From CEO to Concubine

Chapter 100 - Peonies

The feminine chatter grew louder as Yan Zheyun and Xiao De proceeded with their walk. The stone arrangements in the imperial gardens were very tastefully done. Yan Zheyun couldn\'t estimate how much manpower it must have taken to cart the large pieces over from where they had been naturally obtained, especially without the convenience of modern machinery and transportation. They had been shaped and artfully arranged to resemble the mountains in watercolour paintings, some of them almost tall enough to reach the height of the imperial city\'s walls.

Ahead, white marble stone steps that were embedded in their rough surface winded up towards a pavilion that had a lovely vantage point of the scenery below. Xiao De had informed Yan Zheyun that the flower season in the imperial city was from the third to the sixth months, which was why the imperial gardens were his best bet if he were to seek out the company of the other concubines. The magnolia trees were in their full glory, their elegant creamy blooms stately in contrast to the lively sprinkle of small almond blooms. Purple wisteria, red peonies, and the fiery trumpet vines that crept along the walls brightened up the atmosphere.

Amidst such splendour, their bright robes holding ground against the palette of spring, were His Majesty\'s concubines, lounging in the pavilion perched on top of the artificial hill. It was a big group of them but Yan Zheyun noted that the noble consorts were conspicuously absent, Imperial Concubine Hui holding court in their absence. If he could see them, they could see him, possibly even whilst he\'d been speaking to the sixth prince.

True enough, as he drew nearer, he heard a saccharine voice call out from above, "What a special day it must be for Lord Yue to be free enough to enjoy the imperial gardens!"

This was what Yan Zheyun had been waiting for. Despite being a concubine, he was a man, and approaching a group of His Majesty\'s concubines when he hadn\'t been invited over could be made into a huge fuss if he weren\'t careful.

But since Wu Yusi was forward enough to bring him into this, it would be ungentlemanly on his part to ignore her, wouldn\'t it?

He took his time ascending the stairs before paying Imperial Concubine Hui his respects. She was the only member of the inner palace present that outranked him and the other women, no matter how they felt towards him, had to rise upon his arrival to greet him in turn.

"Little Sister Wu has a point, it isn\'t every day we get to see Lord Yue away from His Majesty\'s side," Imperial Concubine Hui said with a smile. She was an alluring woman, had dimples just like the host body did, but whilst they enhanced Yan Yun\'s childlike charms, they gave her a sultry air that set her apart from the other concubines, whose families had trained them to portray themselves in as decorous a manner as possible.

She reminded Yan Zheyun of the buxom bombshells that would sometimes approach him in the high-end nightclubs and other entertainment establishments on the rare occasion that his friends managed to drag him away from his desk. He\'d already had a taste of her aggressive cunning and in the 21st century, where no holds were barred, she would be a formidable woman.

As it was, she was reduced to scheming against other teenage girls, a gilded cage of canaries so claustrophobic that they had to peck at each other, hoping to kill off all the competitors so that they could secure the tastiest morsel for themselves.

He had to stifle a grin when the image of Liu Yao on a giant silver platter flashed in his mind but Imperial Concubine Hui must have picked up on his amusement because she ordered for some top-grade pu er tea to be poured for him before asking, "Lord Yue, try some of this concubine\'s favourite brew. It might not be as good as what you\'re used to in Qianqing Palace but is very pleasant to me."

So it began. Yan Zheyun kept his expression neutral as he thanked Imperial Concubine Hui for her generosity and obliged her by pretending to a small sip, fingers delicately placed on the rim as though it was too hot for him to touch and he was waiting for it to cool down. It didn\'t seem likely that she would attempt to poison him with so many witnesses present but he couldn\'t discount the possibility that someone might try to frame her for it.

"Lord Yue is in the mood for relaxation, can this concubine take it to mean that His Majesty\'s health has improved?" Imperial Concubine Hui\'s expression was hopeful. Hers wasn\'t the only one; Yan Zheyun was used to commanding attention in boardroom meetings and business conferences but never with this amount of fervour.

Liu Yao truly was quite the commodity. Pity Yan Zheyun didn\'t like sharing.

"In response to Imperial Concubine Hui Niangniang, His Majesty granted Yan Yun a day\'s rest." Yan Zheyun lowered his gaze to the stone table they were seated at. "As for His Majesty\'s health, please forgive Yan Yun but he is in no position to disclose any details."

Imperial Concubine Hui adjusted her sleeves. "This concubine isn\'t trying to make things difficult for you," she said with an understanding sigh. "All of us sisters here are worried for our husband and would just like to know if he\'s all right."

She didn\'t place any particular emphasis on the words \'our husband\' but they sank like lead in Yan Zheyun\'s stomach anyway. He knew it was circumstantial, that realistically speaking, he could expect Liu Yao to only have one person in his life. But he wasn\'t certain he would ever get used to it, ever be able to look upon the harem magnanimously like the women in the shows did.

"The imperial physicians are working hard at His Majesty\'s recovery," was all Yan Zheyun would say on the subject, even as some of the other concubines chipped in to badger him. Whether it was out of genuine concern or whether they were fishing for more information, he knew he had to remain non-committal.

"Since Lord Yue has become tired from attending to His Majesty day and night, why hasn\'t His Majesty sent for others to help share in the burden?" The girl who spoke up wasn\'t one that Yan Zheyun was acquainted with. She was vaguely familiar from the few morning assemblies he\'d attended but wasn\'t of high enough rank to take a seat and stood so far behind that this was the first he was getting a good glimpse at her face. She was pretty, prettier than Wu Yusi, but even now, was being made to stand in a corner of the pavilion like she was one of the maids, just because Yan Zheyun\'s arrival made it such that there weren\'t enough chairs to go around.

He made a mental note to ask Xiao De to check which palace she was staying at, as well as a run-down of her family background. Although she carried herself subserviently, she dared to voice her opinions to him directly, which might indicate that she\'d either been put up to it by someone more powerful or she was disgruntled with her current station and wanted to rise higher.

If it was the former, he wanted to know who she was affiliated with. If it was the latter, he wanted to assist her. Just like how the concubines of Yuanyin Palace had no spare time to cause Yan Zheyun trouble after Liu Yao sowed the seeds of internal discord amongst them. Yan Zheyun had hardly seen them after and surmised that he wouldn\'t see them out and about today either.

Stirring up the same trouble amongst the female concubines didn\'t seem like the worst idea he could have.

Of course, he kept these dastardly thoughts to himself. "This concubine just follows His Majesty\'s arrangements," he said lightly. "If His Majesty asks me to attend to him, I attend to him. If His Majesty dismisses me for the day, I return to my own life until I am required again."

Wu Yusi scoffed into her cup. "Lord Yue puts it so simply," she said, scathing despite her valiant attempt to conceal her spite. "Lord Yue has such a way with men, no wonder His Majesty is so willing to \'make arrangements\' for you. Even Prince Gong can\'t complete a walk in the imperial gardens without being struck by Lord Yue\'s…charms?"

Yan Zheyun didn\'t bother engaging her less than subtle jibe but someone else spoke up for him. The quiet girl reclining on the bannister of the pavilion in a quiet corner glanced up from her embroidery. He recognised her to be Talented Lady Zhao, the one whose interpretation of his poetry made him wish to sink into the cracks of the ground in sheer embarrassment.

"Attendant Wu speaks carelessly," she said softly but firmly. "If Prince Gong were struck by Lord Yue\'s charms, the fault lies with him for behaving improperly. Similarly, His Majesty chooses to favour Lord Yue and that is His Majesty\'s decision, not Lord Yue\'s."

Wu Yusi rolled her eyes. "Even the virtuous Lady Zhao is speaking up for Lord Yue, what more can the rest of us say?" she mocked.

Lady Zhao fell silent, clearly disinterested in arguing with her further.

Taking this as a sign of victory, Wu Yusi became even bolder. She shot Yan Zheyun a smug look before inclining her chin towards the lush flower beds just below. "Does Lord Yue still remember how to appreciate flowers? Which ones are mudan and which ones are shaoyao (1), would Lord Yue require one of the maids to guide you in the viewing?"

Even after so many months, Wu Yusi was unable to let go of his past, just had to insinuate that Yan Yun\'s years as a slave had worn him so coarse that he had left all scholarly pursuits behind. There was a modicum of truth to this but it was also an underestimation of the calibre of the tutelage he had been subjected to when young. Even without Yan Zheyun\'s painting lessons, where he\'d had the study the differences between these flowers that were a common theme in the art, Yan Yun would have been able to tell them apart.

His lips quirked. "Both mudan and shaoyao have been renowned for their beauty since ancient times with as much variety in shape and colour as there are stars." He folded his hands on his lap demurely. "The mudan has a thick brown stem with leaves that form long and thin teeth-like edges. The flowers are large, their lustrous petals folded one over another in dense layers arching over a golden centre and their faint fragrance is intoxicating."

He stood up and walked up to the bannister for a closer look. A mild breeze stirred his hair and he tucked the strands behind his ear.

"Shaoyao, on the other hand, have a pale green stem that is slender and smooth with a round curve to the edges of their pointed leaves. The flowers are large and colourful too but are distinguished by two varieties, one with petals like clouds and another curled shyly like a young maiden thinking of spring. The golden centre of a shaoyao is interspersed with hues of red and its smell is overwhelming and brings along with it a hint of sweetness."

He clasped his hands behind his back, eyes forming little crescents as he shot Xiao De a playful look. "My manservant was just telling me that he was surprised the imperial gardens would only have shaoyao and no mudan, given that shaoyao has traditionally been inferior in the eyes of scholars. Did Attendant Wu mean to ask this concubine a trick question…or perhaps Attendant Wu hadn\'t been very observant in your admiration of the flowers earlier?"

Wu Yusi\'s cheeks burned with shame. The loveliness of her willow-shaped eyes was marred by hatred.

But Yan Zheyun wasn\'t interested in letting her off the hook just like that. She had to learn to get as good as she gave.

"Poets have long argued that the majestic mudan, in all its traditional glory, is deserving of the title \'king of flowers\' and far outweighs the lithe and graceful shaoyao, which has always been seen as less decorous." Yan Zheyun let out a wistful sigh. "At the end of the day, what does it matter?" He glanced over his shoulder at Wu Yusi. "Mudan or shaoyao, as long as His Majesty likes it, what\'s to stop him from crowning one over the other?"

Wu Yusi bristled. "Yan Yun! You\'re so full of yourself that you dare to aspire to be crowned?!"

She was referring to the phoenix headdress, of course.

"Don\'t put words into my mouth, Attendant Wu," was his casual reply. "Why have you started talking about inner palace politics again? This concubine was merely indulging your need to talk about flowers."

Wu Yusi\'s face turned a livid purple. Just as Yan Zheyun was expecting her to go the route of Attendant Zhang and throw a hissy fit that would incur her a punishment, Imperial Concubine Hui stepped in with a reproving frown at Wu Yusi.

"Have you learnt nothing from the peach blossom gathering?" she chastised. "If you want to discuss the flowers with Lord Yue then discuss the flowers, but learn to do so civilly, you\'re the legitimate daughter of the Wu Family!"

To Yan Zheyun\'s surprise, Wu Yusi deflated and settled back down in her seat with her head lowered remorsefully. "Niangniang is right to scold Yusi, Yusi will watch her words."

"Apologise to Lord Yue for your insouciance."

Wu Yusi\'s lips flattened and her expression was so dark that Yan Zheyun suspected that if the fruit knife on the table were within her reach, he would be on the receiving end of it.

But she obeyed Imperial Concubine Hui.

"Yusi is sorry for offending Lord Yue."

Yan Zheyun\'s smile widened. "No offence taken, anytime Little Sister Wu would like to converse about the poetry of nature, this concubine would be more than happy to oblige."

The experience had been a valuable one, after all. Without it, he would not have realised just how interesting a dynamic Wu Yusi and Imperial Concubine Hui shared. Was Wu Yusi so obedient towards Imperial Concubine Hui because she was living in the palace that Imperial Concubine Hui was in charge of or had they formed an alliance? What had Imperial Concubine Hui promised or threatened Liang Hui\'s proud, spoilt little daughter with to secure her obedience?

This was the problem with the harem. So many people were harmonious in appearance but remained estranged from each other at heart (2).

Within the walls of the imperial city, nothing was more precious than genuineness.

Imperial Concubine Hui turned to Yan Zheyun with a small furrow on her brow. "Little Brother Yue, even though LIttle Sister Wu\'s words were brashly said, they were not without a small truth. If possible, you should avoid coming into contact with outsiders, both male and female." She looked tentatively at him. "This concubine knows that ordinarily, it would be up to Noble Consort Li or Dou to tell you this, but this big sister is worried for your well-being, surely you wouldn\'t blame me for bringing this up?"

Blame her? Not at all. Yan Zheyun was grateful that she\'d given him the opportunity to ask about the missing noble consorts.

"Yan Yun can\'t thank Imperial Concubine Hui enough and will do well to heed Niangniang\'s warning," he answered with wide-eyed sincerity before looking with curiosity. "Now that Niangniang has mentioned it, why haven\'t Noble Consort Li or Noble Consort Dou come out to enjoy the beautiful weather? Yan Yun has been negligent in my morning greetings to either of them and was hoping for the opportunity to make up for it."

"Noble Consort Li Niangniang hasn\'t been well these days either," one of the other concubines whom Yan Zheyun couldn\'t remember piped up, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "Heli went to see Niangniang after assembly today but her chief maid said that she didn\'t wish to have any visitors." This Heli, whatever her rank was, looked younger than the rest of them; Yan Zheyun wasn\'t even sure if she was even 16-years-old yet. Suddenly, he was relieved for another reason that Liu Yao hadn\'t touched any of his men or women. Even though Yan Zheyun knew that these were different times, he wasn\'t sure he could stomach the idea.

"Niangniang loves gathering with all us sisters whenever she can, she must be faring quite poorly." Heli\'s words were met with a chorus of agreement.

Faring quite poorly? Or sickened by her own guilty conscience? It was hard to say but if there was one person amongst the inner palace whose hands weren\'t clean, she would be his first bet.

He looked past the red pillars of the pavilion and out at the clear skies overhead. The candidates for the imperial examination should already be taking their seats in Weiyang Hall.

Whatever Liu Yao needed to do there, Yan Zheyun would watch his back in the inner palace for him.