Foxy CEO, Love Me Deeply

Chapter 890

In fact, when Qin Xiao was really gouged out a small piece of meat, he did not even say a word.

Zhuang Diandian was so painful that she wanted to roll all over the floor. When she saw her third brother She swallowed the cry again in silence.

Next, all the gang members gouged out the chip!

"Since we have decided to leave, we have to act as soon as possible," he said

Zhuang Diandian lay on one side, holding up half of his body weakly, "you You go first, I'll come to the back of the hall... "

Xu shaoting and Qin Xiao both looked at her and turned back. Xu shaoting said, "my plan is like this -"

Zhuang Diandian has no time to listen to their plan. She just lies there, looking at the stars and feeling the pain of her wrist What a meow! Until then, she began to miss her body full of strong healing ability and the river water of the underground river of her family

She snapped down her forehead and interrupted several people with a "pop".

The three men all looked this way and said, "you want to..."

Zhuang Diandian rushed over immediately, his eyes staring at him, "do you have a map? Show me. "

Looking at her, Xu shaoting nodded "well", took out a delicate hand-painted map and spread it out in front of her. Zhuang Diandian frowned and looked attentively.

After more than ten seconds, she still didn't speak. It was quiet all around. Look how serious she is. No one bothers her.

In this way, and after a while, attack soil moisture Yun can't bear, "what are you looking for?"

Zhuang Diandian said seriously, "where is the south?"


Several people have no way to express something with words, so silently looking at her, all trying to control the impulse to move.

Xu shaoting raised his head and forced himself to calm down. He put out his hand with a smile and pointed to the south, "here."

"Thank you." Zhuang Diandian went to the South and studied it carefully. He said, "although the mountains have become tropical rain forests, the geographical location, longitude and latitude are not different. In other words, the underground river may still be here!"

Xu shaoting was stunned, "you say Underground river

Zhuang Diandian looked up at them with a sly smile: "I have an immature plan."

After listening to Zhuang Diandian's immature plan, the three fell into thinking.

At this time, there are footsteps behind.

Attack soil moisture Yun to turn head, the vision became soft some, "Dian Dian."

"Ah Zhuang Dian Dian subconsciously should a, attack soil moisture Yun immediately frown, suspiciously stare at her.

Zhuang Diandian was stunned and almost forgot that her noble status here is Zhuang Lianlian! It's not a classic!

Xu shaoting glanced at her and immediately understood what was going on. With a faint smile, he said, "it's such a big person. Why hasn't the problem of answering the phone changed?"

Knowing that the boy was trying to make a success of himself, Zhuang Diandian immediately said, "that's just a hobby! I guess it can't be changed! " Then, he secretly provoked big brother.

Xiaobaike really lived up to her trust! Critical moment is to be able to come in handy!

Zhuang Diandian turned around and looked at the world as he approached. It was really wonderful to look at himself for the first time.

Looking at it, she couldn't help exclaiming: "look, how the girl grows! Beautiful, white skin, straight nose, how so rare? The figure is perfect to burst! Tut tut Tut, the beauty of the world

Attack soil moisture Yun to see a monster to look at her, Qin Xiao is also a face of strange, "do you like women?"

Zhuang Diandian said: "third brother, when you face such an excellent and perfect woman, don't you care?"

Qin Xiaoyi immediately said, "Hey, don't make fun of me! Why should I be moved? "

Zhuang Diandian patted him on the shoulder: "no wonder you've been single for so many years. There's something wrong with your eyes! If you look at Mr. attack, he has a unique insight! "

Not only did he attack Yun, but even Zhuang Diandian No. 3 was a little confused. "I said, sister Lianlian, which routine is this?"

Zhuang Diandian immediately patted her hands, "listen to this sound, it's like a little lark."

Dianjie No.3

"I'm not sure."

Xu shaoting coughed twice, came to her and whispered in her ear, "it's almost OK. Don't show too much."

Zhuang Diandian suddenly said, "Oh, yes Only natural and unadorned acting can conquer the audience

Dianjie No. 3 decided to ignore the woman for the time being and said, "what's the matter? Do you want to fight or do you want to fight? Give me a happy word. I'm in a hurry! "

Zhuang Diandian covered his mouth and chuckled. He felt that his words were so kind.

Dianjie No. 3 looks at her coldly, and suddenly has a cold war. How many meanings does this "affectionate" look have?

Xu shaoting looked at Zhuang Diandian seriously, "are you sure there is an underground river under here?"Zhuang Diandian patted his chest and promised, "I'm not sure!"

All of you: --

I'm kidding. These are two worlds! She just thinks it's very possible, which is different from being absolutely sure! In case everyone didn't escape and the whole army was destroyed, where would she go to explain to them!

Xu shaoting is thinking seriously. Although he knows the truth of Zhuang Diandian, no one can risk the lives of these hundreds of people at this point.

Attack soil moisture Yun at this time voice: "I suggest, still act according to original plan."

Qin Xiao also said, "well, at least insurance."

After thinking about it, Xu shaoting said, "well, it's still the original plan."

"She's right. There's a river down here." All of a sudden, the sound of horizontal insertion startled everyone.

Zhuang Diandian turned around and saw that it was a promise. She was a little stunned. "Xiao Yanyan, how do you know? I remember I didn't tell you that! "

Zong promise came over and glanced at her. "Do you remember that I mentioned Zong family to you?"

Zhuang Dian nodded: "of course."

"Then you should understand why I know the secret."

Zhuang Diandian was stunned and then reacted.

Zong promise has cooperated with Zhuo you before entering Zong family. He has investigated Zong family for 7800 times! The secret river is the responsibility of the Zong family. In the world of Zhuangzi classics, the reason why the Zong family settled in hemashan is because of this river. So it's no surprise that Xiao Yan knows the secret.

When Qin Xiao heard the word "Zongjia", his expression also changed. He murmured: "Zongjia..."

As soon as Zhuang Diandian saw it, he was afraid that the patriarchs in this world would cheat the old patriarchs, so he immediately turned away from the topic: "since Xiao Yanyan has said that, then I can tell you very clearly that I am 100% sure that there is an underground river under here! Don't ask me how I know. I've always been a legend

Dianjie No. 3 frowned. Since Zhuang Lianlian reappeared, she felt that the woman had been reborn! Now she becomes Just like myself, Kawaii!

Of course, she would never say that. She was not proud of anything else.

Attack soil moisture Yun is also in the eyes of doubt, but now the situation is urgent, still don't allow him to put Zhuang Lianlian check clearly.

"Good." Xu shaoting suddenly said: "anyway, we have to take risks. Whether we rush out or go to the so-called underground river, the probability of success is half. It's better to fight once."

Qin Xiao looked at Zhuang's classic, "do you say you are a fairy?"

Zhuang Diandian laughed a little guilty, "Internship..."

"Dianjie No. 3 snorted," are you a fairy? I'm still a cactus! Can you choose a reliable image to package yourself? It's very difficult for you to show your skillful acting skills when you are divorced from the masses like this! "

Zhuang Diandian suddenly brightened her eyes, as if she had suddenly found the only confidant in her life. She went over and held Dianjie No. 3's hand. "That's great! Stanislavsky system, which takes "re embodiment based on experience" as the basic content, as the main representative of realistic drama system, has had a huge impact on me! After painstaking research, I found that acting is to make a liar believe that you are not a liar

Dianjie No. 3 was also stunned, and slowly grasped her hand. "As performers, we should be higher than the role, control the role, and perform the role!"

Zhuang Diandian: "I am the role, the role is me."

Number three: "great! I've finally found someone who's like me! "

Zhuang Diandian: "that's right! This society is too impetuous, the characters are too superficial! There are very few people who can be intimate with each other! "

Number three: "sister!"

Zhuang Diandian: "sister!"

A few people all silently looking at these two, attack the forehead of moisture Yun already in faintly jump.

Qin Xiao said slowly: "we are really preparing for a big escape..."

Xu shaoting: "well, that's right."

Qin Xiao: "we are racing against time, right?"

Xu shaoting: "well, yes."

Qin Xiao: "then why do I want to explode in situ?"

Xu shaoting: "don't be so pessimistic. Women like them are rare..."

Qin Xiao: "but let us meet two at once, is life?"

Xu shaoting: "if you believe in cause and effect We must have done something wrong in our last life. "

Qin Xiao: "I'm relieved to say that. Thank you

Xu shaoting: "you're welcome."

Looking at Zhuang Diandian and Zhuang Lianlian's two sisters' deep affection, she said: "Diandian, we should be ready."


Dianjie No. 3 agreed happily, and she took Zhuang Diandian and said, "I still have a lot of questions to communicate with you! It's about the distance between actors and characters. Let's go to the attic with meZhuang Diandian: "good! I would also like to know about the new aesthetic concept of alienation

They went to the attic, and after a while, they heard a hearty laugh

Several people took back their eyes and regained their spirits.

Xu shaoting said, "we need to find the entrance of the underground river immediately!"