banned "public activities" such as astrology, fortune telling and heart communication, and wantonly arrested and slaughtered astrologers. Even the famous astrologer stratehaus at that time could not escape their poison.

The direct result of this action was the flight of a large number of astrologers and diviners in Europe, including my grandmother, the astrologer Mrs. Maria nagangast. Before fleeing, Hess visited her in Munich. The two had a secret conversation for a long time. After Hess left, my grandmother immediately asked the whole family to pack up and fled Germany before the Nazis caught them 。”

"You mean? Those people they arrested? All..."

"Yes, yes, they are all descendants of those European astrologers who were looking for this diary." Daniel confirmed my statement.

As soon as I heard it, I got excited, put my body forward and said, "the diary is with you, isn\'t it?"

Unexpectedly, after talking for a long time, she didn\'t reduce her vigilance at all. She immediately raised the gun in her hand, motioned me to sit down, and then said, "I\'m here, but I won\'t give it to you until I really confirm your identity and my own safety."

"That doesn\'t matter. I can guarantee your safety. I can rest assured." as I said, I felt the phone Daniel used to give me directions, and was ready to tell my companions the news immediately, so that all of them could put down their things and come back. I thought at the same time, what\'s the door of truth and the sword that can hurt empress Yan? It must be recorded in the diary. After finding the sword, Lao Hei may be saved.

Thinking of these, I couldn\'t help but be happy. I forgot all the unhappiness brought by being tossed in cold water and running naked just now. But I just touched my mobile phone. It was like being poured with cold water head-on. There was no signal on it. I leaned over the crack of the box door and looked out. In the corridor stood several strong men, with gloomy faces and anxiety, as if waiting for someone. Looking to the other side, there were two people with soup bags on the table, but they didn\'t move. Their eyes kept sweeping and observed everyone in the restaurant.

Oh, my heart screamed. I didn\'t know when we were surrounded

"Come on, give me the gun," I whispered to Daniel.

"Why?" she looked alert. Instead of giving it to me, she took the gun out of her bag. The black muzzle was directly aimed at me. Anyway, the door of the box was closed, and she didn\'t have to worry about being seen by others.

"We\'re surrounded. We don\'t have time to tell you more. They\'re waiting for more people to arrive, and they\'ll attack us after they\'re 100% sure." because of the hurry, my tone became not very good.

"Sorry, I don\'t believe you," she said stubbornly, raising the muzzle again.

I glanced at the inscription "Lady" on the right front of the gun sleeve

Smith”。 This gun is specially made for women. It has the characteristics of good safety and light recoil. In addition, it looks very exquisite and beautiful, but in my eyes, it is full of Niang. Due to the excessive emphasis on safety, another feature of this gun is that if the magazine is not loaded, even if the chamber is loaded with bullets, the insurance will be locked. I\'ll take a risk.

"If you don\'t believe me, just look at the mobile phone. The signal has been blocked by them so that we can\'t call the police or call for support," I told her.

Daniel took out his mobile phone, looked at it and said, "there is really no signal, but it\'s not enough..."

The average person\'s brain can only do one thing at the same time. If you want to focus on a person with a gun, you\'d better not talk, otherwise the reaction speed will be a little slower.

There was only a round table between us. Her hand holding the gun had reached half the diameter of the table. Taking advantage of her distraction, I quickly put out a hand and put it on her gun. With a quick pinch, kasun withdrew the bullet and unloaded her Pistol Magazine directly.

She was stunned at first, and then instinctively wanted to pull the trigger, but now the trigger has been locked by the insurance lock, and she can\'t pull it at all. As soon as she saw that the gun failed, she was surprised again. Taking advantage of this effort, I pinched her wrist counterclockwise and grabbed the gun.

"Shh, keep quiet. I won\'t hurt you. I\'ll take you out again." I gestured to her and loaded the magazine back. As soon as she saw the gun in my hand, I didn\'t mean to threaten her, so I didn\'t say anything for the time being. She stood up, put on her bag, and put on a round hat, covering most of her face.

I took a napkin and jumped onto the table. After I lit it with a lighter, I pinched a corner to the smoke alarm in the room. The smoke generated by the burning of paper towels was detected by the smoke sensor before it came and dispersed. Due to the close distance, the smoke concentration was relatively large, and the alarm of the whole building immediately sounded. People came out on many floors and walked down the stairs.

As it\'s not time for lunch, there are not many people in this Hong Kong restaurant. Most of them are waiters and chefs. These people also quickly put down their work and moved out in an orderly manner. But those in the corridor did not move, but stared at everyone passing by.

I met their people in the hotel, and they can easily recognize them, and they can certainly get Daniel\'s body shape and other information from the description of the hotel owner. It seems that it is impossible to get into the crowd and go out. There is a great probability of being seen through.

He took Daniel and rushed to the kitchen. All the people here had left. On the table at the door were some aprons and hats with big edges that the cook had taken off. I grabbed an apron, tied it up and put on a hat. With his head down, he ran back to the hall, pretended to be the staff of the restaurant, and said in Chinese to the two people who still left monitoring: "didn\'t you hear the fire? Leave quickly."

The two men seemed to understand me, and when they saw that the restaurant was empty, they stood up slowly. I pointed to the steamed stuffed bun on the table and said, "are the things in this shop not to your taste?"

They were about to talk when one of them saw my skin color and looked puzzled. Before he could figure out why a man of African skin color spoke fluent Chinese, I grabbed a soup bag on the table and squeezed it into his eyes. This kind of soup bag is full of very hot soup. Before eating, put a straw into the small hole in the middle of the bag and drink the soup. But at the moment, I squeezed out the soup along the small hole and sprayed it on his face. Although I put it on the table for several minutes, the temperature was still very high. He was covered with oil and water. He was wiping and shouting there.

The other person reacted quickly and immediately touched his back