Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 965

Because with the level of her works, she had to find a world-class designer to revise it. Even if she painted it on the spot, she would just redraw it according to the pattern she had recited a thousand times in her memory.

It is impossible not to win a prize for a perfect work after revision.

At least we can get the first place.

The first prize has been won, so don't guess, she must have won the grand prize directly!

Xu Jiahao came to the stage and said, "I'm very excited to get the first place today. Thunder group has hidden dragon and crouching tiger. It's not easy to stand out among the many elites. I will work harder to serve the company. "

A reporter on the scene asked, "Mr. Xu, I heard that you have been in the thunder group for more than six years. Three years ago, you became the deputy director of the design department. The newly promoted director of thunder group is said to be Li Yajing, a newcomer who has just been employed for less than a year. Are you willing to step on your feet for a younger generation? Li Yajing won the third prize, and you with the first result, strong ground down her, obviously, her level is far from you. Obviously, you are above Li Yajing in terms of design level. Do you think it is fair for your company to promote her to director instead of you? "

Xu Guohao didn't expect the press conference to ask such questions, and immediately froze.

Almost all the other employees in the company were silenced.

"Who invited this reporter?" Vice president Ren Bozhong asked the secretary next to him.

The Secretary shook his head. "I don't know. I don't know. I don't think it was invited by our company."

Ren Bozhong said in a low voice to Cen Sufen on one side, "Oh, can it be the person invited by the company of Mu Shao?"

"It is very possible that the Yan Family and the Mu family are in the same boat." CEN Sufen nodded.

"What can I do..." Ren Bozhong worried, "if Xu Guohao's answer is not good, it may affect the company's image of fairness and justice."

"I can't do it. I'll kick the reporters out of here..." CEN Sufen suggested.

"A group of journalists, so many cameras, and still live on TV, I'm afraid it won't work. It will only make things worse... " Ren Bozhong is full of worries.

He is responsible for today's award ceremony. If something goes wrong, he will be miserable.

Fortunately, Xu Guohao quickly replied, "there are so many rising stars now. I believe there is a certain reason for the company to promote Li Yajing to director."

Li Yajing was questioned and took the initiative to stand up. "As a member of thunder group, although I am a younger generation, I have been conscientious and hard working. It's my honor for the company to promote me to director. Some of the entries were well performed and some were not. Although my prize was not as good as that of deputy director Xu, but I also won the third place, which proves my design ability, which does not mean that I am not suitable to be the director. So, please don't be so aggressive. "

"Director Li is very clever and discerning." The reporter said, "as far as I know, many people in the company have opinions on promoting you to be director. It is said that you have used special means. Is there such a thing? "

Li Yajing angrily said, "I rely on my personal ability, absolutely no so-called means. Of course, I'm sorry to have robbed deputy director Xu's position as director. However, people go up, water flows down. Anyone in the workplace should have an enterprising heart. Everyone wants to be promoted , the fastest update of the webnovel!