Genius Maiden Transmigrates: The Empress of Weapons

Chapter 525

Xuanyuanyao and Jixiang turned their heads together and saw the nanny holding the fat boy in a panic and standing there at a loss, "master, madam, the young master heard your voice and cried all the time. His little hand pointed to the outside and insisted on coming out. I was afraid that the young master would cry hard and hurt my eyes, so I obeyed the young master and took it out. I didn't mean it."

I must have seen the scene of two people embracing each other affectionately. In this era, people's thoughts are still very conservative, starting from emotion and ending with ceremony. What people do later is in front of people, which is an act of shocking the secular world.

Compared with the nanny's tension, xuanyuanyao and Jixiang don't care much.

Angrily glanced at Xuanyuan Yao, and auspicious said, "you know that the fat boy can't live without his mother. You have to make a temporary plan to make a two person world. Look at the child crying. His little face is red."

"Smelly boy, I know to rob my father." Xuanyuanyao grimaced and complained falsely. Then he didn't hold his head and laughed loudly.

The fat boy's face was wronged. There were a lot of tears on his fat face. His purplish little mouth pouted up and his breath was faster than before.

Just when his father and mother began to be nervous and thought he was crying, they were very upset. Suddenly, the fat boy who had been holding back for a long time burst into a howl and shouted clearly and accurately,

"Mother -- ah --"

"Dad -- ah --"

The two adults turned their hands into clouds and covered their hands with rain. They were used to the wind and waves. Suddenly, they stopped rushing like they were struck by thunder and were stunned in situ.

"Did you hear that? He's calling my mother. " Auspicious rubbed his eyes. It's strange why his nose is sour and his fundus is dry. It seems that he is about to cry.

"Yes, it's very clear this time. It's really calling dad. The fat boy is calling my dad." Xuanyuanyao sniffed, and the corners of his eyes were suspiciously red.

"He'll call his parents." All fatigue, all hard work, suddenly all disappeared, auspicious looking at the sky, blue sky and white clouds, life has never been as beautiful as today.

When he returned to his mind, Xuanyuan Yao had pulled him to the child. He took the fat boy and held him with one hand. His other arm came out and grabbed her waist.

Two close relatives and beloved babies were brought into their arms.

Xuanyuan Yao said proudly, "the original plan was cancelled. Today we have a three person world. No one is allowed to disturb."

After that, he tweeted childishly on the fat boy's face, pecked and kissed on the auspicious face, and laughed contentedly.

The fat boy's tears were not dry, and he was comforted by his father.

Auspicious quietly looking at this scene, for a moment, I felt a lot in my heart.

Sometimes, the feeling of satisfaction is so easy to get.

Looking at the fat boy being thrown up, caught and smiled with a pink tongue, the auspicious heart seemed to be melted all at once.

She said silently in her heart that compared with this scene, her inventions, ideas and exquisite designs in the eyes of outsiders are not enough to mention.

It's a beautiful day.

Xuanyuanyao didn't break his promise. He said that he would accompany the two women all day, so he would never give a discount and accompany them to the end.

He and Jixiang each wore soft leather masks, dressed up as an ordinary couple and went to the market together.

First, I visited Lucky's favorite small market, then I went to get back the clothes customized for the fat boy, and I had a full meal in Yangbin's famous restaurant in China.