Foxy CEO, Love Me Deeply

Chapter 145

Attack soil moisture Yun is swimming, suddenly low roar a, seem to be leg pulled tendon, struggle a few times will go to sink.

"Yun Ye" Zhuang Diandian was in a hurry, so she ran over and jumped into the river without thinking about it.

but after jumping down, she found a very serious problem, that is, she can't swim.

"Gulu" she drank a lot of water, and her limbs were struggling in the water, and her body seemed to be dragged down by something.

At this time, a pair of hands to hold her, has been holding her out of the water.

Chuang Dian Dian panted and hugged each other's neck eagerly. He leaned against him and trembled.

Attack moisture Yun a pair of eyes hot stare at her, the voice is dumb, "if I let go, you can fall down.". So... " Close up and say in her ear, "hold me tight."

Zhuang Diandian seems to be bewitched, and subconsciously hugs him.

She didn't react until the dull laughter in her ear rang out. She was cheated by this guy. Suddenly, she was furious, "is it fun? You think it's interesting to see me jump down to save you even though I'm like a fool, don't you? "

The more he said, the more he was wronged. Zhuang Diandian's eyes were red. He wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand and glared at him. He didn't admit defeat.

Hearing her words, his eyes gradually changed, his hands against her back, by the buoyancy of the water, hold her, the line of sight just against her chest.

"Well, I know you love me. Don't cry."

"I To whom does he meow love you? " Zhuang Diandian's reaction was very big, and he wanted to raise his hand, but he found that he was going to sink away from him in the water, so he had to hold his shoulders tightly and stare at him: "Yun Ye, self-confidence is a good thing, overconfidence is sick"

he just lifted one corner of his lip and put her closer. Their bodies were separated by a thin layer of cloth, and the warm water made them friction more and more hot ……

"You are my medicine." His lips and tongue suddenly bit on her earlobe, not heavy, but a little painful.

Like being struck by lightning, Zhuang Diandian was so excited that he was both inside and outside.

"How come you're biting me again She tried to push him away, but with a little movement, they were unstable, and she could fall at any time

almost instinctively. Zhuang Diandian clamped his waist with his legs and held his hands tightly, for fear that he would sink into the water.

"Well..." A comfortable sigh.

Zhuang Diandian was stunned, and his eyes were fixed on the man's face.

She felt the physical contact between them in the water

it seemed as if it was possible What's changing And it is more and more intense change

she dare not move, killed no longer move

at this time, attack soil moisture Yun some resentful eyes Piao to her, "have already been like this, do you have the heart?"

Crouching trough

Zhuang Diandian stared at him in disbelief, "attack master, don't talk nonsense, will you? Where are you from What's going on? "

For fear that her language understanding ability is limited, the half body of Yi Yun in the water deliberately reminds her in a small range, "why, can't you feel it? Do you want me to... "


Zhuang Diandian's face was about to bleed, biting his lips, and his voice changed, "young master, I'm wrong. Shall we go ashore?"

"No," she said, as if she was addicted to playing, holding her hands below her waist. With the buoyancy of the water, she didn't seem to be struggling. On the contrary, with the speed of the water, she looked more Bambi jumps wildly.

Good pollution

Zhuang Diandian couldn't bear to look directly at it, but he still had to discuss it, "Mr. Yun, this bath is OK today. You must be hungry. I'll treat you to Japanese food"

his smile was a bit amazing, "I want to eat, drop and eat you." He said.

Zhuang Diandian didn't dare to move. He said with a smile, "my tendons taste worse. It's better to eat some sashimi. It's delicious and fresh. I'll let you eat it once and think twice..."

Ignore this wench's mouth poor, attack soil moisture Yun decision, still living a better life.

Without even saying hello, his face was buried in the arms of the woman opposite.

"Ah --" this scream, with unspeakable shyness. But for men, it's an invitation, it's a catalyst

the girl's skin in her arms has become very delicate, and she's walking down her palms, and she wants to pinch a few, pinch a few pieces of blue and purple

this kind of trembling psychology in men's bones is very obvious, especially for the women she likes, she wants to split her into pieces and eat her stomach

in fact, she has a lot of feelings At least, he was in his early twenties. He was full of blood. She could not help crying and hugged her more tightly, so that she could feel how much he would rush and move You stop... "

Although there have been several times of such extreme ambiguous experience before, I can't say why, this time it is particularly strong

perhaps because in this closed natural environment, it seems that there is only him and her left in the world——By the way, there's a missing egg.

"Can't stop," he said very simply, and changed to hold one hand, the other hand straight into the head.

Zhuang Diandian's body suddenly became stiff, and he did not know what to say or do to stop him.

as his hands began to damage, he also chose the place where she had the least resistance. Zhuang Diandian's face was already very red, and his breathing frequency changed. He held his hands on his shoulders, and his fingers were eager to dig into the flesh.

he heard her helpless voice like crying Sound, attack soil moisture Yun also feel oneself want to explode. But he is to take care of reason, must not be in this period of time wanton, so, can only let the stupefied that more unbridled.

Her eyes began to blur and lax.

She has no experience, neither has he. But in this kind of thing, men obviously have more talent than women, which is the instinct that women can't envy.

he knows how to make her tremble, where to make her explode, and the rhythm and frequency that she can't resist, so he easily made her surrender.

Zhuang Diandian fell on his shoulder, as if he had lost his soul.

Just now She dreamed that she was sitting on a roller coaster, high and low, and wanted to scream in excitement

"do you feel good?" He asked, with suppressed laughter.

Zhuang Diandian suddenly woke up from her dream. Looking at the man in front of her, she suddenly screamed: "ah -"

Zhuang Diandian has never been humiliated like this since she was young. She is the CEO of tangtangmiaojie Dianjie Dianjie and the future listed company Ali's mother. She has not opened the seal yet. She is so original that she can no longer be original. She is in the water Used by this guy in the water Just give it to

Ah, let her choke on the durian cake. He doesn't care about her psychological activities at all. He just hugs her tightly, bites her earlobe, and says, "you feel better But I haven't yet... "