Full Love of the Celebrated Family


The night wind always brought tranquility, and the deeper the night went, the more tranquil it became.

Mo Ziran sat on the sofa with his legs crossed. He had a clean and short hair, his head was slightly lowered, and a book was spread out on his knees.

"I can't call you just because I'm fine?" Mo Ziran was extremely dissatisfied, why did he need a reason to make a call?

Mo Ziran also took a glance at the European classical clock in the study, and didn't seem to mind at all. "Twelve thirty, what exactly are you eating?"

"… …." Mo Ziran, what happened to you? " Zhao Xi endured, and switched to a more tactful way of speaking.

"Zhao Xi, you have to say that you want to eat something or I will strangle you!" Mo Ziran's venomous voice came out from the microphone and became even more somber.

"…" Zhao Xi was silent for a moment, then said softly, "I'm not hungry, you want to cook for me?"

"How am I going to cook for you if you're not hungry?" Mo Ziran's face darkened, her slender fingers touched the line of content she had just read, and heavily nodded a few times. Her tone became even more vicious, "What do you want to eat?"


Was he making food for others?

Thinking about how she had worked so hard for him when she was cooking that day, how she had also bought vegetables and washed them with great care, how she didn't even have a nice word to say to him? What about sincerity?

"What can you cook?" Zhao Xi hugged the other pillow on the bed, and spoke in a much higher tone, "I'm worried that you won't be able to cook what I want to eat."

Mo Ziran sneered: "If you say it, I can do it."

There was something in this world that he couldn't do?

"I want to eat... The one I made for you the other day, just one copy. " At that time, in order to please Mo Ziran, she had cooked a lot of dishes, and they were all the best he could have cooked.

"… …." It's after twelve o'clock, and you still want to eat? " Was she purposely looking for trouble? It was already dawn after he finished his work!

"Then cook for me tomorrow afternoon. Didn't I tell you that I'm not hungry now?!" Were they born with brain circuits that weren't on the same channel? Why does every time the conversation will be unwittingly beacon fire smoke?

It was beautiful to think about the scenes of the two of them together.

"Tomorrow noon?" Mo Ziran asked with doubt in his voice, his last words sounding slightly higher, thinking that it would be feasible, he said straightforwardly, "Then tomorrow at noon, come eat with me, do you hear me?"

"…" Zhao Xi turned her body, and drew circles on her pillow with her finger, and said with a very light tone, "But I might have something to do tomorrow, so you must treat me to a meal.

"Du, du, du ~ ~"


Zhao Xi stared at his phone for a long time. After hanging up, she did not want her to go!

Mo Ziran casually threw the phone to the side, he then swiveled his finger at a golden pen, and casually drew a tick on the side of a line of pages.

"I will personally cook for her. Even if it doesn't taste good, it's fine. But I must personally cook for her."

Mo Ziran smiled, this rule was complete.

He closed the book in a handsome manner. The golden cover of the book sparkled under the light of the lamp.

The next morning, Zhao Xi was awoken by the chain reaction that followed. She originally wanted to pretend that she did not remember what Mo Ziran said last night, but she was helpless as Mo Ziran did not give her the chance to do so.

It was only 7: 30 in the morning.

Zhao Xi was simply going crazy.

"Mo Ziran, are you sick? Is it annoying to keep on calling? "

Was it him cooking or her?

"Zhao Xi, you dare to scold me? Let me ask you, what do I do with champagne smoked wings? "

On the other hand, Mo Ziran sounded a little flustered, and after hearing it for a while, most of the sleepiness had disappeared, "You must get up so early to cook?!"

It was only 7.30 now, so even if he prepared it, he would still be able to eat it by noon?

"I'd love to, so hurry up and say it. How about champagne or chicken wings?" He thought about putting the chicken wings first, but the surface of the chicken wings was easy to ripen, so the taste wouldn't melt in.

Zhao Xi collapsed and wailed, "Second Young Master! Honorable Second Young Master! Was there no servant in the house? Don't you have a chef with you? You must call me over and over again to poison my ears?! "

Since 6 o'clock, she was forced to continuously teach Mo Ziran how to cook on the phone, from braised fish to smoked wings with champagne.

She had tried to set up the silence before, but the next time Mo Ziran would directly call her room, and after she muted the room phone, a loud knocking sound came from a servant. When she went to open the door, the servant immediately brought out a mobile phone, and said respectfully: "Second Young Master wants to speak with Miss Zhao."

What crime had he committed?

Mo Ziran shouted angrily: "Zhao Xi, don't talk nonsense with me! There's no one with me! Tell me quickly! I've already poured oil! "

"… …." Then burn the oil. Once you're done burning the oil, you can take it out … Then you can wash the pot and start making champagne smoked wings. "

The books on the bookshelf covered everything from astronomy to finance, from military to science. He was able to take a pen and use it well, but when did he need to personally go to the kitchen?

Why did the champagne smoked wing put oil first?!

"… …." Zhao Xi, why didn't you say so earlier? " Mo Ziran was silent for three seconds, then immediately roared in displeasure, followed by the sound of oil being poured.

"First, marinate the chicken wings in champagne for 40 minutes," Zhao Xi's voice was weak, and there were a few yawning sounds, "You can cook other dishes, but remember to slice the chicken wings with your knife to savor."

"Give me some spirit!" "You're still yawning even at this time?"

She should get up and run every day!

"Of course I'm not as energetic as you. Who can cook in the morning?" Zhao Xi thought that he did it for her, and as a result, he endured the scolding, "Mo Ziran, sometimes I really feel that your way of thinking is different from mine."

What a normal person she was!

"Du, du, du ~ ~"

The call ended.

Zhao Xi habitually put down her phone, hugged her pillow and closed her eyes.

She could no longer bear it, she could no longer wait, she could no longer pretend to be deaf.

Although Mo Ziran was still domineering, every single detail he observed showed that he had already gained the upper hand.

When he closed his eyes again, he couldn't fall asleep no matter what. Zhao Xi moaned and turned his body on the bed.

She groped in bed for the phone. "What's the matter now?"

"Come look for me!" "I'm not at the Mo family!"

His voice was sexy and pleasant. Even though his tone wasn't too good, it couldn't conceal the charm in his voice.

"You're not at the Mo family?" Zhao Xi thought for a few seconds, then blurted out, "Then, which house are you at?"

"Where do you think I am? "I'll give you an hour, but you have to show up in front of me. Otherwise, you won't be able to eat lunch today!" An unpleasant morning of cooking made Mo Ziran very unhappy, all the anger in his stomach was vented out through his phone conversation with Zhao Xi.

As he made so many phone calls this morning, Mo Ziran practically finished them all roaring. Zhao Xi, who was still unconscious, was also awakened by him time and time again.


Zhao Xi also wanted to say that she had to be the one asked for every step of the way when he cooked this kind of food, since she didn't really dare to eat it …

But if she said that, Mo Ziran would probably strangle her.

"Alright, alright, I understand." Zhao Xi casually replied a few times with a tone of helplessness and resentment. In this world, who would be able to eat as much as she did?

"Also, what do we do with the bamboo shoots?"


Zhao Xi finally could not hold it in anymore and shouted loudly. Mo Ziran threw a spatula on the wok and picked up the headphones: "Zhao Xi, are you crazy?" What are you calling me?

"He's sick of me!"

Zhao Xi stood up and kicked the pillows on the bed. Looking at them fall to the ground one by one, she was still a little resentful.

"Oh." Mo Ziran responded indifferently, as he buried his head into his cooking.

Zhao Xi's prepared words were stuck in her throat, she was not down at all, and was extremely aggrieved: "Why don't you ask me what kind of sickness I am?"

"I'm not interested." Mo Ziran replied in all seriousness. The faint smile contained in his eyes was rare and gentle, enough to shake the world.


That fellow Mo Ziran! That fellow Mo Ziran!

Zhao Xi pulled on her blanket to vent. He was really going too far!

It was already an hour and five minutes after Zhao Xi organized herself and left the room. During this time, Mo Ziran called her and asked her about how to cook a few meals, and he also urged her to take action, but he didn't mention a single word about where he was.

Zhao Xi expressed her deep disdain for such childish practices. There were only a few places he could go to, how could she go to heaven?

The car drove all the way to Mo Ziran's old house, and about an hour and a half had already passed since Mo Ziran set the rules. Once Zhao Xi got out of the car, she saw the servant guarding the door: "Is Mo Ziran here?"

"Second Young Master is inside."

The servants were lined up neatly in front of the door, as if they had come here specifically to wait for her.

"He's cooking in there?" Zhao Xi was not in a hurry to go in. On the contrary, she looked at the servants who were chased out with amusement.

The servant looked at each other, then carefully replied, "Actually, we are not too sure either …"

Zhao Xi nodded in understanding: "You guys wait here for a while, I will go in to take a look."

Last night, Mo Ziran had only asked her to eat at his place. However, Zhao Xi did not expect Mo Ziran to let her come here, it was as if she had easily seen through her little thoughts, and it felt a little warm.

She liked it here, both the environment and the story behind it.

Just as she walked out of the restaurant, Zhao Xi heard a burst of clattering sounds, and curiously walked in softly. Mo Ziran's figure appeared in front of her eyes, he was tall and straight, and it was just a view of his back.

"Don't come over here!"

Before even walking behind him, he heard a soft growl from behind him. Zhao Xi was stunned for a moment, then stood in place: "You've also grown eyes on the back of your head?"