Foxy CEO, Love Me Deeply

Chapter 1156

After all, Zhuang Diandian looked at the two men with a pair of eyes that wanted to explore the truth!

Although he was facing her, Zhong Yao's jaw was tightening. At last, he turned to her and said, "the truth is not what you think..."

Zhuang Diandian: "that's..."

Church: what's that like

Chuang Dian Dian was shocked to see church. The tone of questioning seemed abnormal!

Yu Xin is beside, the corner of his mouth is smiling, it seems to say: am I right?

Zhuang Diandian raised his eyebrows. It would be unconvincing to believe it or not.

However, if this happened to Zhong Yao, it's not surprising. He's a man and a woman, just like him! As for Church

Looking at this man who is more beautiful than Zhong Yao, the picture of the two best things in the world together really makes her want to revenge on the society.

Qiu Qi glared at Zhong Yao and gritted his teeth: "you said, you said you would always be with me!"

"Si ~" Zhuang Dian takes a breath. What else can I say this time? This is the seat of chiguoguo!

Zhong Yao couldn't stand him. "Get out of here."

"You --" church was insulted. He pointed to Zhong Yao and said, "if I knew you were such a person at first, I would promise you..."

Zhong Yao seemed to have had enough of it. He suddenly widened his eyes and said, "go away!"

Church stepped back and shook his head in disbelief. "You You've never done this to me before... "

He's good-looking, which can make people look like they want to comfort him.

Zhuang Diandian couldn't see it any more. He came to speak for him: "Zhong Yao, no matter whether we are hostile or not. I think there is something wrong with your attitude towards church! At least At least it's yours Cough, huh? You can't turn your back on people! "

Church nodded: "that's the reason!"

Zhong Yao kept taking a deep breath, his face was hard to see the extreme smile: "he is my what? Make it clear. "

Zhuang Diandian looked at the two people nearby and lowered his voice: "he's not yours Close love? "

It was not only Zhong Yao's eyes that were about to burst into flames, but also church was stunned. Soon, he reacted and quickly grabbed Zhuang Dian: "wait a minute! Hold on, hold on! I beg your pardon? Close love? With whom? What about him? "

Zhuang Dian was asked a little bit by his series of questions.

"Hard Isn't it? "

"Miss, are you here to be funny?" "I don't like men!" church glared at her in disbelief

Zhuang Diandian was stunned. He looked back at Yu Xin, who was just like nobody, enjoying the beautiful rocks around him.

Zhong Yao also looked at her displeased: "what are you thinking?"

Zhuang Diandian swallowed his saliva. "Just now, church was like a resentful woman. He said that you two were not in this kind of relationship. Who believes that?"

Chuchi rolled his eyes to her and said, "your mind is so impure!"

“……” Zhuang Diandian was depressed.

She's not pure? Is this the rhythm of a fight?

Qiu Qi looked back at Zhong Yao and said, "let's ignore her and talk about our problems first -"

as soon as his voice fell, he heard a low voice: "are you finished?"

As soon as church stagnated, he turned his head and saw Mu Lengfeng, who came back to life, and a beautiful face of flourishing age, he was cold. "What's the matter with you here? If it weren't for you, would we be what we are today? Don't think my father likes you, you can ride on my neck to shit! I tell you, I'm the king here, king! Do you understand? "

Zhuang Diandian blinked his eyes and simply sat down next to Xi Hanyun to watch the play.

The damage power of Tong Tian and Jin Hua is not ordinary. If it is not for the temporary protection of Jin Hua, who can withstand more than ten lightning strikes? What a villain that must be!

Zhuang Diandian came to him and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Yun, what do you think?"

"What do you think?" He finally slowly opened his eyes and asked suspiciously.

"What else? Of course, these two people... " Zhuang Diandian nodded to Zhong Yao and Qiu Qi.

"Attack soil moisture Yun boring rolled a white eye," if you can control to send a few, less attention to this kind of no nutrition gossip, your academic performance will not be so bad

"Can we have a good chat?" Zhuang Diandian couldn't help looking at him: "swearing doesn't expose shortcomings! I can't study well and it doesn't hinder me from growing up

More than the heart in the next to take a leisurely: "is growing a bit too strong."

Zhuang Diandian's mouth twitches twice, so don't talk to these two people. It's better to concentrate on the performance!

Mu Lengfeng looked at Qiuqi coldly. His attitude was just like that on the grassland. He didn't pay attention to him at all! Even though, he already knew that he was the "King"."Your relationship with him is long over."

"Oh, we were good before! He promised me that he would always accompany me. That's why I choose to believe him With his teeth clenched, church could see that he was always worried about it.

Mu Leng Feng wants to say something more, Zhong Yao Shu Er says: "even if my goal is your position, what I promised you at the beginning is true."

Church suddenly froze, staring at him, for a long time did not say a word.

The style of painting became more and more wonderful. Zhuang Diandian really couldn't understand it. She simply asked, "what's the matter, church? Love and kill? But not a lover? "

For a long time, Qiu Qicai said: "he promised me to be my lifelong friend."

Zhuang Dian's eyes widened: "that's it?"

Church looked at her with disdain: "otherwise?"

"Well Ha ha, nothing, nothing, friend, of course, friend To be honest, Zhuang Diandian really can't understand them. After making trouble for a long time, are you just friends?

But, no! He didn't feel how angry he was when he was being abused. Instead, he was hysterical for such a "friend"!

Zhong Yao then said, "if you hadn't summoned that evil thing in your body to kill me, we would have come this far?"

Qiuqi said angrily: "who brought it first? Can I help you? Don't forget, this island is what it is because of you

"Yes, I did. However, I want to borrow his strength to become the king here! But I'm not going to lose you as a friend! "

It sounds like there is nothing wrong with church!

He couldn't help warming up in his heart, and he didn't have so much anger on his face. Just as he was about to say something more, he suddenly managed his mood and said in a cold voice, "if you want to force me to leave, I have to thank you?"