Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 974

"Ha ha..." "Chief engineer Cheng is really humorous."

Compared with the big screen, it showed many netizens' comments, "Miss Yang Xi sent the examination room monitoring when participating in the drawing to the Internet, and the majority of netizens saw chief engineer Cheng finish the drawing in ten minutes. Now tens of thousands of netizens have left messages saying that chief engineer Cheng has the strength to crush Yang Xi. It's no wonder that she gets such a high salary. Countless netizens are convinced of you. What do you think? "

Thank you She didn't know what to say except these two words.

"You still have a huge bonus of 1 million yuan in this grand prize, which is an exceptional promotion and reuse of the company. Are you excited? " The host is still asking questions.

"Well." Although there was no expression on her face, she nodded.

The host had a few conversations with her.

Yan shiting sat on the seat with dignity until Cheng yingxuan got off the podium.


In a commercial house in jinghongyuan, Mu Yufeng watched the local TV station broadcast the award ceremony of thunder group's elite design competition on TV.

After seeing Cheng yingxuan's drawing works on the Internet, he knew that the grand prize must be hers.

Xuanxuan has never let him down.

As for Yang Qian, she is not at the same level as Xuanxuan in terms of her life experience and ability.

It's also a pity that the Yan family regards the rotten goods with the surname Yang as their treasure. It's better to continue!

Xuanxuan is his admirer of Yufeng!


On the road outside the thunder group company, the security guard put Yang Xi on the RV that Yanjia stopped on the roadside.

"You go first." CEN Sufen waved to the security guard, "I'll take Yang Qian to the hospital."

"Yes, ma'am." The security guard left respectfully.

When the door of the saloon car was closed, CEN Sufen sat in her seat and said coldly to Yang Xi, whose eyes were closed in the nearby chair, "there is no outsider. There is no need to install it."

Yang Xi opened her eyes, but her tears were still on her face

"Don't you say you must win?" CEN Sufen was so angry that she almost twisted her face. "I followed the invigilator in the morning to see how hard Cheng yingxuan lost! You'd better not only lose to Cheng, but also steal other people's works, and end up being sued by an original lawyer! "

"I'm sorry I'm sorry Yang Xi was also very unconvinced. "I really don't know that the architects who charged me money asked them to help me with my work, but they even stole other people's..."

"You say it!" CEN Sufen long face, "should not spend money to ask others to modify! Don't you know, let alone embezzlement, even if it is to ask someone to modify it, it is not qualified to participate in the competition! "

"They took my money and said it was my original. I didn't expect it would be like this..."

"All right, all right!" CEN Sufen heard more angry, "the last time you played golf, you were called Cheng yingxuan grandma milk. This time, Cheng yingxuan won the elite design competition. She also wanted to kick her position as the chief engineer. Now her chief engineer is more and more stable! What do you say? "

"I will definitely try to get her out of the company!" Yang Xi gnawed her teeth with hatred.

"Well, Cheng yingxuan is not an oil-saving lamp at all, and From this design competition, it seems that there are some skills. If you want to get her away, she is still under the protection of shiting. I'm afraid it's not so easy. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!