From Chasing His Wife To the Top

Chapter 36

The first day of class was finally over.

Li Hao and others also returned to the dormitory.

Lu Chenyi has been discussing the girls in the class with Shi Li, but Shi Li prefers to talk about the game.

After Li Hao took a bath, Dong Zexin asked softly, "brother Hao, what are you talking about making money today?"

He remembered what he said to Dong Zexin this morning.

So Li Hao asked, "let me ask you what industry is the most popular and promising now."

After thinking for a few seconds, Dong Zexin gave an answer: "Internet, computer."

"Yes, then we can catch up with this trend and make a small profit," Li Hao said.

Li Hao\'s words suddenly shut up Lu Chenyi and Shi Li.

They listened quietly at once.

Now in their cognition, Li Hao is like a big brother who has been in business for many years. He has unique vision and can see the essence of things.

So in this dormitory, the three people worship Li Hao from the bottom of their hearts.

"Yes! Brother Hao is right!" Lu Chenyi patted his thigh. "Now doing the Internet is to pick up money! I immediately take out the money I made last time and let\'s do it!"

"Yes, I don\'t think it\'s difficult to do the Internet?" Shi Li agreed: "I also took out my 1000 yuan."

But Dong Zexin was full of doubts: "but we have no technology and no capital. How can we have a foothold on the Internet with only these thousands of pieces."

Compared with Lu Chenyi\'s impulse, Shi Li\'s idea is simple. Dong Zexin is more mature and he will consider more things.

Li Hao further explained: "of course, we are not the next Tencent or Taobao, but..."

"Do plug-in!"

When Li Hao said these three words, the other three looked even more surprised.

"Do you mean the plug-in of the game?" Lu Chenyi asked.

Li Hao nodded.

Dong Zexin thought for a while and analyzed: "the setting cost of plug-in is small, and it is relatively simple. It is really a way to make fast money..."

Li Hao continued: "but now I don\'t know which game on the market has more bugs. I still need to observe it again."

"What are you observing?" Shi Li patted his chest: "I\'m a master who has played all the games! Let me tell you that shooting games hang up the most! But it\'s because of more hanging, so there are many resources on the Internet, and plug-ins are also the least valuable."

"In the hottest games now, such as world of Warcraft, there are many loopholes. Some players will set plug-ins, that is, plug-ins. Most of them are used to brush monsters in fixed positions to obtain experience and gold coins."

After hearing this, Lu Chenyi didn\'t understand: "you speak more carefully."

Shi Li then explained: "for example, I\'ve seen someone brush the red dragon baby with a plug-in. This is a small pet that can be sold and traded."

"I\'ve also seen a player who can run at high speed. I met one when playing before. He ran too fast and didn\'t see his name clearly. He couldn\'t report it. This kind of hanging is also obviously used. Some people still use it in the flag grabbing battle in Warsong canyon."

When Shi Li mentioned the game, the whole person changed, like a talkative speaker.

After listening to Shi Li\'s analysis, Li Hao looked at Dong Zexin and asked, "what\'s up? Are you interested?"

"Will it be illegal for us to develop plug-ins?" Dong Zexin was worried.

Li Hao thinks it\'s normal to worry about this.

After all, they are only a freshman now, and they are not brave enough.

"We just need to stop before we are found. In addition, if we don\'t cause too serious game crash, the game side won\'t check it carefully."

Li Hao explained: "and plug-in development is only the first step for us to obtain funds. Our goal is to build a website and provide a platform."

"What platform?"

The three people in the dormitory stared wide and wanted to know the answer.

But Li Hao smiled, "you\'ll know later. At that time, you\'ll help me create this website. If the development scale becomes larger, you\'ll be big bosses one by one."

Listening to the grand wishes, everyone in B114 is full of blood.

Lu Chen Yi said, "please accept my little pat, and accept my pineapple cover! You are the future Robin Li!"

Shi Li was also attracted by Li Hao\'s future ideas. He said excitedly, "I can provide brain hole support in games!"

In this way, Li Hao intended to persuade Dong Zexin alone, but he became three people to persuade him together.

Dong Zexin always listened to the opinions of his roommates. He nodded, agreed to the plan and got on their "thief ship".

In fact, Li Hao can also understand that 2006 is an era of vigorous development of the Internet and continuous progress.

Young people of this era have entered a new stage in their thinking.

They worship science and technology, wealth and knowledge, and are eager to become legends.

He wants to be the second Ma Huateng, the second Robin Li, and even Zuckerberg, who is far away from the Atlantic.

But Li Hao also knows that it is difficult for them to become these people.

Many times, it is the times that create heroes. Their ups and downs, comeback life, advanced strategic business awareness, unique advertising strategy and even personality charm bloom at a certain time.

After discussion, they finally selected two popular games for plug-in development.

The first game is world of Warcraft, which was launched in June last year. In a short time, players have multiplied.

With more players, there will be more people with little thoughts.

Then there will be market demand for plug-ins.

Because world of Warcraft has just been launched for one year, there are still many loopholes, which is very suitable for plug-in development.

Li Hao took this game as his first plug-in project.

As for the second game, the four people in the dormitory discussed it for a long time.

They decided to develop a plug-in for the go kart.

Li Hao is also familiar with this game. He went to Internet cafes to have a good time.

But now a more troublesome problem is that they don\'t have a computer on hand.

Writing programming requires a computer. Without a computer, all the macro ideals just have been dashed.

"We can go to the Internet bar to write at the weekend." although Dong Zexin has not been to the Internet bar, he also knows that the machine of the Internet bar should be much better and more convenient to operate than the school.

Li Hao shook his head: "this is a waste of time. Assuming that 10% of the progress is completed in one weekend, it will take ten weeks to develop a plug-in. It is estimated that you can start making money at the end of the semester."

"What should I do? I won\'t go over the wall?"

Lu Chenyi\'s casual words made Li Hao feel that this operability was feasible.

He then nodded: "tomorrow we\'ll go around the school wall and see if we can climb out."

As soon as these words came out, Lu Chenyi and Shi Li stared at him dumbfounded.

This will be caught, that is to punish the business of recording major demerits!!

But Dong Zexin promised: "OK."

From his eyes, he believes in Li Hao and believes that developing plug-ins can make money.

He has only one idea in his mind now, that is, as soon as the plug-in is developed, he won\'t have to ask his stepmother for living expenses anymore