Foxy CEO, Love Me Deeply

Chapter 885

Xu shaoting motioned to Dunzi, "take him."

The horse monkey followed the pier and went out. After a while, he heard a cry of surprise: "my God, is this the kitchen? That's how you treat food? You are committing a crime

"Yes, no one will be here without committing a crime."


Soon, from the so-called direction of the kitchen came the crackling sound, many Xuanwu Gang people are curious around the door.

It doesn't take much time. The delicious corn cake is out of the pot now! At the same time, there is also a mix of jam, fresh juice and fruit platter made of coconut meat. In order to enjoy the effect, the monkey also made a lot of decoration with flowers and plants, which was carried into the aircraft cabin and put on the table.

"Master Xu, sister Dian, please use it."

Zhuang Dian's face is straight to the monkey's thumb. It's too revealing to my sister!

The monkey was so proud that his chin almost poked into the sky.

Xu shaoting was also slightly stunned. Seeing that all the brothers were drooling, he vaguely realized that he seemed to pay too little attention to the details in some aspects.

He beckoned for all the brothers to come in and eat together. Everyone cheered and hugged in. When Zhuang Diandian saw it, he was in a hurry! Don't rob I'm a guest Leave me a piece! "

Xu shaoting is still holding a piece of dry and hard Wotou, eating while smiling to see here.

Zhuang Diandian finally snatched half of the cake out, and gave him a generous break, "take it and eat it. Don't mention it."

Xu shaoting looked at her and took a bite. It was really fragrant.

"What kind of world is there?" He asked.

"Although it's not perfect, I still like my world," Zhuang Diandian said with a smile. "It's just like here, but you never give up."

Xu shaoting laughed, "you are a little smarter than you look."

Zhuang Diandian gave him a white look, "you are still so hateful. You always talk about other people's injuries!"

"So, you're looking for the man named Xi Yun?"

"Well." Mentioning Yun Ye, Zhuang Diandian's expression was dim again. "No one here has heard of him, and I can't go out here. If I drag on, I'm not sure whether I can go back to the original world."

Xu shaoting thought about it and said, "I can help you get out of this forest."

"Is that the three gang plan you mentioned in the afternoon again?" he said

He nodded and said: "the people above want us to be dispersed. The three gangs restrict each other. In this way, we can stabilize the forces here without worrying them. So, if you want to resist, you have to join hands! "

"But I don't understand. Since I can predict that you will be unstable, why should I leave you here? Isn't it the end of the trouble? "

Xu shaoting's eyes became colder and colder. He turned to other places and said: "on the surface, it looks like a humanized prison. In fact, it's the behind the scenes gambling house of those rich men! We seem to be able to live in peace here, but in fact, we get it in exchange for our monthly life and death gamble

Zhuang Diandian was surprised, "and this?"

"Rich people from all over the world have participated in this gambling game. They randomly draw the life and death lottery. Whoever they draw will go to the challenge arena. There are three gangs and three people fighting, and only one can live."

Zhuang Diandian smashed his mouth and held it for a long time before he said, "I've seen this movie..."

However, listening to Xu shaoting's own words, I always think it's cruel!

Xu shaoting pulled down the corner of his mouth and lowered his eyes. "Every world has a cold and heartless side. In addition to this place, there are many darker ones..." Looking at her, he asked, "have you ever heard that some poor families are willing to let people shoot themselves as prey for money?"

Zhuang Diandian shakes her head in a daze. These cruel realities are darker than the underworld she is in.

"I don't like this kind of thing," Xu shaoting said bluntly, "so I came here voluntarily."

Zhuang Diandian's mouth has shrunk to O shape. She has been thinking that if xiaobaike makes a mistake, it must be the kind that ordinary people can't do in economy or it! I didn't expect that. I didn't expect that this consciousness is not so high!

Just for this, Zhuang Diandian took his hand and said, "I'll help you!"

Xu shaoting looked at her, "do you really want to?"

"Better than cooked!"

He laughed. "I represent freedom. Thank you."

Zhuang Diandian was about to cry, "you're welcome."

"But for the sake of our great ideal, can I believe that you can keep it secret?"

"Of course!" Zhuang Diandian patted his chest hard, "I'm the most trustworthy partner!"

After giving up his room to Zhuang Diandian, Xu shaoting left the engine room and went to sleep with them.

Dunzi looked at the leader and asked: "is it really good to cheat her like this, leader?"

Xu shaoting closed his eyes and showed a firm smile: "what matters is the result. It doesn't matter how the process is."Dunzi nodded his head, but the leader was a wise man. What he said was reasonable!

In the early morning of the next day, the monkey got up early to prepare breakfast for the hundred people.

Compared with the Qinglong Gang, the people of Xuanwu gang are more orderly and polite. Everything is semi militarized management. At first sight, they are some elite soldiers!

It's rare for everyone to have a big breakfast that makes people want to cry. Everyone is very grateful to the monkey. The monkey intuitively didn't do anything by himself, so it was a little embarrassed that everyone was so grateful.

Zhuang Diandian looked at the horse monkey's sharp hands and feet, and had a preference for food. He couldn't help thinking of prawns. Also because of his love of food, he stayed at Zong's home and studied with the second eldest brother.

Seeing that Zhuang Diandian was staring at himself with a gloomy smile, the monkey had a cold war, "Dianjie, what are you laughing at?"

"Nothing, just a friend. Ha ha His name is also very interesting. His name is prawn

The monkey suddenly raised his head and said in disbelief: "prawn is my brother..."

Zhuangdian was also surprised, "can't it be such a coincidence?"

The horse monkey was completely convinced that she was the fairy, so he had to kowtow to her on the spot! Zhuang Diandian also thinks that fate is very delicate. He is surrounded by some acquaintances.

After breakfast, Xu shaoting, on the ground that Xuanwu Gang needed kitchen talents like Mahou, kindly left him, and let Dunzi accompany Zonghe and Zhuangdian on their way.

Before leaving, Xu shaoting said: "I don't know much about the Zhuque Gang, especially the leader of the Zhuque gang. He is very mysterious and wears a mask every time he appears. I always harass our two gangs when I have nothing to do before. Like Qinglong Gang, I don't care about this woman. But recently, the number of harassment has decreased significantly, and I don't know if I'm secretly planning something. "

Zhuang Diandian: "didn't you send someone to stare at me?"

He said with a wry smile: "the rosefinch Gang is close to the waters, and there is a natural cliff between them. It's not so easy to keep an eye on them! It's easier for Qinglong Gang, but Qin Xiao doesn't seem to have this kind of consciousness at all. " Then he shook his head. "He's also a man who doesn't want to make progress."

Zhuang Diandian asked again, "the undercover head office."

Xu shaoting did not speak and looked at her silently.

Zhuang Diandian suddenly responded, "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that you are all men in the gang."

"That's why I need you more." Xu shaoting said seriously: "this time, it's up to you to lobby the three gangs to join hands! I believe that you will accomplish this arduous task! Because you are Zhuangdian

In a word, the small universe of Chuang Dian is about to explode!

"Yes! I'm Zhuang Diandian

With such self-confidence and awareness, Zhuang Diandian set out on his way.

Xu shaoting looked at the back of the three people who had gone far away, smiling slightly.

Behind him is the monkey in the collection of what you want to eat, the crowd is in high spirits, to eat all reported up. The monkey finally came to him and said, "master Xu, do you have any favorite food?"

Xu shaoting said with a gentle expression: "I don't need to. I'll make them what they want to eat."


Xu shaoting came forward, patted the monkey on the shoulder and said, "I really don't know how to thank you for what you have done for us. You will become the first person to change the development and changes of Xuanwu Gang's food, and your achievements will be recorded in the history of our gang! This kind of seemingly small, but in fact the big thing, only you can do! Because you are a monkey

The monkey was tearful when he said that he didn't do anything great, but from Xu shaoting's mouth, he thought he could save the whole universe!

Wipe dry tears, he said: "Xu Gang leader, you can rest assured, do not change the food standards of the gang, I will never leave!"

Xu shaoting smiles happily, "I believe you."

The horse monkey left with a small notebook.

when Zhuang Diandian was walking on the road, he was surprised to see everything. After all, he seldom went to the tropical rain forest, and he still went for a picnic. If you have a camera, it would be more perfect!

Dunzi was very stiff all the way. He was not very satisfied with taking on such a job.

From time to time, Zonghe used a magic trick to make Zhuangdian laugh, "OK, you're good at it!"

"That's it! I haven't done anything else for a few months here. I study how to do magic every day! "

Dunzi sniffs, playing with things and losing heart!

Zhuang Diandian walked over and hooked up with Dunzi. Dunzi was disgusted and pulled her hand aside. "Just talk. Don't move your hands and feet. I'm different from the leader. I'm not a casual man!"

Zhuang Diandian was stunned, "Yo, your boy's hair is all grown now, isn't it?" She slapped in the past, Dunzi holding his head, "how can you hit me again?"

"Beating you is to let you remember that you dare not talk back to me in the future!" Zhuang Dian pinched his knuckles.

Dunzi just opened his eyes, Zonghe advised him: "Oh, you can't beat Dianjie again. Why should you be strong? It's up to you to suffer. "Dunzi stares at Zhuang Diandian, points at her, and slowly moves to Zonghe's direction Then turn around and walk to the front.