Genius Maiden Transmigrates: The Empress of Weapons

Chapter 481

But he's not going to hide.

I'd rather die myself than let the baby in my arms be hurt a little.

The arrow penetrated his body, followed by the lucky body and their fat boy.

Xuanyuanyao stared, and a burst of coolness filled his heart. He was ready to crack.

How? How can I! How!!

Her luck!! His fat boy! His

"Yao, you let me go. You hold me so tight that you can't breathe." Jixiang struggled, but he didn't dare to exert himself. He was afraid of hurting the child and xuanyuanyao accidentally.

He was so excited.

"Are you okay! Auspicious, is there any pain? Tell me quickly. I'll go to the imperial doctor... Son... Son... "


The fat boy spit a saliva bubble on xuanyuanyao's face.

Bubbles broke and splashed everywhere.

The fat boy who did bad things giggled. His two newly grown front teeth were small, the gums were pink, and his small tongue was soft.
