Funerary Lady


It was already night. In the sky, the crescent moon was slowly covered by the moonlight.

The low roars of wild beasts came from the surroundings. These roars seemed to be the low whispers of ghosts, as if they were calling for something in a low voice.

The surrounding fog was becoming increasingly hazy, and in the distance, there seemed to be flashes of light.

When I first started, I thought it was a ghost flame, but after looking carefully … Not really.

It seemed to be the gaze of many people, the gaze of a wild beast, and the gaze of a bird perched on a tree.

These gazes all uniformly looked towards me, causing me to feel waves of chilliness.

As for me, I could feel a strong aura coming from my body. It was as if …

It was as if the mist was building up on my body, as if the mist was slowly turning into something corporeal.

My body felt unspeakably uncomfortable as I slowly retreated. However, wherever I went, the mist would follow me …

Why was this happening? Where am I, and how did I get here?

My mind went blank, as if it had already stopped working. For a moment, I couldn't think of anything, much less what I should say or do!

I could only follow my subconscious movements in a daze as I moved slowly.

Why are the eyes of these animals so bright? It's as though they could pierce through the darkness of a lamp. When the light shines on my body, it seems to be able to pierce through my skin.

I swallowed, the coldness... Approaching... Approaching...

Gradually, I began to feel that my body was no longer able to move due to the mist …

At this time, I don't know where I got the strength from, but I let out a scream and continuously waved my hand, trying to disperse the mist.

Was it a dream? Was it a dream?

What was I doing before I came here?

At this point, my brain finally became a little more flexible. At least I had begun to think.

However, I can't remember the answer to this question.

The wave of my hand really did have some effect. I felt that the mist had slowly dispersed.

At the same time, I heard a scream in my ear:

"Sister! "Elder sister!"

His voice was filled with fear, as if he had encountered something extremely terrifying.

When I heard this voice, my whole body trembled for a moment. Then, I immediately turned around, wanting to see what was behind me.

This was Lingling's voice! Lingling must have met with something! Lingling needs my help right now!

Thinking of this, I tried even harder to disperse the layers of mist. In the process, I felt a sharp pain in my fingers.

I looked at my hands. Even though they were covered in fog and the moonlight wasn't bright, I could still vaguely see that my fingers were bleeding.

Is it because of this fog?

At this moment, I finally saw two figures in front of me. They were both long-haired and white-haired, only one big and one small.

The two of them held hands. The older one held the smaller one's hand and walked towards their front quietly and peacefully.

But the little one... This little one!

My pupils contracted. Looking carefully, it seemed that the younger one didn't want to walk forward.

She turned around and struggled desperately, trying to get rid of the person beside her who was holding her hand.

And from this child's mouth, he kept crazily shouting:

"Sister! "Elder sister!"

That was Lingling!

Lingling's face was pale white, with a cute face full of tears, while the person beside her did not care about it, and continued to drag her forward!

"Lingling, don't be afraid! Big Sister is here! "

My mind was a complete blank. When I met with such a situation, I actually didn't even think about it, and directly charged towards Lingling and the rest.

After walking to the front, I suddenly heard a bunch of voices.

"After the Qing Ming Festival, use the thin willow tree to enter the corpse and use the Yin blood to water it. After seventy-seven to forty-nine days, Fang Cheng will use the method to deal with ghosts!"

The sound didn't seem that loud to me, but for some reason, I heard it very clearly.

Even when Lingling was crying, it did not affect the sound.

I recognized it for a long time... Only then did he understand that this voice … The voice didn't ring in my ears at all.

It sounded in his mind like waves of meditation singing, and also like the sound of drums, resounding and melodious!

What is this... What Is...

I frowned. I knew him, but I couldn't remember where I had seen him before.

But very quickly, I felt a chill in my heart. This …

This is the content of the Evil Theurgy, and also something that I have never seen before.

If I had seen it, I would definitely be able to recall the voice that rang in my ears.

I have not read this content, but I have a strange feeling, that there is something wrong with the entire Evil Theurgy!

"Stop reciting it!" Stop reciting it! Who are you! "Who are you!"

I directly stretched out a hand to pull Lingling away, preventing him from following the person in front of me.

At this moment, the white-clothed woman in front of me finally turned around. This extremely familiar face, this … Isn't this what I am!

This is a dream, it must be a dream!

My heart trembled as I gritted my teeth and looked at myself.

"When the Yin Qi is dense, a hundred ghosts shall be born. They shall be bright and clear, leading the way in the fog.

"Ghost energy cannot be produced, spiritual energy cannot be weakened, yang energy cannot be extinguished, the gas ring cannot be weakened, neither can it be born. The mystical splendor of the Dharma is born from concealed spirits …"

I opened my mouth slightly, but my voice echoed in my head.

It was my own voice, but at the moment it seemed to be imposing, so I didn't recognize it...

"Shut up!" Shut up! Just what kind of monster are you!? "

I shouted, only to find that at some point, my fingers had become even more damaged. Fresh blood kept flowing out from my wounds.

"Sister! Don't write it! Stop writing! It will cause one's cultivation to go berserk! "

At this time, Lingling, who was in front of me, shouted with tears all over her face.

Stop writing? What do you mean?

What Qigong deviation?

Listening to Lingling's words, I was a little confused. Could it be that the Lingling in front of me, isn't the real Lingling?

What is the me in front of me?

And … Was the current me, really me?

It was as if I had fallen into a wonderful state of mind, and all kinds of voices echoed in my head.

I could clearly hear Lingling's crying voice, and could clearly feel the contents of the Evil Theurgy in front of me.

Could it be that everything I heard at this moment is all because of this book?

I knew that this book was filled with an evil aura, but I didn't expect that it would be able to use this method to force me to read a book …

Scene at this time... Whether it is true or false, I can't even tell whether it is true or false …