Ghost Scripture: Yin-yang Anecdote


"Don't you know that the probability of dying from arrogance is only second to cancer?" As I spoke, I made a gesture with my hand and looked at her with a calm expression. He thought to himself: "Little guy, I'm afraid the person who let me beat me with one hand hasn't been born yet. "Oh, that's not right. I forgot that she's a vampire, it doesn't matter if you're a human or a ghost. I'll let you experience what is called Chinese kung fu."

However, I was fully confident that I could only endure until she made a gesture. To my astonishment, I found out that she had actually put on a Wing Chun "God Claw" Sheep Horse. Furthermore, the Tail Dragon had a sturdy back, a heavy shoulder, and an elbow drop. It didn't throw up, and was ready to attack. From the looks of it, it had been passed down for generations, making me unknowingly feel immense pressure. However, most people did not know that Yan Er, Fang Qi, and the 5 Grand Masters. These three were precisely the seniors who established the sect with the Wing Chun, and all of them were women. Therefore, the Wing Chun was also the most suitable fighting technique for females.

From the looks of it, I was full of energy. I didn't have time to think about "Ladyfirst" taking the initiative to attack first. From the time I was a child, I fought with other children, until I joined the army and fought with the enemy in the rain forest. There were so many people practicing in groups of different grades that even he couldn't remember clearly. When sparring goes on, there will also be the type of fight where the two wolves never stop biting each other. It can be said that the number of times I have fought is hundreds of times more than the number of times I have touched a woman. I was well aware that in a battle at the top of a high-speed train, the stability of the lower part of the train was more important than anything else. Many times, it was fine to take two punches from the other side.

Therefore, I chose to steady my lower body and focus on throwing my fists. I didn't believe that this woman, who had no flesh on her body other than her chest and buttocks, would be stronger than me.

But I forgot, the Wing Chun is such a skillful way of breaking through power. Before I could land a solid punch back and forth, I was fended off by her lightning-quick hand hook, and then her lily-white hand formed the shape of a phoenix eye hammer. After knocking on my right arm's Quze and my left arm's Shaohai acupoints, I felt a strong tingling sensation, accompanied by heat, that immediately made me lose consciousness below my elbow, just as we used to call it.

After dissolving my attack, she didn't move her right hand. Not even 10 cm away from my chest, I was sent flying backwards by the impact of the punch. Acupoint attack and Inch Force, these two kinds of skill that were well-known to everyone at home in 2 seconds, affected me at the same time. I sadly discovered that making my opponent take half a step back seemed to be more difficult than I had imagined.

In the air, I pulled my leg back and rolled awkwardly on the roof of the car. Finally, I grabbed the air vent protruding from the roof of the car to keep my body from falling to my death. In addition, there was a lot of dust on the roof. The half-dried bird droppings, the corpses of flies and mosquitoes all rubbed against my face, making me look as bedraggled as possible.

"Well, a puddle of mud. You look a little familiar," she said, her face expressionless.

My temper flared up at her mockery, and I calculated the running time of the car. Normally, three to four minutes from the light rail to the next stop was the first minute when I jumped on the train, the second minute when I ran four cars and got on the bus, and the most humiliating part when I was sent flying was thirty seconds, which meant that I still had a minute and a half left.

Thinking of this, I didn't care about my face anymore. I prepared to start a rascally move. After half a run, I fell to the ground and used a "Cross Ghost Drill" to kick her calf. Because I saw her using the Wing Chun, her close range attacks were completely suppressed. I remember Elder Bai telling me before that the Wing Chun attached great importance to the hand and horse skills, but there are many schools of Wing Chun that do not like to use their legs. The point was that "good legs don't reach the waist, but the waist doesn't move the legs." Attacking her lower body, coupled with the unique terrain of the roof, I didn't believe she wouldn't retreat even half a step.

I didn't expect her to actually not retreat. On the contrary, she even took a step forward and continued to face me head on. But by then she was standing on the edge of the roof, in her little black leather boots with their rounded heads and high waists and their heels hanging off.

You can't blame me for this, I said, flinging myself off the ground and kicking my legs into the air to hit her head. This move was an extremely powerful technique from the Pool Legs. It was called Phoenix Spreading Wings, and it had two aftermoves. If she tried to dodge the attack with an iron wrench, I would land on my left leg with the force of the rotation and kick her right leg with the lotus leaf in my leg. If she managed to block it, I would use her defensive strength to kick her shoulders in the air with my legs, a move Tan called the Magpie Kick in her legs. Back then, in order to practice this combination of moves, I lost count of the number of times I fell, and every time I fell I would get turned upside down by the Elder Bai. In a certain Legion Tournament, I used these few moves to get into the finals. It could be said to be my masterpiece, my masterpiece.

She was not flustered at all as if her legs were nailed to the carriage. Her upper body was bent at a right angle, and her waist was so weak that it seemed to have no bones. Seeing her actions, I was overjoyed and hurriedly prepared to pull my leg back in midair and turn around to give a series of kicks. However, I was happy too early. She leaned back, and the moment my leg swept past her, her delicate hand pushed against my leg, pushing against my leg.

This action looked light and nimble, but it was very useful. The strength and timing were all perfect. With the spin suddenly accelerating, I lost my balance and fell like a dumpling onto the roof of the car. What was four taels of silver, that was four taels of silver, that was four taels of silver. What was a gap, that was a gap; in the air, I was horrified to find that my spinning body was about to fall to the edge of the carriage, and there was nothing else I could do besides the bald metal body of the carriage.

Just when I was praying that the light rail would pass through the green belt or some large canvas card, otherwise the Master Monkey would be crippled. A cold light flashed in front of my eyes, and a dagger nailed the edge of the carriage I was about to crash into. The sharp blade had cut through the metal, and the black hilt was exposed. I reached out and grabbed the last straw, and with the momentum of the car, I swung myself back over the top of the car.

The dead woman who hated me to the point of gnashing her teeth was still standing there, cold as ice. "I have shown mercy on you for taking care of it this year," she said. "Don't push yourself too far. You're not a cat, and you don't have nine lives to fight for." I noticed as she spoke that her hand was stroking the bag containing the white fox, and that the killing intent in her eyes had lightened a little, adding a touch of gentleness to it. With that, she jumped off the light rail that had already started slowing down, using a telephone pole to slide down.

"Don't run." I jumped after him and slid to the grass. Even though I knew I wasn't a match at all, I couldn't just watch her slip away. In my heart, I kept on thinking that I had already let down Manager Qian once in the Underground Oasis, and didn't want to disappoint him again. Following me and then calling out to the Supernatural Hunting Group agent was also not a bad choice.

"You don't know your place!" When she saw me pestering her, she was probably truly angered. She turned around and was about to head towards me. From the looks of it, even if she didn't beat me to death, she would at least knock me out and not be able to follow her.

But not two of them. She stopped abruptly and looked around with an expression of surprise and puzzlement. I also discovered that the environment was very different from normal. The most obvious difference was that there was no one in Shanghai other than the two of us. This was simply impossible in a city with a population of 23 million. Even in the wee hours of the morning, there were still a lot of people running on the roads, not to mention the fact that it was only 9 o'clock. There were white-collar workers who adapted to the time difference between foreign customers and the company's meeting. There were also amateur singers who returned home after a night of KTV outburst. There was also the hurried background of the midnight ox-weaver and princess young master commuting to and from work.

But the road we're on right now is so quiet that there aren't even any sounds of insects, not to mention humans, there aren't even any stray cats or dogs. Not only that, but as we looked around, a thick mist began to emerge from who knows where.

The fog gradually engulfed us, and the visibility decreased until I could no longer see the tips of my feet. I tried to get out of the fog by using my phone's lighting function, but I found I couldn't tell north from south. There was no signal on my cell phone, and I wondered if I was still in Shanghai, or if I had been hypnotized by my third sister. I slapped myself twice in the face until my face was burning, but it didn't seem like I was dreaming or being hypnotized.

Just as I was about to slap my face, I felt a light flash in the distance. At first I thought it was a violent slap, but after rubbing my eyes a few times, I could still see the light. I immediately headed towards the location where the light was coming from. After running for a while, the flickering light was getting closer and closer.

Suddenly I ran into something in the fog, and I took only a step back, but I could hear the breaking of branches and a hair-raising groan through the fog. Turning on the light of my cell phone's strobe, I bravely walked towards the sound and saw something very strange sitting on the ground, groaning and groaning. It was strange because I couldn't find the right word in the human dictionary to describe what I was seeing. It had limbs, torso, and head like a human being, but was severely out of proportion. The stomach was unusually large, just like a pregnant woman who was about to give birth. It was also the type that gave birth to triplets.

Its head and limbs were very small and small. I had seen pictures on television of the victims in the Fascist concentration camp, and the poor creatures looked fit compared to the one in front of me. Its limbs were as thin as dried willow branches, and there was not even a little bit of moisture left in its body. It was as if it could be used as a fire to cook.

And, to my embarrassment, one of its legs was broken. It seemed to have been caused by the collision with me. Where did this thing come from? I shouted. He moaned weakly and, hearing my voice, lifted his head to meet the light. He only saw that its empty eyes did not have pupils, its wide open mouth was already dried up, and it seemed like Lao Hei had not washed its tongue for many years. This thing could be anything, but it definitely wasn't human. It was human nature to attack first in fear, and I was no exception.

A low sweep knocked it to the ground, and I turned to run, only to find that there were four or five of them around me. They moved very slowly, as if the thin legs would break if they walked any faster, and those who were closer to me rolled their horrible eyes at me, opened their stinking mouths, and kept pointing with fingers as thin as chopsticks.

"What do you mean? Ask me for food? " I didn't quite understand, but I still felt in my pocket. In the left-hand pocket of my jacket, I accidentally gave out two small pieces of dovish chocolate, probably from my wedding at Monica, which I don't know when I put in my pocket.

After tearing off one of the wrappers, I carefully handed the sugar, the size of a fingernail, to the nearest one, and said, "Smooth milk-flavored."

After receiving my candy, she immediately showed a happy expression. Her mouth opened wide as if she was about to eat it. A few others, seeing the chocolate, stretched out their hands and spoke in a language I didn't understand at all. "One of them had even taken a big step forward. Although he didn't pull the egg, his leg bone snapped with a crack.

Just as I was about to see if they would leave after eating the candy, the expression of joy on the face of the thing that had been given the candy suddenly froze, and then changed to the sadness of a person who had forgotten the extremes of time.

The rest of them stopped their script and walked into the fog. They picked up the sugar and sat on the ground and started to wail. They were crying in despair. I didn't think they were a threat, so I put my heart at ease. But I feel very strange, I've already given you sugar, if you don't eat it then why cry, it doesn't suit the taste?

With the flashlight, I saw the sugar in his palm. I noticed that there was something wrong with the luster. I slowly picked it up and looked at it. I cried out in surprise. At some point, the dark chocolate had turned into a small square black stone.

Could Monica have bought knockoff sweets for her wedding to save money? Impossible, my hands are trained. With a flip of my weight, I can tell how many bullets are left in the gun. How can I not even tell the difference between sugar and stone? Even if I don't practice my martial arts for a long time, just now, I clearly saw that it was chocolate, I must have seen a ghost.

When I thought of the word 'ghost', my mind suddenly buzzed and started to feel intense pain. I knew that I might have touched something from the deep recesses of my memories, "Ghost Scripture".

Half lying on the ground, I wait for the headache to subside before continuing on my way to the light. With a headache, I now walked the same way as before, careful and stumbling.

As I got closer, I noticed that the fire didn't seem to be fixed, but was moving in clusters through the air. A little further in, I saw a group of people with figures that were a little more normal than the ones I had seen earlier, walking around aimlessly.

It's because I'm still not sure what they are, but they're definitely not human. The figures in front of him were similar to humans, but each of them had a mouth that was burning like a candle made of butter. Just as I was about to slip away, I was surrounded again by the flaming mouths.

Apart from their appearance and the flames in their mouths, they moved in the same way as the previous batch, with their mouths wide open in order to eat. I handed the last piece of chocolate to one of them and stared at it as it turned to stone. I thought if I learned it, I would go to the Spring Festival Gala and snatch Liu Qian's job.

To my surprise, it didn't turn into a rock this time. Instead, it bit into my mouth. He gave a satisfied hum as he chewed, seemingly very satisfied with the taste of the sugar. But then something went wrong. He tried to swallow, but the sugar stayed in his mouth and wouldn't enter his esophagus.

He opened his mouth wide and tried to force the chewed sugar down with his fingers. I saw that its throat was only as thin as a needle, and if I didn't see through the flame in its mouth, I wouldn't have been able to see it. Soon, I forgot that his throat was thin, because something even more surprising was happening.

It didn't seem to be swallowing smooth and fragrant chocolate, but rather napalm or white phosphorous bullets. Its stomach seemed to be burning intensely. The skin on its belly became more and more transparent, like a human skin lantern with four limbs. It was also rolling on the ground, wailing in pain, and its large mouth was emitting a terrible stench of burnt human flesh …