Ghost Scripture: Yin-yang Anecdote

Chapter 252

Everyone except brother donkey was looking at me and asked me whether this nerd was reliable or not. After thinking for a long time, I clenched my teeth and said to old black, "go as he said."

Old black pricked his ears and walked in front. A group of us crept behind. Black Mamba took three men, each staring at a pirate carrying explosives. I, Ivan and brother donkey were at the end of the team. Brother donkey kept shining on the stone wall with a flashlight to see if he could find any patterns or words.

After drilling into the bifurcated hole, the road suddenly became only one-fifth as wide as before, and only two people could walk side by side. It could not be too fat. It could touch the rock on the top of the cave as soon as you raised your hand. As a result, I always shine a flashlight on the stone crack on my head. I\'m afraid there are only eight legged black beetles left. They suddenly jump out of the stone crack and stab me to death with their tail tongue.

The whole cave was full of fishy smell, but compared with us, the smell was stronger, so the air in the cave was tolerable to us.

After walking in the dark cave for a few minutes, there are downward steps in front. These steps are a group, showing a Z-shape. It was so smooth and covered with moss that we had to walk sideways in case we fell.

As I walked, I counted the number of steps to see how many steps were in a group. Brother donkey saw my lips counting and said, "don\'t count, 23 in a group."

The boy\'s eyes were OK. He fought with old black. I gave him a thumbs up. He said: "it is written on the stone tablet entering the cave. This nation believes that there are 23 floors in the whole world, 13 floors are in the sky, the first floor is the surface of the earth, which is the place where people live, and the other nine floors are the lower, which is the place where they sacrifice. According to the words on the tablet, their steps are also built according to this habit."

After listening to this, I knew that he also looked at the inscriptions on the stone tablet. He counted several groups of steps to verify it and found that 23 were true. I nodded at him to show my appreciation, but he raised his face and said, "numbers, never lie."

At this moment, the steps under our feet became horizontal. We followed the steps and entered another large sacrificial place. There are almost 200 square meters. Various murals are painted on the walls on both sides. In the middle of the two large narrative murals, there is also a stone tablet engraved with hieroglyphics.

According to the flashlight, the colors of these murals have been mottled, but there is no problem to see the content. On the picture, there are a large number of people lining up to offer sacrifices to the living. Some of these people pierce several places on their bodies and gather their blood together. Some simply cut open the artery to drain the blood, and then dig out the heart and put it on the altar. The worst, and castrated, basically died directly after being cut off.

These murals are very vivid. In addition, in the dark environment, we all use a flashlight to look at them. The circular flashlight spot slides over those murals, which is like releasing a group of silent colored films. The bloody sacrificial scenes on them are almost broken out. It makes me a little dizzy for people who are used to seeing blood.

In the corners on both sides, there are a large number of belly shaped utensils, including pottery and stone, which are sealed. A pirate wanted to open one to see inside, but was stopped by the sniper under black mamba.

Seeing that those people were killed alive, just for the tragic scene of sacrifice, I asked brother donkey, "who have these people offended? Have they been cleaned up like this?"

Brother donkey frowned at me and said, "you don\'t understand. These people have to be people with positive roots. In addition, the upper layer is slaves and prisoners of war, and this layer is civilians. It\'s already a higher level. The lower it is, the higher the level of the sacrifice will be."

According to my understanding, sacrifice is nothing more than doing something like ox head and sheep head. Killing slaves and prisoners of war is already cruel to the limit. It\'s really hard to understand how to kill yourself. After listening to me, brother donkey said: "You are the thinking of modern people. Ancient people paid more attention to sacrifice than we could imagine. They believed that sacrifice was a way of communication between man and God, and between human beings and another higher-level life form. From the stone tablets on both sides, they only carried out large-scale sacrifice when they were in trouble and needed help. The sacrificial activities on the upper layer were war Pray to defeat the enemy in the struggle. The content of this layer is different. It is probably to pray that the number of people is prosperous, that men can make more women pregnant, and that women can give birth more smoothly. "

"What about the lower floors?" I asked again.

Brother donkey shook his head and said, "I don\'t know. I have to read it. This thing can\'t be guessed. History only pays attention to evidence drama, okay? Evidence."

Afraid of the suspicion of black mamba and others, I didn\'t dare to stay here too much with my companions and quickly passed through the sacrificial field full of various ancient civilization relics. On the contrary, brother donkey said that any of those things were very valuable, which caused the eyes of the pirates to shine. If it weren\'t for the black mamba\'s men staring nearby, they might throw away the explosives and start loading those sacrificial vessels Yes.

I didn\'t give brother donkey a chance to play this time, because there is only one downward exit, which is about the same width as the one coming in, and allows two people to pass together. It seems that it is built according to the same specification, which is also a Z-shaped step. 23 steps fall alternately. There is a slight difference that the fishy smell is heavier than the second floor, which makes my chest ache, More intense.

After walking 9 groups of 23 steps, we came to the third floor. The living sacrifices on the murals here were all dressed in gorgeous clothes, and some were wearing headdresses. Brother donkey said after studying for a while: "this floor was an aristocrat and a more dignified person in the society at that time."

Lao Hei quit and asked in a questioning tone, "no, you will die so miserably if you have a position. Look at these, the blood has been watered." he pointed to a picture in which a man made a share by a wizard sprinkled the flow from the sacrifice wound on several plants placed on the ground.

Brother donkey carefully looked at the murals of old black finger and replied, "ignorance and innocence are wrong. These are indeed aristocrats, and those are not watering flowers. Look carefully at the leaves of those plants, which have wilted and were pulled out of the ground after withering. Their ceremony is asking for rain."

Lao Hei choked for a moment. He realized that brother donkey was probably right, but he still refused to admit it. He said, "fuck, you say asking for rain is asking for rain. I also said that it is to marinate pickles with human blood and then fry shredded meat for their gods."

As soon as he heard this, brother donkey\'s stubbornness came up again. Pointing to the hieroglyphics on the stone tablet, he wanted to argue with old black. I was afraid that they were a stubborn donkey and a sex wolf. They quarreled too loudly and would be miserable if they attracted an eight legged black dog. I quickly motioned brother donkey to stop arguing and whispered in his ear, "he\'s a jerk. Hurry up and see if there\'s anything special on the mural. If so, tell me immediately."

With Lao Hei\'s ears, it\'s easy to listen to what I\'m talking about. He smiled and scolded: "a stubborn donkey, a crazy monkey. It\'s a pity that you two don\'t find a place where no one can fall in love."

After leaving this floor, he quickly went down to the fourth floor. The sacrificial vessels on this floor are more luxurious, made of gold and jade, and the murals are more exquisite and vivid. Most of the murals use some symbolic techniques to depict the living man used as a sacrifice very tall, and this man is wearing a high crown, feathers and gorgeous robes.

"This man is the king," brother donkey said with certainty after reading it carefully. This sentence startled us all.

"Even the king is killed. Are they going to rebel?" Ivan asked.

"No, it\'s not rebellion. You see a circle of witches kneeling around. They must be in great trouble, so the king had to make sacrifices to pray for the help of the gods." brother donkey explained.

My God, what trouble is this? What trouble? I asked brother donkey. He shook his head and said he didn\'t know.

Urged by the eyes of black mamba and others, we immediately rushed to the fifth floor and thought about what was more precious than the king and could be used as a higher sacrifice in the concept of ancient civilization.

The answer didn\'t make us wait too long. Coupled with brother donkey\'s professional explanation, we know that the things originally used for sacrifice are not necessarily of high social status. In the view of this ancient civilization, the more holy things are the more advanced sacrifices. Because on the murals on the fifth floor, we saw several barefoot girls wearing garlands and long skirts, which were used as blood sacrifices for living people.

This time, before brother donkey made a sound, the old gangster said, "it\'s so cruel. They are all big girls of yellow flowers."

Ivan didn\'t understand, so he asked me, "yellow flower woman?" I told him that Lao Hei meant that these girls were virgins for holy sacrifice. Ivan asked Lao Hei in wonder, "how do you know?"

"I see. Look at the small breasts and legs. They haven\'t developed much. Look at the walking posture..." when Lao Hei talked about this, he seemed more professional than brother donkey.

Brother donkey didn\'t refute old black. On the contrary, he nodded to show that old black was right. But then he frowned and said to himself, "if this layer is a virgin, what is the next layer?"

With this question, I also went to the sixth floor. As soon as I entered this floor, everyone was scared and stupid. They were all softly scolding rude words in various languages.

From the content on the wall, the sacrificial things on this floor are actually babies who have just been born. Seeing the scene of the killing of children who are still in their infancy, I can\'t help but feel my blood churning. I thought that I had only heard of sacrificing boys and girls before. This time I can see the truth.

Old black made up his mind and said to brother donkey, "if you can guess what the seventh floor is this time, I\'ll convince you."

Brother donkey stubbornly looked around for the stone tablet. Finally, at the hole leading to the next floor, he carefully looked at the hieroglyphics on it for a long time and said, "I can\'t guess. It says that the first to sixth floors are for sacrifice, and the next three floors have specific uses to worship three gods."

"God? Shouldn\'t it be offered to the temple? What are you doing under the ground?" the old gangster.

"No, the temple is the practice of most nationalities, and they offer them underground. These are not gods in the conventional sense. According to the words on the stone tablet, they are evil gods, that is, gods with great energy and bloodthirsty." brother donkey said.

Looking around, brother donkey pointed to some white bones in the hole leading to the next floor and said: "You see, in the front floors, the people killed are in the center of the sacrificial place, and the bones here are all dead on the way back. These are wizards. They think that the bottom three floors are the territory of evil gods. After humans enter, they can\'t come out, so even Wizards have to commit suicide."

Lao hei and I exchanged eyes. Shocked, we both felt that the puzzle might be solved. Maybe empress Yan might find these evil gods or something. In addition, I add up that these are called evil gods by ancient civilization. Maybe they are large fierce animals. They are offered underground as evil gods and sacrificed regularly. This is very similar to many ethnic minorities in China. Some shamanists in Northeast China have also offered gifts such as Wong Tai Sin.

We went down the stairs to the seventh floor. On all the murals here, there was a huge Eight Legged turtle, all golden. From the picture, he stood more than two meters tall and glittered with gold. The golden whale was sometimes offered at the top of the tower and sometimes lying on the beach. There were many giant whale sea animals on the beach. Some ancient people with knives cut the meat of the giant whale and sent it to the front of the golden whale.

"This thing is fake and symbolic, isn\'t it? People deified this insect at that time, didn\'t they?" I asked brother donkey in a tone of verification.

"I don\'t know. This kind of murals and inscriptions come in a realistic style. I haven\'t encountered this symbolic technique." brother donkey shook his head.

"Fuck, don\'t tell me you really have such a big head. I have a bad heart. It can\'t be realistic, otherwise, what\'s the matter with those whales?" old black covered his chest and said exaggerated.

"Whether whales or sharks, there are organs in the brain that sense the magnetic pole of the earth and are used to locate their direction on the sea. I think if this thing can destroy the navigation equipment on our ship, there may be a way to lead these whales to run aground. Do you remember the huge bones at the mouth of the cave when you came in?" brother donkey pointed up and reminded us.

Old black wanted to continue to refute, but he suddenly changed his face and raised a hand. Everyone immediately spread out in a defensive formation and opened two fans back and forth. Everyone stared nervously at the cave that had swallowed us, for fear that a large number of eight insects would gush out like a fountain to attack us.

But Lao Hei didn\'t give any further signal, so our tense hearts were put down a little. After listening to it for a while, Lao Hei pointed to his ears and motioned to a fork hole to indicate that there was a sound over there.

"There\'s a sound, of course. It must be the sound of those insects crawling around." I said to old black with my mouth.

He shook his head and silently replied to me with his mouth: "no, it\'s not insects, it\'s human." after thinking about it, he added: "human groans."

After hearing this, all of us came to the spirit. Although the three groups had their own plans at first, mercenaries wanted to kill, pirates wanted to rob money, and we wanted to find clues, one thing they had in common was that the three parties had companions who were robbed by the eight insects. It\'s estimated that 99% of the insects can\'t be saved because of their ferocious appearance, but since you hear the groans, you have to go and have a look. If there are still one or half angry children left, you can save them easily.