Foxy CEO, Love Me Deeply

Chapter 868

Xu shaoting: "if everyone's circumstances and track are different, they will have different lives. The essence of Zhuo you is not poor and ferocious, but he is just as persistent as Zhong Yao. "

"So, you mean Stay? "

Xu shaoting said, "well," and Zhuang Diandian shrugged, "I'll listen to you."

She is such a person, as long as the decision will not think too much, anyway, things will not change with your sentimentality, why bother.

"But let him forget the name." Chuang Dian Dian said, "my uncle's name is Zongyin. He will be Zongyin in the future."


Xu shaoting goes back to Zong. They continue to talk. The atmosphere is good. He is very happy to learn that his name is Zongyin. He takes this name as his new starting point in the world.

Xu shaoting asked, "how long will it take us to reach the ground?"

Zong Yin replied: "at least four hours. That's the fastest speed. The place where the submarine cracked is just a simple repair. It won't last long. It's OK to arrive before that. "

"Well, it's hard for you."

"That's what I should do." Zongyin was modest and grateful.

Fortunately, no other strange things happened along the way. Finally, we passed through the upstream safely and reached the ground safely.

"Here it is! Here they are

Someone on the bank exclaimed, and soon uncle and Furong and others arrived. Seeing them, they were all relieved, "great, I'm afraid you'll have an accident."

Zhuang Diandian didn't have time to say hello, so he immediately asked, "how are you? Did the unionists show up after I left? "

"No Furong said: "they are still afraid of Daoge."

"That's good."

As there was no extra anti radiation clothing, the clan was temporarily placed underground. Zhuang Diandian met with Taoist brother to discuss when to leave. In the meantime, she got a message.

"What? They're fighting with the punishment camp? "

Daoge nodded and said, "just last night, the whole hemashan area was under martial law. There was no traffic and no route allowed in the air. The five elders gathered a large number of people and beat the people in the punishment camp to pieces, and detained dozens of people from each other. Now, they've re back in charge of hemashan. "

Zhuang Diandian was filled with feelings.

They should have been ready for this for a long time, but they never told her

Although these old men usually don't look down on anyone, they have to fight occasionally, but they have admirable loyalty to the family.

"How is it now?"

The Taoist frowned and worried a little: "at present, it's not clear what the attitude is. If they still insist on attacking the clan, the clan, including the five elders, will never have a chance to turn over."

After listening to the classics, Zhuang's heart was raised.

After saying goodbye to everyone, the Taoist took them to the helicopter.

As the Taoist priest had already reported to his superiors about the attack when he arrived in Lop Nur, all his helicopters became the focus of monitoring and protection, so he left without fear.

After a few hours' flight, they returned to city A.

Back to the familiar city, although it was just from underground to the ground, it was a big circle, and everyone's mood was very complicated.

When she comes to elder Mu's home, Xu shaoting and her son meet Mo Xiaoju. She is still here to heal her wounds.

"Mom..." Xiao xuanzi's pronunciation is now very accurate. Mo Xiaoju was moved to cry, "son, how are you ugly again..."

Xu shaoting laughed, "what's ugly? I think my son is very handsome! "

He carefully checked her injuries, which are all trauma, as long as we rest for a few days. He looked up at her and said, "how many times have I told you? When I'm away, I can't do anything! Why don't you just listen? "

Mo Xiaoju held her son and wiped away her tears. Then she opened her eyes and eyebrows with a smile and said without raising her head: "I didn't try my best, just because I didn't like them very much. By the way, she said hello to the other party's ancestors."

Xu shaoting was angry and distressed. As for her temper, he didn't feel at ease for a day! In the future, nothing can be said that she can no longer leave her sight.

After the family of twenty or thirty families were settled here, Zhuang Diandian finally got in touch with several elders.

She was making a video call with her mobile phone: "where are you now? Why don't you answer the phone? "

The serious face of elder Mu appeared on the screen: "we are still negotiating."

"Negotiation? With whom? "

At this time, the mobile phone was snatched by the water elder. As long as the old man in the picture, with half of his beard burned off, half of his eyebrows burned off, and his face dirty, stands there and scolds, "these kids don't know the heaven and the earth! I'm running here! If we don't teach them a lesson, we really think that Laozi grew up a vegetarian! "Zhuang Diandian asked anxiously, "elder water, are you all right?"

"Nothing!" "We are occupying the top of the mountain now," the water chief said in a heroic voice

Zhuang Dian Dian's eyes almost stare out, "you..."

"Here! Tell me

The mobile phone was snatched by Mr. Jin again. He saw two rows of big golden front teeth that Mr. Jin was most proud of. He was stunned to see that there were two missing teeth. He felt that he was leaking at any time.

"Ha ha!" He laughed wildly at his mobile phone and said: "I've been so exciting for decades! Ha ha - I don't care what company you are. I'll tell them where they come from and where they go! "

Zhuang Diandian's brow twitched faintly, and his intuition seemed to be a little big.

"Come on, give it to me, let me have a word with the big boss too!" Soon, the mobile phone was taken away by the fire elder. His face became red. He was blown by the mountain wind these days. His hair was in a mess, and his eyes were shining. "We will never let the family's foundation for hundreds of years be destroyed in our hands! Want to sweep the river? Then step over the bodies of some of us! "

Zhuang Diandian quietly wiped the cold sweat on her forehead, her upright fire elder! She has always been a calm fire elder! Why is this painting style now?

"Well Elder, let's calm down first. Can you tell me what's going on now? "

"I say it!"

Elder Tu took the mobile phone and yelled: "back then, our family started in hemashan. Who in the world didn't know the name of our family? Now they are bullied by a group of foreign demons? Do you think there is no one in the family? "

Zhuang Diandian's mouth twitched, "elder Tu, please calm down and tell me --"

after she asked, she heard five people over there discussing:

elder Tu: "in my opinion, come to them at night and be cruel!"

Fire elder: "ha ha I think so! "

Water elder: "do you want to broadcast live all over the world?"

Elder Mu: "then make it a little bigger, and cooperate with the United States and the embarrassed situ to connect the scene!"

Elder Jin: "that's it!"

The cell phone signal was suddenly cut off.

Zhuang Diandian took a deep breath, turned around and left without saying a word, "shaoting! Second uncle! Locke Come home with me

when they drove to the area near hemashan, there were roadblocks ahead, and people from a security bureau and a security bureau were standing there, indicating that the area needed to be bypassed.

Zhuang Diandian and others didn't reveal their identity. They haven't found out the situation here for the time being. They don't know whether there is a clear decision to deal with the frame up before the punishment camp.

Just when they decided to leave first and then think about it, someone poked his head into the car and said in surprise: "you You're not the person in charge of the family stockade, Miss Zhuang! "

Zhuang Diandian raised his head subconsciously. When he saw the man, his eyebrows closed up: "director Liu?"

Originally, it was director Liu who took Interpol to Zong's home that day. Zhuang Diandian didn't like him at all. "Why, director Liu wants to arrest people here?"

"Oh! Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding Director Liu quickly explained: "Miss Zhuang, you are back. I have sent many people to find you, but there is no news These days, we are looking forward to the stars and the moon. We are looking forward to you at last... "

When he said this, his eyes were slightly red, "these days We haven't had a whole night's sleep... "

Zhuang Diandian looked at him warily. All of a sudden, she was so emotional that she didn't know how to accept the play.

Xu shaoting sat in the driver's seat, put down the window and gave director Liu a smile: "director Liu, we just want to go back and have a look."

"Look! Of course I have to see it! " Director Liu immediately ordered his men to let go, but he immediately got to the front of the car, with a bitter nose and tears, "you go to take care of it quickly! The five old men made a mess here, but we didn't dare to move one of their hair, so we had to guard here day and night... "

At this time, Zhuang Diandian pushed the door open and glared at director Liu, "director Liu, what do you want to do? Let's just say it."

Director Liu was so excited that he took her hand. "I thought Miss Zhuang could go and persuade them to stop making trouble and come down from the top of the mountain! We can't stand it

Zhuang Diandian wondered, "what happened to them?"

"Alas With a heavy sigh, director Liu said, "to tell you the truth, someone deliberately planned the previous incident of the assassination of the international criminal police. We also obeyed orders and had no choice. But later, I didn't know. Suddenly, the tone of voice above changed. I ordered that the punishment camp and the Federation of trade unions should be strictly investigated and everything related to them should be banned! "

"I just did what I was told and started to clean up. But what I didn't expect was that the five elders of your family didn't believe it. They said it was a conspiracy. They wanted to solve it in their own way