Ghost Scripture: Yin-yang Anecdote


Even though the werewolves were tall and strong, they were still flesh and blood to the evil spirits of hell. Their strength was insufficient to contend against the Evil Spirit or the devils. The God of Heaven had bestowed three sacred objects to the werewolf leaders at the time, namely the Golden Heavenly Book, the emerald Buddha Head and a weapon called the heaven and earth Unparalleled Saber. The later generations would call it the Three Heavens Saber or the Unparalleled Saber.

Amongst them, the emerald Buddha Head was specially used to heal their injuries. In the process of protecting the human race, they had fought countless numbers of Evil Spirit of Hell and killed countless vampires. However, as long as his flesh injuries come into contact with this Emerald Buddha Head, no matter how heavy the injuries were, they would immediately heal. Even if his body was damaged, as long as his head and heart were still present, he would be able to recover. It was a pity that after defeating the devils of hell, he was proud of his achievements and wanted to be on equal footing with the Gods of Heaven. Later on, he slaughtered and enslaved the human race and eventually became the enemy of the human race.

Then do you know where this Buddha Head is? Manager Qian's voice trembled a little, just like a cancer patient, he originally only had a month of life left. Suddenly a doctor says there is something, a touch can save your life. If it was anyone else, they would have been excited for a while, let alone someone like the Manager Qian, who was passionately accepting life.

"Yes, the Buddha Head is in a place in Myanmar, but that place is very dangerous. That's why I want to invite you two to join me. If I were to succeed, it would be possible to save both my mother and the Manager Qian. " She looked at us expectantly.

Manager Qian and I thought at the same time. With such a "good" thing, how could we not drag Lao Hei into it? So we both said at the same time, "We have a total of three people …"

After Lao Hei heard from us, he immediately said that there was no problem, at the same time he said that he was in Asia and had just completed an order. It was to help the Thai government get rid of a drug giant and burn the huge opium fields that the giant used. He said that he would be there shortly and that he would be in charge of providing the weapons and equipment.

After hanging up, I let out a sigh: "Look at them, not only do they kill people, they also call them orders. They're so f * cking professional."

With the excuse of visiting his family, the Manager Qian took a long leave of absence. Using his position, he ran a backdoor program provided by Hu Sanmei on the internal network of the Supernatural Hunting Group. Using this method, Sanmei bypassed layers of firewalls of the Supernatural Hunting Group and found a secret warehouse of the Supernatural Hunting Group in the Asia region. Sanmei brought me and the Manager Qian to a dark and windy night, which was beyond enchanting. She used the Fragrant to put down all the guards. It seemed that Supernatural Hunting Group would need to hire a few more virgin boys as sentries in the future.

In the warehouse, I was overjoyed to find a very precious Holy Priest sariras. Presumably, it was prepared to activate the six Confusion Arrays. I immediately put the sariras into my bag. Looking at the deposit box that held the sariras, I thought, "The people from Supernatural Hunting Group didn't receive the teachings of the White Clan of the United States …"

According to the book, the sariras emit a different kind of" radiation ". This radiation is harmless to people, but it has been irradiated by the sariras for a long time. "Ghost Scripture" had a special effect. It was recorded that a sword was placed together with the sariras, and later on, it was used to kill ghosts and demons. It had a special effect.

Inspired by this, we went to several gold shops and bought enough silver bars to process a thousand warheads, all around the saris. Since we were robbing the werewolves this time, we even fed a layer of silver on the blade of the dagger and placed it next to the sariras.

The bullets and blades had been radiating for three days. Lao Hei called to inform them that he was ready. When we left, I saw Sanmei bringing a few strange weapons.

The first one was a small hand crossbow, which looked like it used to be used by nobles to hunt. He could get on three crossbow arrow s at a time, and shoot one at a time. It was not decorated at all, the entire crossbow's pitch black color was unknown what material it was made of. Just when I was wondering, Sanmei came over and asked me: "Have you never seen this thing before?"

"Me? Never seen it before? Should I have seen it? " I asked, puzzled.

She didn't say anything, but with a flip of her bare hand, she pointed out a small line of words in front of the handle of the crossbow.

Because it was written by a small piece of paper, I only recognized the two words "Bai Ze". Because the teachings written in these words were from the ancestors of Elder Bai's《 Ghost Scripture》, I could recognize a few of them.

What were the other words? I asked Sanmei.

By relying on this crossbow, he could exterminate all the demons in the world — Bai Ze was a hero.

After she finished reciting, she introduced the origin of the bow to me, "This crossbow is known as the Heaven Punishing Karakorum Savant, it is a Karakorum Divine Wood that contains limitless essence energy. Moreover, it was a ten-thousand-year-old divine tree growing in the Longan acupoint. This tree had absorbed the essence of the sun and moon for tens of thousands of years, so the natural spiritual energy could already transform into a human-shaped wooden embryo and become a Holy Spirit. But when the tree saw the evil spirits wreaking havoc, it was as if there were thousands of them, so it decided to sacrifice its life to subdue the evil spirits. It just so happened that this ancestor of Bai Ze's, a devil who had been hunted down for ten thousand miles, had ended up in the Kunlun Mountains, fighting a duel with the devil and having him executed. This Kunlun Divine Wood, which has almost reached the acme of perfection, was entrusted to Bai Ze, Yingjie, to make this crossbow out of his very essence, and fulfill his wish of defeating demons and demons. "

She looked at me, and I was half listening to her, half looking at her agate lips, her pearl teeth moving. I came back to my senses when I saw my blank stare.

He quickly said, "Admiration, admiration, respect, respect." He then picked up an arrow placed with the crossbow and carefully examined it.

The thirty arrows were also quite strange. The tip of the arrow was not made of metal, but rather had a fanged little finger. What is this? I asked curiously.

Oh, this is a vampire's tooth. A vampire's tooth tube has poison and the effect of a Heaven Punishing Crossbow. Used to deal with a vampire or werewolf.

At this point I suddenly had a question and asked her, "Where do all the teeth come from? You used to work as a dentist in a vampire community? "

No, sometimes I fight with vampires. If I'm lucky, I can leave behind a complete corpse, but I've already used up a lot of it," she said in a light tone. However, I heard that my back was sweating a little. I can't judge a book by its cover, it looks like a flower and jade, but my attacks are ruthless and merciless. "Furthermore, she still retained some affection towards humans. If not, at least half of the people who had lured her last time would not have survived today. In my mind, I saw the scene of the landlord and his wife's wedding turning into a slaughterhouse.

Perhaps it was because she guessed that I thought she was cruel, she said bitterly, "Hmph, causing our family to not be able to reunite, my mother losing a thousand years of cultivation experience, I've been hiding from place to place for so many years, my father's life is unknown, even if I killed all of them I wouldn't bat an eyelid."

Afterwards, I continued to size up the other equipment that the spicy and delicate Hu Sanmei had, other than the Ghost Slash that was already in her backpack. I noticed that she liked to use both hands for knives and guns. I picked up two identical silver Desert Eagle s. The body of the gun shone with a silvery white light, like the moon in winter, beautiful and cold. The black lengthening grips, firing and shedding devices have been modified to increase firing speed and stability. This gun weighed 2 kg, had a diameter of 0.5 inches, and had a huge recoil. Even men would find it difficult to use it.

I don't know where she got the strength to look at her arm that wasn't as thick as mine, and she used a silver, high-explosive bullet with a cross in it. And like some anti-gun bullets, it was loaded with high explosive, which would explode like a small grenade when hit. The original seven-shot clip had been changed to a 12-shot one by herself.

Holding a silver eagle in each hand, I pictured a long-haired beauty with a gun in her hands wearing a black tights. Wherever they went, the vampires were killed. The dead had their heads smashed into pieces by a high explosive bomb, or their chests were blasted with a hole that could even reach through a fist. Blood and flesh flew everywhere.

After putting down the gun, he saw a pair of blades that were fed to her. It looked exactly the same as the two blades in Yang Ziqian's, and when he asked Sanmei about it, he said that it was called the Wing Chun Eight Slashes Blade, which was given to her by her master.

As we set off, she crossed her two swords in an X shape and carried them behind her back. From the two sides of her head, we could see the hilt and the semicircle of her gauntlets, while the two silver Desert Eagle hung on either side of her firm, rounded thighs. In addition, she also carried some medicines and first-aid kits that could be used in the tropical rain forest. The Heaven Punishing Crossbow was stored in a backpack.

When she was done, she stood there, and the Manager Qian and I almost finished our work. She was truly valiant and valiant, very much like Juliet in the old tomb portraits and Tritini in the Black Empire.

I brought Manager Qian and Hu Sanmei to secretly touch the border line from Yunnan. Having been here for five years, I feel like I am going home. If it wasn't for the time being, I would even want to return to the old company to take a look.

In the northern border of Myanmar, the important town of Myitina, we met up with Lao Hei, who had been waiting there for a long time. In one year, we didn't see him change a lot. When he met him at the hotel, he was gently stroking a handful of his black, muted MadDog. It was likely that he had killed too many people this year. At that moment I even felt that it was not he who was stroking the blade. It was the blade that was gently stroking Lao Hei's spirit, it actually had the feeling of one with the blade.

After we met and punched each other a few times, I rummaged through the three oversized parcels on the floor of his hotel. Inside were equipment for the rain forest: radios, Satellite Phone, GPS, military food, medicines, water purifiers, mountain-climbing ropes, private tents, damp sleeping bags, mosquito repellent, Spanish jungle king machetes, four American jungle camouflage suits, Engineer Shovel, night vision, highlighter, and so on. There are all kinds of equipment in my bag, and what makes me even happier is that the gas masks and underwater breathing apparatus and the like are all high-tech equipment belonging to Blackwater, which can't be bought on the market.

However, there were no firearms. All I saw was a signal detonator. I asked in astonishment, "Where's the gun?"

"Don't worry, leave it to me." Lao Hei said with an expression that said he was confident.