Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 980

She said anxiously, "I can explain..."

"What can be explained?" Yan shiting asked without expression, "say you didn't use unfair means to compete?"

She bit her lower lip. "I..."

It's impossible for her to leave the thunder group. She has to come in and never leave!

Even if she was demoted to an ordinary staff member, he would not threaten, she would stay.

"When you were able to enter the design department, it was highly recommended by Gu Zihang." Yan shiting micro squint, "you are a bit of beauty."

The look in her eyes was very clear, which implied that she had obtained Gu Zihang's recommendation and falsely claimed his credit with her beauty.

"No..." Li Yajing's eyes were red with anxiety, "Mr. Yan, you believe me, I'm not that kind of person. For the sake of growing up and growing up together, please don't say that and think about it... "

"What do you think I think?" He asked sarcastically.

"I'm not the kind of woman who sells her body." Her face was full of excitement, tears streaming down, "I am still a virgin, my innocence has been left to one person."

Yan shiting was not interested in knowing who she was going to leave her virginity to. She gave her a cold glance, "are you growing up with me? You deserve a servant's daughter? "

She turned pale and said, "I'm..."

Although he has always been very fierce, cold as ice, from small to large, she and his distance is also very far, but he never said that.

He looked down on her naked.

"I know I don't deserve you..."

He sneered, "do you still want to match me?" Bingsen's male voice is cruel and cruel, "you don't even deserve to lift my shoes!"

"I know you misunderstood me, that's why you said that." Her face is white, tears flow, "I and Gu Zihang director is innocent."

"I know something about Gu Zihang's character. He is very noble, but he can't be bought by money. Money, you don't have it. The body may be looked upon

"It's not like that!" She repeatedly denied, deeply afraid that he would misunderstand, "Gu Zihang, an old man in his fifties, how could I be with him? I'm sick of trading. It is his son who likes me. He has a retarded son who pursues me. In order to curry favor with me and let me be his daughter-in-law, he let me enter the company. He left his post because of illness, and then let me take the credit to be the director of the design department. I really have nothing to do with him, and nothing to do with his son! "

In fact, Gu Zihang did not flatter her at all.

His retarded son didn't chase her either.

How can a mentally retarded person chase a woman?

It was she who deliberately approached his mentally retarded son in his twenties and made friends with him Slowly mature, only then let that mentally retarded take her to take care of home.

Pretending to be willing to marry the mentally retarded, Gu Zihang was certainly very happy, and there was no reason to stop him.

Only worried that she would not, afraid of wronging her.

As a matter of fact, Gu Zihang also advised her to consider it clearly and not to delay his whole life for his son with insufficient IQ.

It was she who swore that she really liked his son.

Gu Zihang, in order to take care of his son's girlfriend, knew that she was looking for a job and was a professional in design. Thunder group was recruiting people at that time, so he got her into the company.

After that, Gu Zihang was in poor health and had to leave his post because of illness.

Did she take credit for putting forward the Lantian project?

After all, it doesn't matter if the director leaves the post. , the fastest update of the webnovel!