Foxy CEO, Love Me Deeply

Chapter 1119

Yu Xin doesn't dare to be careless any more. She always stares at the opposite woman.

She thought that if she chose the best one, she could protect Chuang Dian for a while. But who knows, she kicked the iron plate!

Damn it!

This is too powerful!

Yu Xin knows that she can't accept the monster in Zhuang Diandian's body by herself.

The person opposite seems to have seen through her mind and said with a smile: "my good elder martial sister, if you will kneel on the ground and hold my thigh and beg for mercy, maybe I will consider letting you go."

Yu Xin, who is also a typical loser, spat and sneered: "it's not July 15 yet. Is it a bit early to daydream?"

"Ha ha..." After a burst of Jie Jie's laughter, Zhuang Diandian's face suddenly changed, as if on the eve of brewing a storm, cold and frightening!

"In that case, don't blame me."

The words fall, Zhuang Diandian's body shape suddenly darts to the air, suddenly leaves the ground ten meters, darts to the highest point, then pours down, the speed and the strength can be imagined!

Yu Xin's reaction was quick, and she immediately jumped away. She didn't dare to be careless any more, and then she was in the spirit of 120000!

You know, the cost of her negligence may be Zhuang Diandian's life!

After all, her previous life was a demon, her favorite woman.

So, even if it is to fight this life, she must protect her!

"Come on! Let me see what you've learned over there! " Yu Xin threw away the two bags and mobilized his whole body to meet them.

Two people such a collision, mars hit the earth like, sparks countless.

It is undeniable that her younger martial sister is really powerful. When she studied together in those years, she was described as a rare genius in thousands of years, and loved by her seven aunts and eight aunts!

However, the little girl did not go the right way, greedy, but fell to a bad end. Since then, the whole sect has kept this girl a secret. Unexpectedly, after a hundred years, she appeared in such a form!

Although she is a martial sister, Yu Xin doesn't like her very much. They have been fighting since then. It's not too much to say "enemies meet".

They just pinched each other. Unexpectedly, their way was so primitive that people wanted to laugh.

At the moment, Yu Xin turned over and pressed on Zhuang Diandian. She grabbed her neck with both hands and cried, "I'll strangle you!"


After all, she just got the body, and the people in it didn't adapt to it, so she got the upper hand. So she coughed desperately and said with red eyes, "I think you're looking for death!"

Another tumbling, Zhuang Diandian "rode" to Yu Xin again, swung his fist to her face and hit her, "go to hell!"

Yu Xin is good at blocking it. Without thinking about it, she pulled out her hair again and said, "remember? Who gave me that beautiful long hair to cut off? "

It seems that she really hated it. She went to pull Yu Xin's hair and asked fiercely.

I cried out in pain: "Damn it! You crazy woman, let go

"I also want you to taste what it's like to be a bald man who is ridiculed by everyone!" Zhuang Diandian's hands were clenched tightly, and his eyes almost glared out.

"Shit! I'll catch you, too! "

Yu Xin's hand reached out to her and grabbed Zhuang Diandian's hair.

"Ah She let out a cry, and her hair hurt.

Although the body is someone else's, I feel it's my own. The pain is so clear that I haven't felt it for decades!

"Let go!" She cried.

My heart is also red, "you put it first!"

"I don't want it! You first

"No, not at all!" Yu Xin starts to be ruthless. He doesn't care what he says. He wants to force this woman out!

"Good is good!"

"Come on!"

"Come on!"

They are rolling again, the hair grabbing and the clothes grabbing. That scene Old blood.

Zhuang Diandian was tortured to be unkempt. Her face was blue and purple. Her clothes were full of mud, and several buttons were torn off. She didn't care if her skirt was wide open. She just wanted to beat her heart until she took it off!

More than heart is to fight, say what also can't let this woman arrogant go down, even if she is her seven big aunts and eight big aunts masters clean up the door!

After a lot of tearing, Zhuang Diandian's hand gained the upper hand.

She slapped Yu Xin twice, then drew out the dagger and put it against her artery Little elder martial sister, you lost again. I'm about to forget. How many times is this? "

Yu Xin gasped, gnashing his teeth with hatred, "come back if you have the ability!""I don't want it." By the way, Zhuang Diandian learned to sell a cute one, but he could see that his heart was fighting a cold war.

"It's up to you to kill or whatever!" I don't want to open my face. It's just a perfect performance of looking at death as if I were going back to my hometown!

She stood up, raised her foot and stepped on Yu Xin's back, smiling: "elder martial sister, you are really bad. You haven't defeated me after so long. What qualifications do you have to stay in such a beautiful world?"

She bowed her head and lowered her voice: "and I want to tell you a little secret In fact, what I like is not her, but your body... "

My heart suddenly stagnated, as if thinking of something, "you Did you follow me to this island

She laughs again, but the answer hasn't been announced, but Yu Xin's heart already has a number.

If this is the disaster of Zhuang Diandian, it must be her.

"Don't worry, elder martial sister. I will take good care of your body and use it well Ha ha... " There was a howling laugh in Zhuang Diandian's throat.

I'm biting my teeth. I've been trying to ask for myself! Zhuang Diandian sneers. He doesn't know when he has a rope in his hand. Before the other party responds, he throws it out in time and wants to bind Yu Xin.

Yu Xin's reaction and skill are just like Zhuang Diandian's now. They were trained when they were chased and scolded! She grabbed the other end of the rope with her backhand and froze with Zhuang Diandian.

"Don't you want to see my strength?" Yu Xin sneered, "no problem at all!"

The strength of his hand suddenly increased, and he suddenly dragged Zhuangdian, and almost fell in place! In addition, there are still traps in the original place, and the whole atmosphere becomes heavy and serious.

"That's it?" Zhuang Diandian's sarcastic voice once again attracted Yu Xin to change his face.

"Well, I'll show you the real one."