Friends Without Benefits


Callie had only two things on her mind as she descended the stairs - Ryan Worthington and his God given body.

She had seen him this afternoon taking a swim with her brother. Ryan's swim trunks hung low at the waist, and the perfect shape of his pelvic muscles formed the letter V, which she assumed dipped pretty low down to a more heavenly area of his body.

She took a deep breath and stepped into the living room, her t-shirt riding along her mid-thigh as she stretched her arms above her head and yawned.

Ryan turned to where the noise had come from and smirked. "Sorry, love. Was it too loud for you to sleep?"

That was what she admired most about Ryan. He sounded like he actually cared whether the television was too loud or not, but in reality, he naturally had a flirtatious trait as well as a beautiful dimple in his chin when he smiled. Not to mention his London accent, which she couldn't get enough of whenever he spoke at the dinner table.

She shook her head to answer his question and walked around the couch to straddle him. She had completely caught him off guard, and she could see that in the way his crystal blue eyes widened.

"What are you doing?"

She pressed a chaste kiss to his lips, but hands threaded through her hair and pulled her closer until their mouths locked together.

Ryan felt the deep sinking feeling in his chest as he kissed the girl, as if something new was settling there. He jerked his hips and broke away with a heavy sigh when he felt his cock harden beneath her.

"Oh, no," he said, chuckling. "Looks like I'll be needing a cold shower tonight."

She quirked a brow when he made a move to stand up and palmed his chest, pushing him back against the couch.

"You want me to stay," he said, voicing his realization. "I haven't heard your lovely voice since the first time your brother introduced us. Can I hear my name in your sexy, little mouth, darling?"

"Ryan," she practically whispered.

"Yes," he said back to her in an equally small voice. "Now tell me how you want me to fuck you while your brother is upstairs."

Callie looked up at the ceiling where Clyde was asleep directly above them. He had taken her in at the age of fourteen and moved her all the way to London with him after their parents passed in an accident in Egypt where they were studying old ruins.

Clyde was six years older than her, but he was her sole father figure, so she knew what she was getting herself in to when she decided to come to Ryan. It could ruin her relationship with her brother, but it would be the last time she saw either him or his friend for a very long time.

"Like this," she said, tugging at the button of his jeans. She gave him a satisfied smile when it popped off at the slight touch of it. "You must have been holding back for a long time."

He humorlessly laughed. "You have no idea."

She could see the head of his cock peaking over his jeans. He was close enough to her dripping pussy to be able to sink right into her. "Fuck me."

He smiled, tore her panties off and shoved them into his pocket. His smile was replaced with a grin when she stared at him with her mouth hanging opened. "Don't tempt me to fuck you there, too."

She immediately closed it and used his shoulders to push herself up. As if on instinct, his cock twitched in the direction of her entrance and sank into her wet pussy. It was warm and almost too tight to fill half the size of his cock, but she slammed down on him and winced.

It was a miracle he couldn't hear the quiet cries of pain coming from her as she glided him in and out of her. She fell over him, buried her face into his neck and panted into it as she adjusted to his size.

"Ride my cock, love," he encouraged. He heavily chuckled when she moaned too loudly. "You've gotta be quiet. He'll hear us."

"Harder," she told him. Her insides were already sore, and her walls could hardly stretch to accommodate him, but she needed so much more. "Please, Ryan."

He wrapped his arms around her middle then stood before dropping her onto the couch, pounding harder and faster into her. He covered her mouth with his hand when she opened her mouth to scream and shook his head. "Quiet, baby. For me, alright?"

She nodded and pressed her lips together, sealing her moans behind her throat.

Ryan pummeled into her, held her small body in his arms and kissed her countless times. For two years, he had watched Callie in admiration and yearned to feel her body against his. To actually feel it was too surreal.

He grunted into her hair and cursed under his breath when he felt his long awaited released shoot into her. "Fuck, love. I'm so sorry."

She shook her head to ride off his apology and gasped when he fucked her harder into the couch, desperate to get her to her peak.

He stopped long enough to kiss her softly on the lips and ruefully smiled down at her, caressing her cheeks. "You're too beautiful, Callie. Please remember this when you return to the states."

Then he was moving again, jerking his hips in all directions until she was withering beneath him through her orgasm. Her release was long, and when it finally settled from the pit of her stomach to her dripping pussy, she could hardly breathe.

Her fingers ran into his dark brunette hair and tugged at the ends as he reluctantly withdrew from her and pulled his jeans back up. "You came inside me."

"Fuck," he murmured, scrubbing his face with his hand. "I should have been smarter about that."

"You don't even care."

The corner of his lips lifted into a sheepish grin. "Not really. I mean, I came inside you, love."

"It might be some territorial thing to you, but it's a big deal to me," she snapped at him, pulling her t-shirt as far as it could stretch to hide herself. "I'm on the pill for health reasons in case you were wondering if you'd knock me up."

He opened his mouth to apologize, but she pressed her fingers to his lips and shushed him instead.

"Goodbye, Ryan," she whispered before taking the stairs back to her room.

Ryan watched the empty staircase and wondered if she'd return for another round of what they did on the couch, but he heard her door shut and then the water from her shower run.

He instantly regretted his moment of weakness when he realized what he had just done to his best friend's little sister.