Garbage Brave: Isekai Ni Shoukan Sare Suterareta Yuusha No Fukushuu Monogatari (LN)

72 Garbage Brave (β) _071_Oath Ocean Kingdom 3

`` Goal, visibility! Goal, visibility! \'\'

The water depth is probably about forty meters.

Neither dark nor bright, it appears that one of the sailors found an enemy in this sea.

I want to be quiet because I am slowly enjoying an underwater walk.

A large number of sailors are moving around busy. Well, do your best.

`` Taro! What are you eating snacks at ?!

Noisy. I am now enjoying my underwater journey gracefully. Keep quiet.

A pirate ship staying off the coast I saw at the port is approaching.

Pirate ships also have dome-shaped membranes, and look very similar to this warship. Apparently the design philosophy is like the same ship.


The word muttered by the leader next to him was looking at the shape of that pirate ship.

`` Did the pirate ship get this blueprint? \'\'

"... No, no."

The leader has a terrible expression.

"I\'m confidential in this story .... Some engineers have been missing in the design of this ship."

"Hey, that means the technician built that pirate ship."

"Probably ..."

`` Is it possible to build that ship with just a few engineers? \'\'

Does it only take a few engineers to build a ship?

"No, we need a large shipyard and lots of shipbuilders."

`` Well, why can pirates get it? \'\'

"It\'s likely that the Alphaid kingdom is involved. Just as expected ..."

`` Sure, it\'s a country east of Oath? \'\'

"That\'s right, because that country is breathing the empire. It\'s a tiger."

There seems to be a lot of feud about the supremacy of the people.

You can see that inside if Israfel and Doppelganger rule, but I\'m not very interested.

Now, as the pirate ship is approaching considerably, the sailors are moving quite fast.

`` Barista installation completed! \'\'

Large crossbows were installed on the deck.

`` Advance at full speed!

The captain gave a loud instruction.

When you sneak, do you compare guts with pirates?

Good ~ I like this. exciting.

Pirates do not seem to draw, and pirate ships are approaching more and more.

"Taro, don\'t be thrown out."

"I\'m the leader"

The captain looks happy, and the captains and sailors are smiling. These guys are like seamen.

The distance from the pirate ship is… 20 meters …… 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 and here, the pirate ship shook its bow and changed direction.

The captain who saw it turned the helm fully. The guts are the captain ’s win.

The ship avoided a head-on collision, but the sides of the ship rubbed against each other and shook with a loud noise.

`` Barista, shoot! \'\'

While shaking, the captain ordered.

The sailor also fired the barista with the order, and the barista slid into the side of the pirate ship.

I am impressed that it is something that I do well in the shock and shaking.

Since the chain is connected to the varistor, the hoist rotates violently.

`` The bastards! Roll up the barista! \'\'

When completely passed, the captain orders the sailor to stop the spinning hoist.

Then, the ship shakes greatly, and the chains are pierced.

`` Hey!

As sailors wind up the hoist with six people, a pirate ship connected by a chain is drawn.

It seems to be fun while singing a song that the sailor heard somewhere.

The pirate ship seems to be desperately swinging the hull to remove the barista, but there is no sign that it is firmly immersed in the hull.

In the meantime, the pirate ship was drawn to the immediate vicinity.

`` Melee battle! \'\'

As the captain shouted loudly, non-sailors on the hoist pulled out relatively short, warped swords, such as the cutlass.

`` It\'s getting fun! \'\'

The chief also drew his sword and was tingling. Brain muscle.

I can\'t even say people.

(Buddy, let\'s go)

(I can\'t help ...)

I didn\'t feel like a pirate, so I thought I didn\'t like black fog, but the tone of the voice was a little fun.

Black fog can also see interesting sights, so it will be fun.

The hull is at a distance where it will reattach.

The dome and the dome stuck together and became one.

`` Kids kill you! \'\'

`` Let\'s go! \'\'

`` Kill! \'\'

The sailors, including the captain, transfer to the pirate ship.

`` Taro, go ahead! \'\'

The commander also jumped to the pirate ship.

"I\'m gonna go too."

He drained the black fog, kicked the tongue and the edge of the ship, and jumped to the pirate ship.

He cut off the dirty pirates that appeared in front of him, and a feeling of disgust flowed from the black fog.

"I don\'t like it after all!"

I started walking.

I thought about going around the ship and kicked the door in front of me, and the blown door seemed to hit the pirate on the other side.

Don\'t worry about that, go down through the door and there are stairs.

`` Die! \'\'

A pirate came out, and when he blew off with a yakuza kick, he hit a wall and scattered blood.

"No, I don\'t want to get dirty."

The pirates beside him are shaking.

It\'s rude to tremble at my face.

"Hey, throw away your weapon and kneel down, kill if you move."

"Hey !?"

Isn\'t it frank and okay? But it\'s out when you become a pirate.

Put [Dark Magic] on the Gakuburu pirates and let them lie down.

Going deeper, many women were trapped in one room.

Apparently they are women who were taken away to be sold off.

"I am a member of the Oath Army. Are there pirates here?"

Women shaking their heads full and full.

Looks scared, but I\'m not so scared, right?

Huh? A strong-looking girl is staring at the back. I\'m just telling me to notice.

I see, that kind of thing.

"Okay, you guys don\'t get out of here."

I get out of the room and wait for a while.

Then, the door of the room opened and the man came out, and she applied black fog to the man\'s neck from behind.

`` Yeah, you\'re not a woman anyway? \'\'

Not even a pirate. Rather, it\'s like noble clothes.

"That, help me !? I was taken away, ask, help me!"

I pulled the black fog and came out in front of the man.

It\'s not visible to Aussians. Rather, it has a skin color like a Japanese.

"Well, then, get the Oath army to protect you. Go back to your room. You won\'t know if you\'re out of the room and you\'re killed."

I tried to leave my man with my back.

"Oh, thank you!"

So I kicked the man.

The man put out a dagger from his bosom and tried to stab me.

The man crouched and fainted, but was not dead. Since she is not a pirate at all, she is exercising [Tweak] properly, thinking that she may be able to hear interesting information.

Well, it\'s not my fault even if some ribs are broken. This is bad.

Before the next room, the leader came, but was surprised to see the man crouching.

"This man ..."

"What happened?"

"Um, I don\'t know the name, but this guy is familiar. Surely he was a diplomat in the Alphaid kingdom."

"Well, that\'s the country the leader was talking about. He\'ll hand it over, so you can use it as you like."

`` Um, it helps! \'\'

Deliver the man to the leader and go further.

"Here it is"

There was a sign in the room, and when I tried to kick the door, the door exploded.

Of course, I avoid. Well, it doesn\'t hurt to hit, but it feels like this.

"Hey, you removed it. You\'re lucky."

It\'s not luck, it\'s ability.

`` Are you a pirate boss? \'\'

I asked a man like The Pirate with a hook on his right hand, like Captain Huq.

`` Call me captain! \'\'

"Hmm, it looks like a boss."

`` Captain !? \'\'

With that said, I was swinging down the hook, and when I tried to avoid half-shifting my body, the hook extended.

"Oops, an interesting toy?"

If he couldn\'t hit such a thing, the boss grinned and regretted.

`` Taro !? \'\'

The leader came.

`` You, pirate Barbarotta !? \'\'

That\'s the name of a pirate likely to be around the Mediterranean in the Middle Ages.

`` Gahahaha! Barbarotta, who also keeps crying children, is me! \'\'

"I don\'t care because I\'m not crying."


Barbarotta pulled out the gun and fired at me.

Van. Spatter.

The lead ball that came out of the gun was dropped.

Lead balls seem to me to have stopped.


Barbarotta and the ringmaster are surprised.

Good, it\'s fun to make such a face.

"I don\'t think I can hurt me with such toys.

`` This me is a small fish !? \'\'

This time I was swinging my sword, so I cut Barbarotta\'s beard with the sword.

"My beard !?"

Don\'t be so sad, I\'ll shave you clean.

"" ... "

Not only my beard but my hair was shaved. This should look a little clean.

" , it looks good."

“Taro …………”

`` Fu, fu, don\'t be playful !? \'\'

Barbarotta crouched on the spot and began to cry.

It\'s a troublesome guy. Neck ton.

`` Grandmaster, can I ask for the rest? \'\'

"Oh, I\'m saved. I\'ll give you a solid reward, so look forward to it!"

"I\'m waiting without expecting"

Thus, the pirate riot was coming to an end. Congratulations and congratulations.