Foxy CEO, Love Me Deeply

Chapter 876

Even Locke is a little strange. It seems that King Kong, who is not afraid of death, has been dealt with by Zhuang Dian in three or two times!

Zhuang Dian Dian is the old God said, who let you not be a corrupt girl?

The news from King Kong is that anhydrous is a small place that I don't even bother to mark on the map. Maybe it's just the size of a grocery store, maybe it's at the east end of the village, maybe it's just around the corner. After Zhuang Diandian threatened once more in close range, King Kong didn't carry it and provided detailed coordinates.

With it, you can find anhydrous, find the attack moisture Yun!

Excited, Zhuang Diandian patted Vajra on the cheek as a reward. "That's good."

After writing down the coordinates, she immediately asked, "where are my two friends?"

"I don't know."

King Kong is a man who would rather die than surrender. The eyes that he looks at Zhuang Diandian are full of the post-modern meaningless spirit of seeing death as if he were home.

"Oh, I'm still arguing with my father, right?" Without saying a word, Zhuang Diandian shows his thighs directly!


Vajra's eyes closed tightly. "Are you still a woman?"

"I'm not, you are!"


Locke also frowned, slowly don't open his face, to be honest, if King Kong didn't hate women, he would never do so.

"Say it or not? If you don't tell me, I'll take it off... "

"Shit! &%#@¥%…… You're going right away, aren't you

"It must be!" Zhuang Diandian put his clothes in order. "Don't be unkind. It's your nature to see my aunt's delicate skin!"

Even dare to scold her!

King Kong didn't even look at her. He picked up the walkie talkie on the desk and yelled, "bring those two bastards who broke in here!"


Zhuang Diandian sat down and his impression of the King Kong was not so bad. Although Zong's family affairs have something to do with him, I know that Ya is a spoiled child. The rebellious period is a little long. I just want to brush my sense of existence by doing some bad things.

After all, it's just a lack of security.

She stares at the man opposite and says slowly: "I don't despise the love between the same sex, but if I want to be unconventional, it's a bit silly."

Vajra not angry said: "my business is not your turn."

"Well! When I say it in vain I have to pay more attention to the stall of Chuang Dian Dian.

The room became a little quiet. After a while, King Kong looked at her and asked, "don't you hate me?"

"Hate you? A kid who doesn't even know what he's doing? " Zhuang Diandian waved, "I'm not as naive as you."

"Who do you think is naive?" King Kong stands up and stares, which seems to be his pain.

Zhuang Diandian laughed, "when your family is destroyed because of you, you will know how ridiculous you are."

Vajra did not speak again, and his brows were locked. Some words he didn't know, but this was the first time someone told him.

There were footsteps outside, standing at the door and saying, "young master, I've brought you."

King Kong raised his head and looked at them. "You have a chance to kill me."

Locke stood up, raised his lips and said with a smile, "not everyone is worth my life." Then he turned and went out.

Zhuang Diandian came to King Kong's ear and whispered, "he's a famous killer! You don't have seven or nine figures. You want him to kill? Boy, you are asking too much! "

No more talking, Zhuang Diandian patted him on the shoulder: "don't be rebellious, don't be used, and don't become a joke in other people's eyes."

As soon as King Kong was shocked, he looked at the figure she was leaving. The pistol he had held in his hand had never been raised to her

Seeing Chou Tian and Zongyin, Zhuang Diandian came forward with a smile and whispered, "have you two been..."

You know, when I came into the house just now, I saw the picture of chungong, which was quite exciting!

The corner of Qiu Tian's mouth twitches for a moment, does not speak, turns round to walk.

Zongyin's face is not very good-looking, in Zhuang Diandian's questioning just know, they were directly sent into a big room, where face closed are men! And they are all pretty men. I want to know who these people are for!

But some men saw that they were new comers, and even sneered at them, warning them not to play tricks - if Zong Yin hadn't stopped them, baobuqi and Qiutian would have killed them there!

Zhuang Diandian was stunned. This is more wonderful than gongdou opera!

Meeting Zhanfeng and Xiaohe, six people rushed through the corn field, found the RV, and quickly got on and drove away from here.

Inside the villa, King Kong stands on the balcony and his eyes move away from the telescope.

Thinking about what Zhuang Diandian said just now, I feel thoughtful.

At this time, behind someone close to the phone. King Kong took it, and there came a slightly cold voice: "I heard something happened to you there."King Kong was very disgusted and frowned. "Mu cold maple, you are bold enough to put your eyes on me!"

"It's for your safety."

"Go to your mother's safety!" Vajra had a strange anger, and let it out to him. "Don't think that if I promise to cooperate with you, you can control me. No one dares to step on my head and take a shit!"

"Oh?" Mu Lengfeng's attitude is light, "what did they say to you?"

He is like interrogating the prisoner's tone, completely angered King Kong, "Mu Lengfeng, listen to me! From now on, all the cooperation will be void! "

Just about to hang up the phone, he thought of something and warned: "if you dare to involve other people, I will not let you go even if I die!"

When he dropped the phone, he stood there pinching his waist, panting to calm his anger.

An arm like a snake wrapped around his waist, and then slowly climbed to his chest, about to go into his clothes, he grabbed the hand.

"Get out of here!" He didn't look good. He threw his arm away.

Behind the man a Zheng, very Zhiqu disappeared.

after entering the coordinates into the navigation, Zhuang Diandian quickly displays the detailed address.

"An old temple in Niuwei village? Where is Niuwei village? "

Locke glanced at it and said, "in D City, it's more than 300 kilometers, about three hours' journey."

"Why do you choose to keep people in such a humble place?" he asked? What do they want to do? "

Qiu Tian: "lead us to the bait, want to catch us?"

Zhan Feng: "that was just a good opportunity to start. It's not so easy for us to leave."

Everybody nodded. It's true.

In any case, Xiaohe did some investigation before he determined that this place has always been an ordinary small village, located in the mountains. After comprehensive analysis, he came to the conclusion of safety.

Just in case, Zhuang Diandian contacted the family nearby to provide support when necessary. During this period, Xu shaoting called, and Zhuang Diandian couldn't hide it any more. After he answered the phone, he had to train again. However, Xu shaoting also understood her feelings, and with Locke, he could rest assured that he would report any situation as soon as possible.

After everything was ready, a few people were in the car, and the driver was Xiaohe.

Zhuang Diandian squinted for a while. When he woke up again, they had arrived at Niuwei village.

"To cross this mountain is Niuwei village. In order not to scare the snake, we can't take a helicopter." Locke's equipment on his back, and let us choose some simple belt, after all, mountain road is very physical.

Xiao he had a heavy backpack on his back and complained in a low voice, "after rescuing the attacking hall leader, you must ask him for reward! It's too hard! "

Qiu Tian and Zhan Feng nodded and agreed.

On the mountain, it was already more than three o'clock in the afternoon, when the sun was just hot, everyone was sweating, and their physical strength was seriously overdrawn.

After walking for almost two hours, Locke asked everyone to have a rest and find an open place to settle the dinner on the spot.

Xiaohe sat down on the ground and couldn't get up any more. "I can't I can't get up... "

Locke took out all the things in his backpack and handed them out to everyone. Zhuang Diandian always felt sorry, and she asked everyone to help.

Locke sat next to her, looked at her and said, "have you ever thought that you might never find him again?"

Zhuang Diandian was stunned and shook his head instinctively.

She had never thought about it, and it would never happen!

Locke didn't say anything more. He stuffed the food into her and ate quickly.

After a rest of more than ten minutes, a few people continued to drive. Although the mountain road was not easy to walk and the journey was very hard, for these strong people, it was a stretch.

When night fell, they finally arrived at Niuwei village.

When they entered the village, they felt a sense of desolation. The village is not big. There are about ten families at most, but there are only two or three sporadic families with lights on. The rest are black and uninhabited.

Xiao he swallowed and said, "how can I I feel a little cold? "

Qiu Tian looked at him: "then you should be careful. Female ghosts like to look for you."

Xiao He was so scared that he turned white. He stood there and didn't dare to walk any more.

Zhuang Diandian stares at Qiu Tian and goes to pull Xiao He, "don't listen to him. If there is a ghost, you will find Zhan Feng first!"

Xiao He immediately laughed, "right!"

Zhan Feng silently looked at Zhuang Dian, "I seem to have come to the wrong place."

Zhuang Diandian quickly accompanied him with a smile, "I'm not praising your talent!"

"Don't you think it's a little strange?" Zongyin said: "we have come to now, let alone people, even the barking of dogs have not been heard."When he said this, Xiao He was afraid again, "no, I'm not in the ghost village..."

Zhuang Diandian slapped him angrily: "can you be a little promising? Don't talk in the middle of the night

Xiao He was a little bit aggrieved, "but it's really gloomy here!"