From Chasing His Wife To the Top

Chapter 45

Three days later, Li Hao came to the experimental middle school to participate in the Xinchuang cup composition competition on behalf of No. 1 middle school.

When he entered the experimental middle school, he couldn\'t help feeling.

"If I knew Xiao Ke was not in No. 1 middle school, maybe it would be good to come to experimental middle school. The environment is beautiful and I can earn 50000 more scholarships for nothing."

"Unfortunately, there is no if!"

The party concerned regretted it very much.jpg

According to the direction of the teacher, Li Hao came to the multimedia classroom of the experimental middle school.

This classroom can hold hundreds of people. It\'s very big and spacious.

One student will sit in every three seats to ensure the fairness of the competition.

Li Hao came to the title of the composition according to the examination number: "like is an equal thing."

My brother once told me that he had a crush on a girl in high school.

One day he woke up in the middle of the night and dreamed of her.

At that time, he lived in school and didn\'t have a mobile phone to play. He was very sad.

After staring in bed for a while, he jumped up, dressed smartly and lying on the balcony, hoping that someone would find the sad boy because of secret love.

When I got to the balcony, I found that there was heavy snow outside. There was already thick snow on the ground, and the snowflakes in the sky fell like sifting ash.

But with a burning heart, he didn\'t feel cold at all.

The snowy winter night in the North was particularly silent. It was after 2 a.m. and there was no pedestrian in the street.

So he stood on the balcony in the heavy snow for a while. After a while, he returned to bed to continue his melancholy

It was not until a few years later, when things changed, that girl had no contact anymore, and he was not the chicken blood boy who could carry the wind and snow in the middle of the night, that he realized his state of mind at that time.

At that time, he was just a kind of performance. It was meaningless except to move himself and create the illusion of his infatuation.

In feelings, they often feel that what they do and do can move the world. Those who hear it are sad and those who see it sigh. Why can\'t they move each other?

My brother later explained that in school or adulthood, it is always easy to create an illusion of infatuation in a self abusive way to make himself stand on the moral commanding height of emotion and obtain a deformed sense of satisfaction and security.

In fact, whether it\'s standing on the balcony on a snowy night or sending her a cup of milk tea in the heavy rain, I often think it\'s as strong and fierce as Qiao Feng fighting juxianzhuang and Guan Yu riding alone for thousands of miles.

For the other party, a cup of milk tea is a cup of milk tea, which can not carry the feelings of collapse and collapse you want to place on it.

When I was a teenager, I always couldn\'t wait to express my love, and the result was often falling into the performance without knowing it.

Therefore, the memory of two people will deviate. For the past that you feel unforgettable, the other party often doesn\'t feel the same, or even doesn\'t know it at a loss.

The sign of growth is to know how to restrain yourself.

Restrain your emotions, your desire to perform, and even your liking.

When she was a teenager, she liked a person and wanted to make her a part of her body. She just said that she was cold. Her heart had frozen on her side. She said that she was sad. She was immediately sadder than her, lest she could not express her love.

In fact, no one can bear the value of another person. Only by being an independent and valuable person can we really learn to love another person.

Never try to change another person, which is doomed to be futile.

Just be yourself. The true meaning of love lies in mutual attraction and like-minded peers, rather than chasing and attachment.

I hope the love of students is mutual appreciation, not chasing each other.]

After Li Hao finished writing, he was very satisfied.

Anyway, Luo Xiaoke is not in the examination room, and he has no need to stay here.

"Teacher, hand in the paper!"